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Hestia and Percy appeared in her room and quickly laid down. As she drifted, she dreamed of Percy. But this time, her dream was different. It was seductive. Percy couldn't move, yet couldn't sleep either. He knew the girls didn't really mean it. But he was still a little mad. Hestia giggled in her sleep. He smiled. And kissed her forehead. With that she moaned. He turned and held her as sleep finally came.
Percy woke first and saw the Vestal Virgins staring at him.
"Oh gods." He mumbled. One stepped forward and looked at him. She couldn't have been more than four. She jumped onto the bed and tackled hestia.
"Mamma?" She said shaking the goddess awake. Hestia opened her eyes and smiled at the girl.
"Good morning Alex." She mused. After a moment her eyes grew big as she sat up.
"What happened to Percy!" She yelped. Percy took her hand.
"Hestia, I'm fine." She relaxed then took notice of the girls surrounding the bed.
"Is their something wrong, girls?" She asked. They nodded.
"We want to say sorry." Alex said to Hestia. Hestia turned and looked at the little girl who looked at Percy.
"We are sorry." She said. Percy smiled.
"Thank you, it means a lot that you all came to apologize." He said.
"We were afraid you were going to hurt our mistress. She is a sister to many of us, and a mother to Alex. We couldn't let a man hurt her." One of the girls said.
"I understand. But, I would never hurt your mistress. Nor would I any of you. In fact, I would do my best to protect you." He said. Hestia smiled. Alex patted Hestia's shoulder.
"You chose good." She giggled. Hestia kissed the girls head.
"I think I did." She mused.
"We can't say we trust you, yet, all of us have gone through many things in our lives. Most were done by males." The girl explained.
"I swear to you, what's your name?" He asked.
"Jillian, I'm the High Priestess of the Vestals." She explained.
"I swear to you and all of the Vestal Virgins I won't hurt Hestia, or let anyone hurt you. If anyone does...." he paused. The older girls nodded in understanding.
"Thank you." Jillian mumbled.
"Ok girls, I think you have some tending to do." Hestia said. They nodded and ran off. Alex hugged Percy.
"They may not see it yet, but your a good man. I like you." She said. Hestia smiled and joined the hug.
"Alex, how about you go to the living room and pick out a movie. Percy and I will be out in a moment." Hestia said. The girl nodded and ran off.
"She's sweet." Percy said. Hestia nodded.
"The youngest of my girls. Her stepfather was abusive and killed her mother. He nearly got away with murdering and raping her had I not stepped in. But he got away before I could get him." Hestia explained. " She has become the closest thing I have to a daughter." Percy hugged her.
"What was the creeps name." He asked.
"Gabe." Hestia answered. Percy froze.
"How many years ago?" He asked.
"About two."
"Can anyone survive being turned to stone by Medusa?"
"Yes, but only if someone with magic freed them. Why?"
"Do you know the guys last name?"
"Ugliano." Hestia answered. Percy growled and got out of bed. He flashed on a fresh change of cloths.
"Percy whats wrong?" She asked.
"That bastard put my mother through hell, he was turned to stone by Medusa's head. If he is free, I'm going after him. The fact that he nearly got away with raping a little girl..." Percy paused. " I'm going to kill him." He mumbled. Hestia looked at him. She saw the hate flowing through his eyes.
"Be careful." Is all she could say. He kissed her cheek before flashing off. He appeared in Hecate's cave and saw the goddess-witch, sitting in a throne.
"Hecate!" He called. She looked at him.
"Percy Jackson, the newest god." She mused.
"I need a tracking potion." He said.
"It's gonna cost something?" She asked horridly.
"What." He growled. She thought for a moment.
"A favor." She said. " A favor that I can cash in at anytime."
"Fine, I'm looking for Gabe Ugliano." He spat. The witch approached a large glass. She placed her hand on it. The glass shimmered.
"I can't tell you where he is, but I can show you where he is going." She answered. The glass showed a map. On the map, was a glowing building. Not just any building. His mom's.
"Mom!" Percy said panicked. At that moment he realized he hadn't gone to see her since he left camp.
"Be warned Perseus. He is aided by a god. A god of the Underworld." She cackled. Percy flashed to his mother's building. Something was stoping him form flashing inside. He busted in the door and ran up the stairs.
"Whore!" He heard a man call. " Where's the brat!"
"Far away from you!" He heard his mother yell.
"Tell me!" Gabe yelled.
"Go to HELL!" She screamed. Percy ran for the door. As he tried to enter, a barrier stopped him.
"Mom!" He yelled.
"Percy!" His mother met his eyes. Gabe grinned sickeningly. And stabbed her in the stomach. " AAAAHHH!" She screamed as he through to the ground. Percy's eyes turned golden.
He glanced around the room and saw his mother laying next to the pale body of his step-father. His anger over took him. The earth began to quake. Gabe looked at him shocked and in fear. The invisible barrier shattered and Percy stepped in. He grabbed Gabe by the throat.
"You said that you would protect me!" He yelled. Their was a dark laugh.
"Perhaps." A dark voice echoed. Gabe's eyes grew large. The with a flick Percy's wrist the mans head spun around. Percy let the body fall. He ran to his mom and took her into his arms. She placed a blood hand to his cheek and smiled.
"My handsome boy." She murmured.
"Apollo!" Percy called. But the sun god didn't come. " APOLLO!" He cried.
"P-Percy, n-nothing can s-stop this." She struggled. Blood ran from her mouth. Percy's tears fell onto her face.
"I love you." He said.
"I l-love y-you t-t-too." She struggled. Her eyes darted to the hallway. "P-Please, w-watch h-her." Percy nodded as her chest stoped moving he laid her on the wood floor and walked into the hallway. He walked into the side room and saw his sleeping baby sister. He scooped her up, causing the baby to cry.
"Shh." He soothed. "It's gonna be ok, Atalanta." The crying stopped as she smiled at her older brother. He walked into the the living room and snapped his fingers. Suddenly he was standing in the Olympian throne room. His mother and stepfather's bodies were laying on the white stone floor beside him. The gods appeared.
"Sally!" Poseidon cried. Hestia walked over and began stroking Percy's arm. Hera walked over. She tried to take Atalanta from him. He drew his sister closer to him but still didn't speak.
"What happened?" Athena asked rudely.
"One of the Underworld gods aided in the death of my mother." He replied. Hestia forced him to look at her.
"Percy, give your sister to Hera. Your adopted mother." She ordered softly. Her voice was like soothing charmspeak to him. He carefully handed the bundle to his godly mother. With that, he collapsed to his knees and sobbed. Hestia kneeled and drew him close to her. In front of the entire council she held him as he sobbed. Hera had tears flooding down her cheeks from seeing him in such a state, just as Hestia had. Poseidon shrank to his son and former lover.
"We will immediately launch an investigation. But Percy should be taken to his palace." Zeus said.
"No, he will go to Hestia's. As will I." Hera said. None of the gods argued.

(Authors note)
Considering the last chapter was shorter than normal, I figured why not post two.
I would also like to thank the people who stuck with this story. If there is anything in particular you'd like to see happen, leave a comment and I will see if I can incorporate it into the story.

Until next Sunday.

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