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"We don't have a choice!" Athena shouted.
"If the plan fails, we'll all be punished." Demeter countered.
"He's already incapacitated Poseidon, what if he plans to strike another out of his way?" Hestia asked, gripping Percy's hand tightly. Hera stood from across the table she waved her hand. A mist like sparkle fell from her face, revealing bruises.
"He's not afraid to make us suffer. None of us alone are strong enough to stop him." Everyone stared in awe. Hestia gasped.
"Than we fight." Annabeth agreed.
"Yes, their is no doubt that Zeus is unfit." Reyna nodded.
"We'd be better off fighting him alone. I'm strong enough to." Ares said arrogantly. Percy rolled his eyes.
"Poseidon was one fo the big three, He didn't stand a chance." Hera growled. Percy stood abruptly. Every member of the coupe looked at him.
"What's bigger, five or one?" He asked. His allies looked around confused.
"Five." Ares hissed. Percy held up five fingers with his left hand, with his right he held a fist. He shook the fist for a moment, while saying,
"One." Athena smirked at his logic, understanding what he was saying. "Sure, anyone of us could fight Zeus for our own reasons. He would win, though. But, if we unite together, fight him as one than we have the advantage. One army united, with one purpose."

Does anyone get the reference? Comment if you do.

"Solid logic." Athena said, subtly blushing when Percy looked at her. Hestia stood immediately and placed a hand on Percy's fist, which now sat on the table.
"I'll stand with you." Hera stood next, then Annabeth. Athena, Apollo, Artemis, and Hermès followed In suit. Reyna looked at Frank, who nodded. They both stood. Slowly the entire room was beginning to stand.
"One Army, United." Ares repeated as he stood.
"To Percy!" Athena called, looking to Hestia. The goddess of the hearth snapped her gaze to her fiancé. Seconds later, the entire room followed.
"Nyx, Erebus, Aether, And Hemera have cursed Zeus's throne. At my command, chains will bind him their and will not break."
"He will summon the monsters loyal to him." Annabeth interrupted. Percy was silent.
"The demigod's, and the hunt will hold back the monsters." Percy looked at his Uncle. "Uncle Hades, do you think you could let the army of the dead help them?" He nodded.
"The sea will hold as long as we can. Once Zeus is toppled, than we will have the upper hand." Amphitrite said.
"Percy, don't think your facing Zeus alone." Hera scolded.
"He won't." Hestia said abruptly. "I am the oldest of us all, accept Aphrodite. I am strong enough to fight." Percy shook his head.
"I won't fight as well, knowing your in danger. You should take care of the wounded until apollo can help." Hestia scowled.
"You'll not banishing me to the side lines. I won't sit by the fire while you all fight!" She shouted. Percy sighed.
"He's right. If your there, it's an unnecessary distraction." Athena argued, looking into Hestia's eyes. "I'll help Percy." Hestia's normally calm eyes flashed into violent storms of fire.
"Both of you enough!" Percy growled. "Ares and Artemis will help me." Athena frowned. Percy sat and closed his eyes.
"When will this coupe take place?" Hestia quietly asked while sitting down.
"Three days. On the third day, I will enter the throne room with Artemis and Ares. That's when the rest of you attack. After everyone had gone, he placed his hand on Hestia's, she drew it away and disappeared. Percy let out a frustrated groan before attempting to appear in her palace. But when he did a barrier stopped him. He found himself on the porch. He grabbed the door knob, only for the door to glow and not budge. He looked down and slowly made his way to the abandoned park. Their he sat and watched water spew form the ornate fountain. It got colder as night drew in until a thick blanket of snow was forming. Zeus was throwing a temper tantrum again. The snow on Olympus was different. It affected the gods. A chill ran through Percy, as he continued to sit and watch the freezing water.
"You can't sit out here and freeze." Athena said sitting next to him in a grey parka.
"Athena, can you just stop? I am happy with Hestia and nothing would make me think to leave her." Athena shrugged.
"She doesn't seem to be happy with you right now. Even if I was mad at my lover, I couldn't let him freeze."
"I deserve to." He murmured. Athena locked her hand with his.
"You care about her. It was the right thing to do, not letting her accompany you." Percy pried his hand from her's. "Come back to my Palace for some coffee." She offered.
"I've a palace of my own." Athena huffed. Slowly the snow storm become worse and worse. Percy concentrated on his palace, but something was negating his power. It had to be the snow, he thought. Before long, all Percy could see was white. He didn't notice his skin turning a pale blue. A frightening thought occurred to him. What if Zeus new of the plot and was using this to weaken the gods? He began thinking of Hestia and the warmth she radiates. How she always smelled of burning wood and s'mores. How her hair was soft and fell through his fingers like water. He fell to his knees. The question of, what was this snow? Popped into his head again. He had never heard of the gods speak of it. Slowly he felt himself get colder and colder until he lost feeling. Slowly as his eyes dropped, he began to think again of Hestia. Then, just as his eyes closed. They snapped open. He sucked in a deep breath and found himself in the bedroom of his Palace. He relaxed realizing the snow was a dream. He knew it was midnight thanks to his powers over time. All he wanted was to feel Hestia against him. He felt empty without her. After slipping pajamas on, he left his palace. And made his way to Hestia's. The moment his feet touched the porch, he noticed the door open.

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