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Hestia and Percy walked into the Olympian Throne room. Everyone watched as Percy sat on Hestia's Throne, Hestia sat on Percy's lap, all while she held Atalanta. Zeus raised a brow. Hera smiled.
"So, what's this meeting about?" Hestia asked.
"For Starters, our agents are still looking for the god involved in the murder of Sally Jackson ." Zeus said. Percy nodded his thanks.
"The second." Athena growled.
"Yes, the second is that I think it would be best for the council to get a taste of humanity. We all will be going to High School." Everyone froze and stared at the King.
"What!" They began shouting. Hestia leaned against Percy and sighed.
"Our demigod children will also attend school, so they can show us what to do." Zeus carried on.
"Please, you can't be serious." Hera said. Zeus nodded.
"This is mandatory for all council members." Zeus's blue gaze shifted to Percy. "Percy, you are welcome to join us." The gods still grumbled.
"When is our first day?" Athena asked with glee.
"Tomorrow. Everyone should be at Goode High School, by 7:00." Percy tensed at the thought of going to Goode. With that, the meeting concluded, everyone began disappearing. Percy flashed Hestia to her palace. She laid Atalanta down in the nursery.
"So, you want to talk about why you tensed when Zeus mentioned Goode High School?" She asked.
"It was my school. It was also where Paul taught. I am not looking forward to the questions." Hestia smiled.
"Should I be warned of anybody? Like, do I need to worry about someone forcing themself on me?" Percy's eyes darkened.
"No one will hurt you. I will make sure of that." Hestia sat down not the couch and summoned popcorn.
"Let's watch a movie." He nodded as sat down. She stood so she could lay against him.
"What are we going to do about Atalanta?"
"I will charge Jillian with watching her." Hestia smiled contently. The movie title appeared on the screen. Troy.
"Paris was an idiot. Out of all the goddess's You are the most beautiful." Percy said, kissing Hestia's neck. She moaned and squirmed.
"Would you go on a date with me?" He asked. Hestia turned and looked at him.
"Of course." He smiled.
"Great, I have reservation tonight at Alonso's. It's a small Italian restaurant in Manhattan."
"Hmm, Italian." Hestia caressed his cheek.
"Mamma!" Alex yelled as she ran into the room. "I gotta tell you something!" She stopped when she saw Percy.
"What is it sweetheart?" Hestia asked, sitting up. Alex looked sheepishly at Percy.
"I gotta tell you in private."
"I think we could use some apples to go with this popcorn. What do you think, Flame Queen?" Hestia smiled and nodded. Percy stood and walked into the kitchen. Hestia patted the cushion beside her. Alex jumped on it.
"Now, What is you need tell me?"
"Percy's really cool. I uh...." She paused and looked down. "I was wondering if I could call him Dad?" She said in a voice so quiet, Hestia barely heard her. "He doesn't have a lot of family. No one should be alone. I want him in our family." She mumbled. Hestia felt her heart melt. This was what the Vestal Virgins was about. Family.
"I think he would be honored if you called him Dad." Hestia replied.
"When should I ask him?" Alex asked with a large smile.
"Tonight or Tomorrow morning." Alex beamed up at the goddess. Percy walked back in with three apples.
"You want to watch this movie with us, Alex?" The young girl nodded her head. Percy glanced at Hestia who smiled brightly at him. She grabbed a blanket as Alex wedged her way between them. Percy put his arm around Alex and Hestia. The were all huddled together like a family.
By the end of the movie Alex was laying up against Percy, asleep. Percy scooped her up and walked to her room with Hestia following. He tucked the little girl into her soft bed and kissed her forehead.
"Love you Mamma, love you Daddy." The half asleep Alex muttered. Percy smiled.
"Good night sweetheart." Hestia whispered.
"We love you too." Percy added. Both gods quietly walked out of the room. Jillian stepped out of her room.
"Has Alex been with you? She wandered off and I assumed she was with you guys." Percy nodded.
"Jillian, could you watch Atalanta. Percy and I have a dinner date tonight." Jillian smiled and nodded.
"You two have fun." She teased. Once he and Hestia were in their room He changed into a nice dinner suit. Hestia changed into a white dress with a strand of amber colored gems around her neck. Her lips were painted an elegant red and her make-up simple. She stepped out of the bathroom and Percy sucked in a breath.
"Your stunning." He breathed out. She smiled and walked over, running her hand up his arm.
"You don't look so bad yourself." They kissed for a moment.
"I thought about ways to make this date special. And I could only come up with this." He snapped his fingers. Instantly he and Hestia were standing on a sidewalk. Beside them, a black limo pulled up. He opened the door and helped her in.
