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Percy slid eggs onto plates for the girls, who had become family to him. As they all scarfed the breakfast down, he watched with a slight grin.

"Hey stupid!" Jillian called jokingly, snapping him out of his day dream.

"Offensive." He groaned playfully. The high priestess waved her cleared plate.

"You just gonna let us starve?" He snapped his fingers and the plate refilled.

"I've done my hand cooking for the day." He sipped his coffee. The morning had been strangely peaceful, He thought. No god stormed in with an emergency, no frantic prayers. Just a normal morning.

"Hey Jill, baby." A smooth voice said from the entry way. I glared at the messenger god.

"Hermes, what did I say about gushy talk at the table." He looked at me innocently.

"Only you and Mom are allowed." Alex smirked. It still amazed Percy how old Alex was. Granted, her new age was due to an accident. His thoughts broke when he saw Jillian was blushing hard.

"Sorry, Perce. Just here to pick my beautiful girlfriend up for our stroll."

"Ooooo." The other Vestals said in unison.

"All of you quiet, or you'll scrub the hearth stones." Jillian threatened. Hermes slid behind her, entrapping her in a hug.

"Aw, Jill, don't be like that."

"Why do I date you?" Jillian asked the blue eyed, blond haired god. Hermes smiled stupidly.

"Cause you love me." Jillian rolled her eyes before standing and walking out with the messenger god. Alex looked over at Percy.

"So when do the rest of us get boyfriends?" His face fell serious.

"You? Not for a while. Your still my little girl." His voice took an oddly father like tone.

"Well, Lady Hestia obviously feels we should be allowed to date. Or else she wouldn't have created new vows when you became king." Charity, one of the Vestals, stated.

"Your correct. She felt it was only right that you be given the chance to find love. I couldn't agree more." Percy nodded.

"So how long until I can date?"Alex pressed. Percy shook his head.

"My seven year old is asking to date." He muttered.

"Actually I'm sixteen." She stated in a proper tone.

"Only because you got into Hebe's potion collection. That took months to sort out." Alex started laughing.

"I am happier not being the youngest anymore. And I don't really have any interest in boys." The girl assured her father figure.

"I know. Which is the one of the reasons I didn't have Hebe turn you back." Percy finished off a piece of bacon. Hestia walked into the kitchen with a smile, her eyes in a dream like daze.

"Percy, can I talk to you?" She asked. He nodded before walking out of the kitchen. She guided him to sit.

"Ok. So, I wasn't sure. Not really. That was until this morning." She started. Percy gave her a confused look. "A week ago, I started feeling off so I went to Apollo who summoned Eileithyia. Percy smiled, quickly realizing what she was saying. "She said it wouldn't be clear. Not for a few more days."

"I love you, Hestia. But your rambling." Percy chuckled, seeing how obviously excited she was. He locked his hand with hers.

"Percy, I'm pregnant."

And this is the conclusion to Hestia's Prince. I know, pretty cliche ending, but I'm a sucker for stuff like that.
A second book is in the works. More updates to follow, such as the Title and when it is up will be posted here.

A big thanks to all of you for your patients and support. This story was my first published, and one of my many works in progress.

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