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Percy watched Hestia walk over to Hera and Athena. He smiled before turning to talk to Nico, Thalia, and Annabeth.
"So, how are things at camp?" He asked. Nico and Annabeth shrugged.
"Ok. No where near as much fun with you gone." Nico punched his arm.
"I'll drop by one day. Maybe even play capture the flag." Percy laughed.
"Yes, come do that when the hunters are their so you can help us kick their butts." Annabeth said. She looked at Thalia. "Sorry Thals." The hunter laughed and shrugged.
"No problem. Now I know your strategy."  Nico's eyes widened.
"Oh gods, Will's drunk." He groaned. His hand hit his head.
"And he's grinding on the Quarterback." Percy pointed out.
"I'll be back." Nico scurried off towards his boyfriend.
"So, How bout a swim?" Thalia stated. Percy shrugged. Both Thalia and Annabeth smirked before shoving him into the pool. While they were busy laughing, he grabbed their ankles and pulled them in. Before long, all Tartarus broke loose with people jumping in. Annabeth and Percy climbed out. Nico walked back over and when he wasn't paying attention they lifted him into the air and sent him into the water. He flailed before he hit the water. Everyone was laughing. Percy noticed Zeus and Sarah making out on a lawn chair. He also noticed his own father making eyes at the captain of the girls swim team. It seemed to him that this was a welcomed distraction and bit of fun for everyone. While he was in deep thought, Hestia  and Hera walked over. They both shoved him into the water. He surfaced laughing. Then as he did with Annabeth and Thalia dragged them in.
Zeus took notice that his wife was completely ignoring the fact he was with this average looking mortal girl. He growled before shoving the girl off of him. She huffed.
"Hey!" She shouted. He turned and found her pulling her bikini top down. He, suddenly filled with lust, scooped her up and carried her into the house and to her bedroom.
Hera hadn't felt this good in years. She was truly happy. But even with her adopted son and siblings near, she wanted the one thing Zeus hadn't shown her in decades. Love.
"Percy, Hestia, would you excuse me." She said, feeling her name being called, walking into the small woods near the house. A hand interlocked in hers. While a body pressed against her from behind.
"My sweet Queen." He cooed. She turned and hugged him. Her hand ran through his dark brown curling hair.
"Hymenaios." She whispered.
Curiosity bubbled in Percy. He and Hestia made their way after Hera. They found her hugging a young man that was obviously a god.
"Does Zeus know your away?" Hera shook her head.
"My husband noticed nothing accept his whores."
"You deserve so much better. I wish you mine. I wish I could be with you, show you what love really is." The man said. Percy glanced at Hestia, they both nodded while trying to back away slowly. Percy stepped on a twig. Hera jerked her head toward them and then sighed with relief.
"Oh thank Rhea it's you two."
"Sorry." Percy said.
"We were worried about you." Hera smiled.
"I will explain later." She said sending both a pleading look to leave. Both did so.

After the party, they waited up for hours into the night for Hera to come and see them. At last, she did. They sat together and listened to her story.
"You know my marriage with Zeus is awful. After Jason Grace was born I couldn't handle the lack of love. So, when Inwas planning a wedding with Hymenios we started talking and hit it off. He has showed me a greater love than anyone ever has. The only thing keeping me from being with him completely is my marriage. Which I can't null without a war starting. So, He and I steel little moments in secret. Nothing more than a few kisses, but they have carried more emotion than I've ever felt." When she finished she looked down with guilty expression.
"Mom, I'm happy for you. You two enjoy your time together." Percy said.
"Hera, I am mad I'm just now finding out your dating the God of Weddings, reception, and marriage. But I am happy for you too. Considering you have very few things that make you happy". Hestia hugged her sister tightly.
"I should be ashamed. I'm the goddess of Marriage and am cheating on my husband." She huffed.
"But you don't?" Percy asked. The goddess shook her head. "Because Zeus is awful. What you two have isn't a marriage accept in name." He said. She smiled at her adoptive son.
"I best get back to Zeus before he gets paranoid."

One month later

Zeus sat on his throne glaring at everyone in the council.
"Zeus, you can't expect us to agree!" Poseidon barked.
"I am your KING! This council should be abolished!" Poseidon stood his trident in hand.
"No. You are over stepping." The sea god growled. Zeus took his master bolt in hand.
"If you step against me, I will end you."
"Than let us fight." Hestia's grip tightened over Percy's hand. Percy sneered at the king of gods.
"They all must swear not to interfere." Zeus stated. Poseidon nodded.
"They won't. We fight by Chaos's rules. This battle is between the two of us. If any other interfere, they will be destroyed." Poseidon agreed. Zeus stood with a crooked grin. Armor appeared on both gods.
"Alright brother. Let us begin."
Thunder shook Olympus as they clashed. Percy felt both sea and sky pull violently towards each other on the earth bellow. Power shuttered from the balls of light that were the two gods. A recognizable cry of agony left the battle.
"Poseidon!" Hestia screamed, holding back tears.
"No." Hera said her bottom lip quivering."
Percy closed his eyes and tensed, feeling the pain of his father.
"Percy." Hestia said at a whisper. He wrapped his arms around her holding her.

Hestia's PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now