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As much as he loved the goddess in his arms, and as much as she did help him forget his worries, the coupe weighed on him. Because of it, sleep evaded him. He knew the gods were right, Zeus was too dangerous to keep on the throne.
Careful not to wake Hestia, he slipped out of the room and walked to the kitchen. He sat down at the island and sighed. His heart nearly stopped when he heard Jillian speak.
"Your tense." He jumped and looked at her.
"Yeah." His reply was stiff. Jillian sat across from him.
"You wanna talk about it?" He was quiet a few moments before speaking.
"I can't believed a few months ago, Zeus Let Hera adopt me. He was actually nice..."
"Now look at him. He's a cruel tyrant. Alex told me that she is terrified to not be around you and Hestia." Percy closed his eyes and and poured a glass of water.
"The Fates are cruel." He murmured. "We meet  tomorrow. The gods, and the camp leaders. I've a feeling they're all going to push for me to lead the attack."
"A few months ago, I would have commended your willingness to avoid conflict. That's one reason I despise men. Bloodlust. But Percy, I've seen you fight internal and external wars. You over came them. Please, don't let all of us live in fear." Percy nodded.
"Thank you." Jillian yawned.
"Ok, time for me to go to bed." Once She was gone Percy stared into the water that filled his glass. He set it in the sink and walked outside. The stars grew brighter. Suddenly two figures appeared. Percy summoned his sword, recognizing the beautiful woman.
"Nyx." He growled.
"Calm down hero. I've not come for a fight. At least, not with the soon to be King of Olympus." Percy groaned.
"What do you want?"
"To help. Zeus will not easily fall for the same trick he did last time. Which is why, my son, daughter, husband, and I, will curse his throne. At your command chains of darkness and light will hold him to the throne. Not even his lighting will break the binds."
"What do you want in return?" He asked leery. She chuckled.
"Merely for insurance that in your rule, we will keep our positions. I swear it by the styx, that's all we seek." Thunder rumbled. Percy nodded slowly.
"Good, now go back and enjoy your stroll. I find that a nightly walk, can prove enlightening." The Primordial said cryptically before she and the man disappeared. Slowly Percy made his way through the city. That's when he passed the window of his mother's palace.
"You hide from me wife?" Zeus said from the doorway. Hera looked up revealing her eye was swollen.
"Your sick." She mumbled. "You rapist, wife beater." He frowned.
"Yes, you are my wife." Zeus hissed. "Which is why I had to teach Hymenaios a lesson. Hera's gaze flashed with fear.
"What did you do to him!" She shouted. Zeus sneered.
"I banished him. He is nothing but a mortal now. One who wouldn't remember you, even if he saw you, whore." In two steps he was across the room and pinning Hera to the wall by her throat. Percy balled his fists.
"No! Don't interfere my son!" Hera shouted telepathically. She clawed desperately at Zeus' large hand. Hera erupted into her true form, causing Zeus to let her go. As she fell she returned to her mortal form.
"What a nice trick." He let out a dark laugh before walking out. Hera coughed. Once Percy was sure Zeus had gone, he climbed in through the window.
"Mom." She looked at him teary eyed.
"I'm ok." Hera mumbled.
"When did he start beating you?" Hera hesitated.
"The night after he and Poseidon faced each other."
"And you didn't tell anyone!"
"Percy, it wouldn't have helped. Tomorrow we convene about what we will do-" he cut her off
"-That prick is going down. I'm leading the coupe, and he is going to the deepest pit in Tartarus." He noticed Hera tense at his anger. He quickly embraced her. "Don't worry. As soon as I sit on the throne, everything will be put right. You can null your marriage to thunder head and marry Hymenaios." Hera smiled slightly at the thought. She rested her palm against Percy's cheek.
"Percy, don't throw your life away. Be smart when you fight Zeus. We made grave errors last time." He nodded.
"Come stay with Hestia and I tonight." He ordered. Hera kindly shook her head.
"I need my own bed tonight. Zeus will not return, at least not until tomorrow. Go back to your fiancé and enjoy the last bit of peace." He nodded before disappearing.

Authors note-
If your enjoying Hestia's Prince, check out the prologue for my book, Forest's Sea. It is a Son of Artemis. Thanks.

My summer break started, so my updating schedule May be a bit erratic.

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