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The first half of the day was slow. History, math, English and then chemistry. Lunch was welcomed by not only Percy, but all the gods and demigods. Percy sat down at the table with all the other demigods and gods. Just as he was sitting down Sarah rushed over, shoved Hestia out of the way and took the last spot.
"Move." Percy growled.
"Only if you promise to come to my Party tonight."
"No, now move." Percy persisted.
"Only if you come." She slipped her hand into his inner thigh and began snaking upward. He stood ubruptly and walked over to a different table with Hestia. The Gods and demigods began watching Sarah with hate filled gazes. The dark haired girl promptly walked over to the couple, spun Percy around and sat on his lap.
"Come on. If you say you will come, I'll leave you alone." Percy shoved her off causing her to fall onto her butt.
"Fine, know leave us alone." He and Hestia quickly walked back over to the Gods and sat down. She smiled triumphantly and walked off.
"You aren't really going?" Hestia asked seriously. Percy scoffed.
"No. I can spend my night doing things oh so much more fun. Like watching a movie with you." He said putting their foreheads together. "And Alex, And Atalanta." He whispered, brushing his lips to her cheek. She smiled.
"PDA, Mr. Jackson." Professor Hart growled from his perch on top a table. Percy rolled his eyes and popped a grape from his plate into his mouth.
"Percy! Slow time for the mortals!" Zeus shouted in Percy's head. On instinct, the god raised his hand and everyone, that was not a demigod or god, froze. Both he and Hestia looked up and found Artemis storming into the cafeteria.
"That MALE groped me! He deserved getting turned into and ant!" She shouted. Thalia jumped up and ran to the goddess.
"Look, we all need to make a pact. None of use our powers while this little experiment is in the works." Zeus stated. Artemis looked ready to explode. The king of gods looked around the table. "Everyone swear on the Styx." Begrudgingly, everyone swore. Thunder shook the sky. Artemis stormed off and Thalia sat back down. Percy snapped his fingers and everything returned to normal.
"So, Percy. What classes do you have next?" Annabeth asked. Percy smiled.
"P.E, Greek, and then Study Hall."
"I meant to ask you this morning. You graduated, why are you even here?" Annabeth laughed.
"My mom is forcing me." Percy nodded and turned to hear the last bits of Hestia and Hera's conversation.
"Hestia, What name are you going by?" Hera asked.
"Hannah." Hestia replied. The lunch bell rang loudly. Everyone stood and walked out of the large lunch room. Hestia interlocked her and Percy's hands.
"I finally understand what Jillian was complaining about. This place sucks. I just want to sit in my Palace and be with you." She groaned. He laughed.
"Yeah, this place is awful." The two walked down the hall and into the large gym. A bald man with a large nose and gym shorts that were way to small, paced in front of the bleachers. In his pudgy hands was a clip board.
"Ah, Mr. Jackson." His voice echoed.
"Mr. Redmond." Percy said as they neared the man. With in five minutes, twenty teens were standing in a line. After roll, they were dismissed to change. Percy quickly slipped on his gym shorts and shirt.
"So, Jackson, you think your girl would be open to a second guy?" One of the boys teased. Ignoring him and the other taunts, perch walked out. Two minutes later Hestia walked out of the girls changing room. They all lined up the half court line.
"Our first unit is over a simple game, known as Dodge Ball." The large man said as he through two netted sack of rubber balls onto the court. "Team captains, Ryan Nolls, and Percy Jackson." Percy walked to the left side of the court while a blond walked to the right. "Ryan, first pick." The coach said as he began placing the balls in a line, dividing the room.
"I'll take the new girl." Ryan pointed at Hestia." Percy growled quietly as she walked over to Ryan's side. By the bed of the selection, the teams were even, 20 to 20. The coach blew his whistle. Red rubber balls flew around the room. Percy his two kids while Ryan and his team took out most of his team in a few minutes. Percy dodged and jumped over the flying objects. Percy chuckled one at Ryan, the blond boy jumped over it. Hestia smirked and bat her eyes as she stood in front of Percy with her hands behind her back.
"Your not gonna hit me, Are you Percy?" Her voice was intoxicating to him. He didn't notice the ball fall from his hand or that she had one in her hand. The ball hit him dead in the chest.
When the last bell rang the gods all met up in gym.
"Why is this meeting being called?" Aphrodite asked. Zeus smiled.
"Well, we are all going to a party tonight. We all need to loosen up and enjoy this break." Aphrodite clapped.
"Do any of you object?" Zeus asked. Percy glanced at the gods. Most had lustful looks in their eye, obviously thrilled with the idea. The goddess didn't seem to care, accept Aphrodite who was bouncing around like a pinball machine. No matter what he or Hestia votes it wouldn't have mattered.
"What's the theme?" Poseidon asked.
"Pool party." Zeus stated. The king of gods rubbed his hands together greedily.
"Zeus, Hestia and I have to get back to Atalanta." Percy said. The king of gods shook his head.
"Your both going!" He barked angrily. All the gods stopped moving and stared at their king. "Your going because I command it! Because I'm the KING!" Something in his personality changed. Hestia sunk into Percy to hide the fact that she was trembling. Percy stood firm.
"Alright, we'll go." He said. Zeus nodded and walked off.
"What was that about?" Poseidon asked. Apollo walked over and grabbed Percy's and Hera's arms.
"There's been a a prophecy." He stated simply.
"About?" Hera asked.
"I'm not sure, I'm still only getting pieces. But one line worries me. The king of gods his curse to bare, because of his father's past he will cause despair."
"Ok, we don't know what it means. But right now we don't tell Zeus." Percy said neither, Apollo, Hestia, or Hera argued.
"Should we tell Athena?" Hestia asked.
"Or perhaps your dad?" Apollo added. I thought for a moment and turned to Hera.
"Your the Queen, tell them what to do. They're asking me like I'm a leader." Hera smiled.
"You are. You have that aura that demands respect even if you truly don't demand it. That's one reason my husband despises you."
"I thought Zeus had mellowed." I murmured.
"His behavior has been erratic. First he's laughing and fine next he's..." She paused and shook her head. "Never mind." Percy noticed something in his adoptive mother's eyes that he couldn't read.
"So?" Apollo said to Percy.
"Ok, I trust Athena, she is also the best person to help decipher the prophecy. But my dad, though I trust him, may not be so subtle.
"Ok, you go talk to her." Apollo said.They all looked around and found that most of the gods, save Hermes and Poseidon, had gone back to Olympus. Percy kissed Hestia's cheek.
"I'll meet you back at home." He said. She blushed. "What?" He asked with a smile.
"You called my palace, home." Percy nodded.
"It is my home. Because you, Atalanta, Alex, and the other girls are there. Your my family. Hestia let out a dreamy sigh after kissing him.

Ok, time for a poll.

I can end the first book after the next chapter and begin the second book.

Or, I can continue the book for a few more chapters.

Please leave your vote in the comments.

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