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"So your married to Hestia?" Anubis asked as Percy finished his story. Percy nodded. The Egyptian god smiled slightly, but something was hidden in his eye. "Tell her I said hi. We where good friends in the years the Greeks stayed with us."  Percy knew instantly there was more to the story than that, and found a flicker of jealousy burn in his stomach. He glanced at the god but smiled and nodded.

"Annabeth, how could you cheat on Percy?" Sadie asked harshly." Annabeth looked down.

"Look, I'm not proud of it-"

"-But we're past it." Percy cut in.

"Now that you're caught up on our lives. What about your's? And How did you know we where looking for Zeus?" Percy asked curiously.

"Well, Carter and I have been teaching magicians here. Chasing down a few rouge gods. But nothing to big." Sadie explained.

"Annabeth contacted us a few months ago. She asked us to keep an eye out for any Greek magical traces. She said she'd explain later." Carter said. Annabeth smiled at Carter slightly. Zia's eyes narrowed subtly. She shifted and leaned against Carter, causing him to slid his arm around her.

"Ok, I gotta ask." Nico said to Sadie. "Are you dating two different people?" Sadie laughed slightly.

"Yes and no. Egyptian gods need a host so my boyfriend, Walt, is the host of Anubis. They both love me and I love them. It's confusing, so don't try to think about it to hard." The blond said tucking a piece of her violet dyed hair behind her ear. Suddenly, Anubis shifted back Walt.

"What do you know about Zeus?" Annabeth asked remembering why they came. 

"Our defensive magic system went off yesterday. Someone tried to break in. He wasn't Egyptian but he was to powerful to be a demigod. So we called." Percy sighed.

"Thank you." He half heartedly said.

"We didn't have to call you." Zia grumbled.

"No, he didn't mean it like that. It's just Zeus keeps evading the Olympians." Annabeth cut in.

"Every time we think we have a lead, it's nothing much to go off of." Percy Agreed.

"I may be able to locate him." Sadie voiced. "I found your camp once. It's just a matter of pinpointing Zeus." Percy tried not to get overly excited. The girl stood and moved to the middle of the room. She closed her eyes. The amulet at her neck glowing slightly. "Sun-ah" her voice echoed. She opened her eyes, revealing them to be glowing. She gained a slight rainbow aura. It flickered as she seemed to struggle. Zia stood, rushed over, and took Sadie's hands.

"Sun-ah" They said again. This time Zia glowed orange. After a few moments they stopped and where breathing heavily.

"It's going to take a little longer than I thought. Sadie said leaning against a wall for support.

"Percy, you head back to Olympus. I'll IM you if they find anything." Annabeth said.

"Thank you Sadie. Really." He said before flashing to his palace. Hestia was peacefully asleep while Atalanta was sprawled in the bed. Percy chuckled quietly while he walked out of the palace and to the Throne room. Over time, his throne felt less and less foreign. Now it was merely another chair. Granted, it allowed him to connect with all places within his godly domain.

The next hours went by quickly as Percy tried to locate Zeus using the comfortable seat. He was pulled form his concentration by Hera and Hestia. Two aura's he could now identify from over a mile away.

"We have a lead on Zeus." He said.

"How?" Hera asked quickly.

"A few years ago Annabeth and I ran into two Egyptian magicians. She reached out to them a few months back and now they're helping us locate him."

"Egyptian?" Hera asked surprised.

"Yes." He opened his eyes and looked at Hestia.

"I'm supposed to tell you, Anubis says hi." Her eyes grew huge.

"Y-You talked to Anubis?" She asked.

"Yes." Percy noticed her worry.

"Oh. T-That's nice. How is the little Death head?" Hestia said regaining her composure.

"Death Prince?" Percy pressed.

"A little nickname from when the Egyptian gods allowed us sanctuary from Typhon." She explained briefly. Percy didn't look satisfied but begrudgingly left it. He looked at Hera.

"Zeus tried to break into the Egyptian Nome in Manhattan. Any ideas as to why?" Hera was quiet for a moment.

"Well. We all abandoned Zeus after his defeat by Typhon. It was one of the few calls I made that I didn't regret. Typhon would have easily wiped us out." She paused. "Anyways, after Typhon was defeated. Zeus came and got us. He was furious, but kept his powerful image in-front of the Egyptian Leader, Osiris. They didn't get along, for a few reasons. Zeus despised the fact that Osiris helped us. It also didn't help that Osiris was one of the few beings I nearly left Zeus for." Hestia laughed slightly.

"Let's be honest. Osiris was quite the charmer." Percy gave his wife a jokingly hurt look. She rolled her eyes. "Not as much as you Merboy." He gave her a large smile before looking back at Hera.

"How does that have anything to do with why Zeus would try to get into the Nome?" He questioned.

"Well, this was right around the time Osiris and Horus where fighting the god of of the desert, Set, during one of his tantrums. So Zeus maybe trying to get Set's help. Then again, He may just be after anything to make him more powerful."

"Hopefully Sadie can locate Zeus soon, and we won't have to worry about his plans."

"Have you decided what you'll do? When we get him, I mean." Hestia asked.

"Tartarus is to risky. We've had to many close calls in recent years. With beings being freed. I see no other choice but to find a way to fade him." Percy explained. Hera smiled wickedly.

"After the first coupe failed. He held me over Chaos itself. I say we do the same. If he tries to get free, he plummets into oblivion." Percy watched as both Hera and Hestia gained evil looks.

"Something like that would have to be presented to the council." He said. Hera crosses her arms, but nodded.

"Let me know if they find him." She said before disappearing. Once She was gone, Percy looked at Hestia.

"So. You want to explain why you got really uncomfortable when I mentioned Anubis?" Hestia chewed in her bottom lip.

"Well...." She paused. A beautiful woman appeared in the throne room. Her light brown hair billowed in a non existent wind while her dress glittered with every color ever.

"Percy, Annabeth is trying to get a hold of you. But I can't seem to connect a message. Something blocking me."'

"Must be the Egyptian magic." He said before nodding his thanks. Iris disappeared. He rushed to Hestia before kissing her cheek.

"I should probably go check that out."

"I'm coming with you." Hestia said quickly. Percy nodded before taking her hand.

Hestia's PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now