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Everyone stood crowded in Hestia's dining room. Every god, goddess, and demigod involved in the coupe. Percy held Atalanta while the yelling commenced.
"He should be taken out now!" Ares called.
"We have to be smart. It wouldn't be if we attack without a plan."
"Your supposed to be the new king, lead!" Ares shouted at Percy. That started a whole new wave of arguments. His dad and Hera got involved in the yelling, which prompted Hestia to as well. Percy turned to Atalanta's crib and placed her in it. "He's not doing anything!!" Ares bellowed. Percy jumped on top of the table.
"EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!" He screamed causing all voices to stop. "We just had a damn meeting yesterday. We know the gods damn plan. The Olympians will all provide cover on Olympus while I take on Zeus with Hestia and Artemis. The demigods, hunters, and army of the dead will handle Zeus's monster ground forces."
"Can we be sure he will even have ground forces. If we surprise him he won't have time to summon them?" Athena asked.
"We need results." Ares mumbled. Percy growled and walked over to a chest. "What's he doing?" The war god growled. Percy picked up an chest plate of armor and began securing it on him.
"Percy, what are you doing?" Hestia asked. He continued to work without a word. He drew riptide form his pocket and it extended into sword. He turned around, his expression filled with annoyance. Without a word though, he moved around the his conspirators and walked outside. Moments later, the gods followed. Percy began walking towards the Olympian Throne room.
"Percy, you have to stop." Hera said as she ran up to him. He continued to walk. Hera glowed golden before being encased in armor holding a spear. "Your not doing this alone." She stated. Hestia was next. She was encased in battle armor as well. Then Poseidon. After his dad the other gods began joining and demigods. The white stone doors opened, Zeus sat in his throne smiling evilly.
"Traitors!" He shouted.
"Nyx!" Percy shouted. At the command chains of pure lights and darkness erupted around Zeus. The god of the sky struggled against the chains, attempting to get to his lighting bolt. "Zeus, by Order of the Olympian council, you are no longer King of the Gods. You have fallen to a curse and have abused your power for to long." Percy growled. Zeus let out a loud angry cry.
"I will kill you!" Zeus screamed. Suddenly Ares appeared next to Zeus's throne. Everyone glared at him. Athena through her spear as he cut the chains binding Zeus.
"Father." He said.
"ARES YOU LITTLE TRAITOR!" Hera screamed. Zeus grabbed his master bolt, which became a sword. He looked at Percy with blood lust. Hera, Athena, Apollo, and Hermès charged Ares. Percy ran at Zeus. The two blades hit each other sending a pulse of energy out, from the connection. A few minor gods appeared. The demigods and other gods began fighting them. Hestia ran to Percy's side. Zeus successfully blocked both of their sword attacks. Percy focused and began to slowly time. Temporarily having the upper hand, he and Hestia were able to get a few good attacks in until Zeus let out a roar, and a wave of lighting. Everyone was sent flying across the room. Ares went to Zeus's side along with the minor gods. They all disappeared.

AN- Sorry for the short chapter, I will definitely make the next chapter longer.

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