"After dinner we can go for a walk on the beach, and then go back to your Palace." He said. Hestia smiled and nodded. The limo ride was short and it stopped in for the of a medium sized building. Written in big calligraphy over the front was, Alonso's. They walked in.
"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson." The Maître d' said. Hestia blushed. The man waved a tall lean waiter over.
"Good afternoon, I'll be your waiter, Garrett." The young man said as he came to the table. "Can I get you any drinks?"
"Water, please." Percy stated.
"Same." Hestia agreed. He rushed off. A few moments later the waiter returned and took their order. "I think I'll have a light salad and the Cannelloni." Hestia said.
"I'll have the Linguine." Percy said. The waiter scribbled the order down on a note pad and walked off.
"Percy this is amazing, but I have to ask. Why all of a sudden. You don't have to take me to a fancy dinner to prove you love me. I know you do."
"I know, but these last few weeks have been tough. I just think that we should have a normal date night. Besides...." he paused. "...You have probably eaten fancy Italian, walked on a beach in the moon light, and every other thing I could possibly think of. I just want you to know how much I love you. I just don't want to bore you." He explained. Hestia reached over and took his hand.
"Thank you, but you don't have to try so hard. Honestly, I hardly ever leave Olympus or one of the camps. I've never had a reason to. You have opened up doors for me that I never even thought of. Your right. I have had Italian food before, but not with you, and never under such a romantic circumstance. I could never get bored, because anything I did before, I did alone." She said. He smiled and planted a kiss on her hand.
Percy covertly nodded to the waiter. A second later he came over with a metal chest of ice and champagne flutes. Inside the metal chest was a bottle of wine. Hestia's eyes grew. "Thank
You." Percy said slipping the waiter a tip.
"Percy, I should warn you. I don't handle alcohol well." She said as Percy filled both glasses half way.
"We don't have to drink it." He said.
"No,No,No. I just want you to know that I am a light weight. So I may get a little crazy." Percy shrugged.
"That's ok." Four twenty minutes they talked and drank until their food arrived. Halfway through the meal Hestia looked up, her eyes glossed over.
"I-I think we should goooooo." She laughed. Percy nodded. They both got outside.
"Look! A bunny!" Hestia shouted as she ran into an ally near the restaurant. Percy ran after her. He entered the ally and couldn't see her.
"Hestia?" Arms wrapped around him and pinned him to the ally wall. Hestia started kissing him passionately. She put his hand on her lower back.
"Come on, lets go back to Olympus." She slurred.
"Yeah, lets get you in bed before you fall over." Percy stated kissing her forehead.
"Hmmm. In bed." Hestia mumbled. In a flash of light they were standing in her room. He helped her change into a night gown while he changed into basket ball shorts and slipped his shirt off. After he laid down Hestia slipped on top of him.
"Percy, I want you." She stated while running her hands up his bare torso.
"Hestia, your drunk and don't know what your saying. She rotated her hips. Percy put on a face of stone, testing his will power. He carefully slid her off of him and rolled over to his side. She curled behind him and ran her hand down to his lower abdomen. Percy's heart beat quicker and quicker. "Hestia stop." He said trying to sound serious. She continued. He shrugged her off and stood. "No, your drunk and don't know what your doing." He repeated. "I would never sleep with you when you aren't clear minded." Hestia sat up.
"But I-I'm clear minded." He turned to look at her.
"If you don't stop I will sleep somewhere else." He persisted.
"Way to ruin a good night." She slurred angrily Before hiccuping. Suddenly she started crying. "You don't find me attractive." She sobbed. Percy closed his eyes. Hestia looked up.
"Y-You just get out!" She shouted. Percy nodded.
"Ok, see you in the morning." He stated not planning to argue.
"No you won't!" She yelled as he slid his shirt on. "LIAR!"
"I love you." He stated before walking out. He took a breath and walked to Jillian's room. He knocked softly. She answered and yawned.
"Hestia got kinda drunk on our date. She tried to sleep with me, I declined, she got mad, and now I've been kicked out." Jillian's eyes were huge.
"I'll make sure she doesn't do anything crazy and keep watching Atalanta. Where are you staying?" He shrugged.
"Probably at my palace. I'll make a little hangover care package for in the morning. I'll leave it on the counter." Jillian nodded.
"Get awaay from my high-p-priestess." Hestia said as she stumbled it it he hallway. "Male." She said the word with as much distaste as Artemis would have. Percy tried to not let it hurt him.
"Lady Hestia, you adore Percy-" Jillian started.
"-I did."
"Hestia, I'll come by tomorrow when you don't have half a bottle of wine in your system." With that He disappeared.

(Author's note)-
I'm sure you all are thinking the same thing, the High school idea is over done. Don't worry, it all leads into the bigger picture.

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