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"Flame Queen!" Anubis shouted in an excited tone. Hestia beamed at the pale god before the two embraced each other in a hug.

"Death Prince!"

"I never thought I'd get to see you again. Not after Zeus took you all from Egypt." Percy watched the exchange with a shocked look on his face. Annabeth gave him a confused glance.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we have a location on Zeus." Sadie stated. Hestia and Anubis didn't seem to notice as they where locked a quiet conversation. She clenched her fist. "ANUBIS!" The god jumped before sending her a charming smile.

"Sorry Sadie. It's just been a really long time." Hestia turned to look at Percy, who looked annoyed.

"You mentioned Zeus?" He asked. Sadie nodded equally annoyed.

"We tracked him to Elise Island."

"Great. If we hurry, The Council can take him down before dinner." Hestia said happily.

"Wait." Zia ordered. "It is not that simple."

"We sensed other forms of power their. Not just Greek, but Egyptian to. A powerful spell is keeping us from seeing which Egyptian gods are their." Sadie explained.

"So we go in together." Anubis crossed his arms considering. "Zia, Carter, Sadie, and I. And then You, Hestia, Annabeth, and Nico."

"That could work, but we must hurry." Percy agreed. Anubis turned to Hestia.

"If your willing to fight, of course. I know you're usually peaceful." He lightly took her hand. Hestia blushed slightly when Anubis gave her a charming smile.

"I'll go get our magic stuff." Sadie growled as she walked out. The Egyptian god turned and ran after his girlfriend. Percy looked at his wife, trying to hide his jealousy.

"Percy-" she started.

"-Please go to the council. Tell them what we know." She nodded before disappearing. Annabeth touched her friend's hand.

"It's ok." She assured him. Percy shook his and smiled.

"Let's just get Zeus." He pulled away from her and crossed his arms. A few minutes passed before Sadie and Walt walked in. Sadie looked annoyed and Walt looked angry.

"So. Elise Island?" Walt asked. Sadie handed Carter and Zia a few items.

"How we getting there?" Carter asked.

"I can transport us." Percy said. "We'll have to be quick. The sooner we secure the island, the less chances Zeus has to flee."

"Ok." They all replied. Percy looked at the Kanes and Zia.

"Thank you all." The nodded. Percy looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. The snap of his fingers echoed through the Mansion. He felt all the auras of the magicians and demigods fade. When he opened his eyes, he was alone. His eyes scanned the surrounding area. He was standing on a dock. A dome of energy shimmered slightly around the island. The early morning sky was cloudy, making the world seem dismal and hopeless. He sensed a powerful aura on the other side of the island. Riptide appeared in his hand, which he kept to his side. Slowly making his way across the island, passing a large building he heard a voice carry from across the near deserted island.

"You lost to a fledgling god!" The remark was followed by multiple snickers.

"Quiet Kek, our old ally is in need of aid. Even if he did, foolishly loose his power." A sly voice ordered

"My wife, my children! They all betrayed me. My own sister's and Brothers." Zeus groaned. "I have no one else to turn to."

"You choose us because you think we'll help you storm Olympus." The sly voice chuckled. Percy neared a small clearing, after passing the Immigrant building.

Hestia's PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now