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Percy hadn't been the same since his mother's death. Nearly all joy left him. He would wake in the night screaming, it was if everything bad that he had ever witnessed was coming back to him. But Hestia was their for him.
Percy was beginning to feel even worse that she was having to take care of him. But it seemed to him that no matter what he did to try and go on with his life, he would only relapse back into depression. His friends had all but abandoned the two camps and stayed with him through everything. Thalia juggled, being with the hunt and with him.
One night he woke In a cold sweat from the same dream. First he watched Bianca die, then Zoë, then Charles, Silena, Luke, Ethan, and everyone else he had lost. He rewatched the death of his mom. He swallowed dryly and walked to the window, careful not to disturb Hestia. He knew that the toll on him from his depression was also a toll on her. She hadn't gotten a full night sleep in nearly three weeks. But she still sat up with him when he would wake screaming. He looked at the stars. His biggest mistake was giving Atalanta to Artemis. He should have tried harder to find a way to keep her, he thought. Thalia told him that the hunt adored the baby, but he still hated himself.
"Hades, Uncle, please let me speak to her." He whispered. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned expecting to find Hestia, but it wasn't. Tears welled in his eyes.
"Mom." Sally Jackson nodded.
"My sweet baby." She said engulfing him in a hug.
"I messed up. I couldn't protect you or Paul, I gave Atalanta to Artemis because I was scared. Everyone around me is too scared to say a word to me, because all I think about is what went wrong in my life." He trailed off.
"Shh, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known that Gabe was going to be resurrected, or that he was going to come after me. You don't need to blame yourself for the noble deaths of your friends. Don't take their heroic deaths as something sad. Atalanta will be well taken care of with the hunt. You did what you thought was best." She explained.
"I made that choice in worry and fear. I was scared that she would be ripped away from me on Olympus for being mortal. She was my only family and I sent her away. What kind of brother am I?"
"Percy, perhaps Artemis would Let Atlanta stay with you." Sally coaxed. She smiled and kissed his forehead. "Stop moping, you have an amazing girlfriend, take the good for what it is. Good." Then she disappeared. Percy took a ragged breath. He glanced at the clock. 6:00 AM. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen. The gas stove lit and he quickly put a cast iron pan over it.
It was time for him to stop moping and take control of his life.
Hestia woke up and glanced at the clock. It read, 7:30. She rolled over and found that Percy was gone. She sat up and looked around. As she stood she wrapped her self in a white silk bath robe and walked out of the room. Once she entered the hallway, her nose was delighted to a delicious smell. When she rounded the corner, she found Percy scooping eggs onto seven plates. In the center of the large kitchen table were three plates stacked with blue pancakes. Every glass was filled with Orange juice. She stayed quiet as he exchanged the pan of eggs out for a plate of bacon which he sat beside the pancakes. He slipped off the blue apron over him and hung it up. Hestia slowly walked into the kitchen. He turned and walked to her.
"Morning." He said. She was so shocked she couldn't speak. He kissed her cheek and handed her a cup coffee.
"Morning." She finally said. He smiled at her, a true smile, something he hadn't done in weeks. It made her heart beat faster. She walked over to the table and took a spot at the table. She sipped the coffee and looked up at him.
"Peppermint creamer, how did you know?" He smirked.
"It was something you mentioned during one of your visits to one of my camps, when I was on my to Othrys. She blushed, knowing he remembered. She was slightly worried. This happy attitude could be caused by grief.
"Percy, I am happy to see you so vibrant and joyful. But, are you ok?" He nodded and sat next to her.
"I woke up early this morning and had time to think. I saw the toll my depression was putting on you, and everyone else. So, I asked Hades to let me speak to my mom. He did. She appeared and talked to me. I need to move on from all the bad and focus on the good. My friends, my sister, and my lovely girlfriend." He said. Hestia smiled.
"Morning." Jason yawned as he walked in with Piper following. They both downed cups coffee and sat down.
"Percy!" Jason exclaimed. Piper eyes widened.
"Yes, I am up and moving again. Please eat before it gets cold." He said. After a few minuets, Nico and Reyna walked out and joined them.
"So, what do we have planned for today?"
"My dad needs some help in the Underworld for a few days." Nico said with a mouth full of
"I am needed in New Rome." Reyna said glancing at Percy as if he was going to break down.
"We were going to go with her, and try and settle down." Piper said holding Jason hand. Percy nodded.
"You'll have to visit." Percy said with a large smile. They all nodded relieved. After breakfast, Hestia and Percy's watched them leave. Once they were gone he scooped Hestia her in a bridal hold and walked into the living. Hestia was giggling wildly. He set her down on the couch and kissed her passionately.
"I think I'm going to talk to Artemis about letting Atalanta come back with me. Then I'll probably set up a nursery in my Palace." Hestia frowned.
"Your leaving?"
"I figured you would be tired of me after nearly five weeks. So I thought I would go and stay in my Palace." Hestia pulled him close to her, resting their foreheads together.
"I could never be tired of you. You are welcome here no matter what." She said seriously.
"Are you sure?" He asked. She swung her leg over him and sat in his lap. Her arms hooked around his neck.
"Are you tired of me?" She asked.
"Of course not." He said quickly. She pressed her body against his.
"I love you, and I never want you to leave me." She whispered in his ear. She moved her hips with skill, drawing a moan from Percy. He ran his soft hands up her back she leaned back, just enough for the silk robe to fall from her shoulders. Percy chuckled.
"Are you trying to seduce me?" Hestia shrugged.
"Maybe. Is it working?" Percy leaned forward and kissed her neck.
"Yes." He breathed out. She smiled.
"Now, are you leaving?" She asked.
"Only if you want me too." He replied with a laugh. The goddess smiled triumphantly.
"You didn't have to seduce me for me to stay though." She smiled as she climbed off of him.
"I know, it was more fun this way." She giggled. Percy shook his head and flashed on a change of cloths.
"You want to go with me to Artemis's?" Hestia nodded. Her revealing night gown glowed and became a brown sun dress. She slipped her hand into his. They glowed and appeared Artemis's living room. The Moon goddess looked ready for a hunt.
"Aunt Hestia, Perseus." Artemis stated.
"Lady Artemis, I-We need to speak to you." Percy said. The goddess nodded.
"Alright, about?"
"Atalanta. We were wondering if we could take her back?" Percy asked, he realized how weird it sounded as he said it.
"Is that really the best? As you said, she is mortal and couldn't stay on Olympus." Artemis's reasoned.
"Yes, I could become her Patron and make her my Champion." He replied. Hestia smiled at his response, feeling stupid for not thinking of it before. Artemis smirked.
"If Your sure, I am sure it can be arranged." Percy smiled and nodded his thanks. Atalanta appeared in Artemis's arms. She walked over and laid her in Percy's arms.
"Take care of her." Artemis said Before disappearing. Percy, Hestia and Atalanta flashed to Hestia's Palace.
"I Perseus Jackson, God of Time, Earth, Loyalty, Family, and Battle. Do Name Atalanta Marie Jackson Blofis, my immortal Champion.

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