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Olympus was quiet for the first time in What felt like years, and it was nice. Percy thought as he leaned against the balcony of his new Palace. The job of King of Olympus was still tough, but in the two years since the coupe it had become easier. He immediately implemented changes. The council now consisted of twelve gods and five Titans. Both immortal species lived on Olympus with the exception of a few who still supported Kronos. Even some primordials have begun to show themselves again. The gods now could speak to their children in the boundaries of the Camps which allowed for better bonds to be built. Percy was proud of his changes and felt that all of them would be beneficial in the long run. But Zeus kept him awake at night. The god had not been seen since the coupe and no signs where given as to his whereabouts. The only thing that was for sure, was he could do little harm with his power depleted.

"Percy, I had a bad dream." A small voice said pulling the god to look inside his room. He smiled down at his newly three year old sister

"Come here Ata." He said using her nickname. She rushed forward and jumped into his arms. He ruffled her dark hair. It always surprised him at how much she resembled their mom. "Tell me about it."

"You where fighting this big guy with an ugly doodie face. He had this sharp metal stick and he stabbed you." She explained. "Then Hestia got taken away and Jillian. Then Grandma Hera got hurt by the bad man." Percy hugged her. He new she probably eavesdropped on his meetings.

"Ata, your safe here. The Bad Man can't come here anymore. And trust me, no guy can take down your big brother." He tickled her stomach causing her to giggle loudly.

"Yeah, cause Hestia and Grandma would be mad at you."

"Yes we would." Hestia stated as she walked in with a smile. Atalanta looked up. "Did you have a bad dream?" Atalanta nodded and yawned.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked with her eyes big. Hestia knelt and kissed her forehead.

"Sure you can pumpkin." Hestia picked her up and carried her over to her and Percy's bed. Once Atalanta was securely tucked in Hestia walked over and sat on Percy's lap. He moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. Moments later Atalanta was snoring softly. "I put her mind at ease. She'll dream of nothing but good things." He rested he head on her shoulder. He knew she knew he didn't sleep at night. Though he would never admit it.

"I think you could use the same thing. A calm sleep?" He smiled and held her tightly.

"I'll be fine." He reassuringly said. Hestia didn't look convinced. She fiddled with the golden band on her finger. The flame colored jewels glinting in the moon light.

"Zeus was reportedly sighted near the Queensboro Bridge." She sighed. Percy mentally cursed himself, feeling as he had jinxed them.

"Wait?" He thought aloud. "Why would he come this close? He knows we are looking for him." Hestia shrugged.

"Wish I new. Should I have Hermes summon the council?" Percy shook his head.

"No, lets wait. The last time we pursued a baseless report it was a fluke."

"Let's go to bed than. It's late."

"I think I'm going to go for a walk. You go ahead and gets some sleep, hun." He pecked her cheek.

"Just because your a god, doesn't mean you don't have to sleep." She snapped quietly. He gave her hand a slight, reassuring, squeeze.

"I'll be back in an hour. Then I will sleep." He conceded. Hestia nodded triumphantly before walking over to the bed and crawling in. Quietly, Percy flashed away, to the small park that had become his quiet place. Usually, it was quiet at this time of night. Nobody would be there. So he immediately noticed the three women by the great fountain.

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