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Percy's eyes opened slowly. He took in the sight. The bed he was in was large and soft. The room that surrounded him was made of white stone, and had various items in it. He moved the blanket, ignoring the the ache in his arm, and  tried to stand. He yelped as his muscles screamed. The door opened and Hestia walked in. She saw Percy and practically jumped onto him, engulfing him in a tight hug.
"Thank Rhea your alive." She said. Percy tried to speak but found that his was throat was dry and scratchy. Hestia, sitting on his lap, reached over for the glass of water on the bedside table. She brought to his lips allowing him to drain it.
"How am I alive? The bite from Ladon should have killed me." He demanded. Hestia looked down in shame and climbed off of him.
"After I forced Atlas to take his burden back, I returned to your side. When you passed out, I brought you to Olympus and told Apollo to save you. He did all he could but you still wouldn't have survived. So we made you a god." Guilt dripped from ever word. Anger flashed the new god's face.
"What." He said in aggravation. " Why!" He snapped. Hestia continued to look down.
"Percy, I....." She paused, as he continued yelling.
"What caused you to let them do the one thing I never accepted!" Hestia stepped back in fear and shock. Tears cascaded down her cheeks.
"Because I love you!" She yelled. Percy's anger faded. The memories of his admission of love came back to him. Then he noticed how sad and scared he had made her. " I love you Percy. I hate myself everyday for it, because I know you can't be mine. It kills me to see you so broken and when Atlas was trying to rape me I knew the only person I wanted in my bed was you! She continued. At this point the goddess who was still in her teenage form, putting her a foot shorter than Percy, was shaking. Percy got up, ignoring the fiery scream of his muscles, and walked over to her slowly. He wrapped her in a hug and said,
"I'm sorry." He mumbled. Hestia sobbed into his chest.
"I've loved you since I met you. Through the years I've seen the man you've become. When I knew you would die, I let my heart take over. Every night I dream of your arms around me and It kills me to wake. I'm so sorry." She finished. Percy rubbed the back of her head.
"I shouldn't have yelled." He assured her. Knowing he couldn't deny his feelings for her.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked. Hestia gasped and got on her tip toes. She connected their lips. Her knees buckled and she would have fallen had he not held her. She moaned slightly, causing the boy to smile. Her hand rested on his chest. He licked at her bottom lip. Hestia parted them, allowing Percy to slip his tongue into her mouth. After a minute he yielded letting her explore his. When they broke apart, they were panting. "That had to be the hottest kiss I've ever experienced." He said. Hestia blushed.
"Your not mad?" She mumbled.
"Oh, I'm furious." He stated which caused her to frown. "But I know you did it for a good reason. I was to afraid to think of a life where I could be happy. Afraid to loose more people. So, I thought the only way out was the dark way. Especially after Camp kicked me out.
Thank you for showing me I was wrong."  She beamed up at him. "So, what are my domains?" He asked.
"Time, Earth, Family, Loyalty, and Battle. But, being the son of Poseidon, you keep the few powers over the sea you had, making you a minor sea god." She explained. Percy nodded.
"Looks like we share a Domain." He said, whispering the words against her ear. She smiled,
"The council will want to know how you are." He nodded as she pulled away from him. Hestia then snapped her fingers and the council appeared.
"Percy!" Poseidon and Hera called. Zeus gave his wife a sideways glance.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" Hera shouted, ignoring the looks she was getting.
"Gee, sorry mom." Percy teased. Hera frowned.
"There is nothing funny about this young man! You had a lot of people worried." The queen barked as tears slid down her cheeks. Percy hugged her.
"I love you too." He said. Hera smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Did I miss something?" Zeus asked.
"Percy has become like a son to me." Hera began. "So, I treat him like one. If you've a problem with it, suck it up Thunder Queen." zeus didn't seem phased.
"Why don't you adopt him?" He provided. "Give him both godly parents and mortal parents." This was Hera's chance to looked shocked. She glanced at her husband who smiled. Then to Poseidon, who nodded. Then at last to Percy.
"I would be honored." He stated. Hera smiled.
"I Hera, goddess of Marriage and Queen of the gods, take Percy Jackson into my family. He will be my blood and my son." The goddess recited. Percy glowed as did Hera. "Yay!" She cheered and hugged him tightly.
"Yay!" He said in a strained breath. Hera noticed and released him.
"Sorry." She stated.
"Percy, please come to the Throne room for a meeting, tomorrow." Zeus said before disappearing. One by one the Gods began disappearing, until only Hestia and Percy remained. He hooked his arm around her waist and drew her close to him. They kissed a second time.
"You taste so much better than in my dreams." Hestia stated. Her eyes grew hugged when she realized she had spoken aloud. Embarrassed, she buried her face into Percy's chest and groaned. Suddenly the doors to the room opened and a girl walked in. She had red hair and green eyes. She wore an old, white Greek dress.
"Cynthia, What is it?" Hestia asked. The girl gave Percy a questioning look. Hestia noticed. "I'll explain later."
"M'lady, there is a girl at the door. She says she need's to speak to a, Percy." The girl said. Hestia smiled.
"Send her in." The girl nodded and walked out. Percy glanced at Hestia.
"My Roman counterpart has a group of girls who tend the hearth. They embody the spirit of home and peace. They are like a nicer version of the hunters." Percy nodded, though felt a little uneasy. She pushed herself up and connected their lips.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't let them hurt you. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I let them hurt you?" She teased.
"Girlfriend?" Percy stated, raising his brow. She blushed. "I love it." He smiled. She returned his smile and kissed his cheek. The door opened and Percy locked eyes with the person in the doorway. Sea green met grey.
"Percy!" The girl called. Before he could react he was pinned to the bed with his ex on top of him. Before her lips met his, he shoved her off and jumped up. She looked at him doe eyed.
"Percy." She whined. Hestia looked ready to set the demigod ablaze.
"Annabeth." Percy said with distaste.
"I was stupid to cheat. After you left I realized how wrong I was. I even chose not to go to college. Please, let's start over." She almost begged. Percy stared at her in disbelief. Hestia interlocked her hand with his, fearing he might go back to her.
"What in the name of Olympus is wrong with you!" He shouted at the blond.
"Percy...." She stoped when she saw him draw Hestia close to him. Hestia smirked, almost gloatingly.
"You can't be with her! Not really. She's an eternal virgin. But so what. I won't be waiting when you come crawling back." Annabeth hissed Before walking out.
"Percy, I-" hestia was cut off by Percy kissing her passionately.
"Let's not let her ruin the moment. I love you and nothing is going to stop me from being with you." He said. Hestia smiled relieved.
"Let's go to bed. It's late and you need to rest." Hestia ordered. He nodded. Hestia bit her lips nervously. "Would you like to sleep in my bed, with me?" Percy turned and looked at her. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Only if you want me to." She nodded. In a flash of fire, they were in a large bedroom with a king sized canopy bed. Percy snapped his fingers and found that he was wearing shorts and no shirt. He looked at Hestia who was staring at his bare torso.
"You mind?" She only shook her head before gaining a mischievous grin. She snapped her fingers. Her modest brown dress melted away and turned into a white silk nightgown with a single strap on both her shoulders. The nightdress stopped at her mid-thigh and hugged her body. It was Percy's turn to stare. The two slipped into bed he wrapped an arm around her as she settled her head on his chest. Both let themselves happily drift into the realm of Morpheus.

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