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I am currently on a week long Easter Break, Because of that, I will try to post more parts than normal.

As promised, he went back to Hestia's the next morning. He found her sitting in the kitchen wrapped in one of his hoodies. Jillian sat with her and Alex sat near them.
"I'm an idiot." Hestia groaned. "How could I kick him out?"
"He could have taken advantage of the situation, but didn't." Jillian stated as she used her foot to rock the cradle bearing Atalanta.
"He's not like that." The goddess rubbed her temples. "Gods of Olympus, I want to talk to him." Hestia looked up and sighed. The truth was, she did want to be with Percy, and the alcohol made her spill her guts about it.
"He said he would stop by this morning." Jillian stated, pulling her from deep thought.
"And I have." Percy said making himself known. Hestia jumped up and ran to him. She hugged him tightly.
"IamsosrryIdidntmeananythingIsaidlastnightpleasforgiveme!" She exhaled in on long breath. Percy rubbed circles on her back.
"It's ok. I know you were out of your head and didn't mean it." He assured her.
"Don't leave me ever, not even if I yell and scream for you too go." The goddess mumbled in his chest.
"Ok, I promise." He said while stroking her hair.
"Percy, can I ask you something?" Alex asked, abruptly, as she walked forward. Hestia moved to Percy's side still leaning on him with his arm around her.
"What can I do for one of my favorite girls?" Percy asked kindly. Alex smiled.
"Can...." She paused and looked at her feet. "CanIcallyouDaddy?" She asked quietly yet quickly. Percy smiled and kneeled down to her.
"Of course you can, Alex." The Young Girl looked up and tackled him to the ground.
"YAY!" She cheered.
Hestia smiled, seeing how he was with Alex made her love him more. He looked up at her.
"We should get going. It starts at eight." Hestia nodded. She looked at the clock. 6:30.
"Jillian, you went to high school for a year or two. Would you help me pick something to wear?" She asked. Jillian nodded and stood.
"Atalanta is probably gonna need a bottle soon." Jillian said before they disappeared from the room. Alex looked up at Percy.
"HORSY!" She battle cried. Before Percy knew what was happening, Alex had climbed onto his shoulders.
"Onward valiant steed!" She giggled loudly. Percy shrugged and began running around the room. The girl on his shoulders giggled more more. After about three minutes he set her down. The two looked at each other and spoke in unison.
"Breakfast?" They both laughed while Percy quickly made pancakes, which of course were blue.
"How do I look?" Hestia asked. Percy turned to face her. She wore a white flowy shirt with long sleeves, jeans and white converse shoes. Her long black hair, tumbled down her back and shoulders.
"I have a thing for Chuck Taylors." Jillian stated pointing to the shoes. "I think they fit the outfit." Percy nodded, and hooked his arm around Hestia's waist, pulling them together.
"Your beautiful, as always." He said. Hestia blushed. Jillian's eyes lit up.
"Oooo!" She called. "Percy, do you have a letterman jacket from when you went to Goode?" Percy thought for a moment.
"It's probably in storage. Thalia and Nico went to my mom's apartment and moved everything into my palace." He replied. The High Priestess shooed him off.
"Go find it. I'm gonna make you the power couple of Goode!" She squealed. Hestia pulled from Percy and grabbed the girl's shoulders.
"Jillian, calm down. Your inner Aphrodite is coming out." The goddess said seriously. Jillian looked ready to explode with happiness and joy.
"I haven't been this excited about something in years!" She screamed in a daughter of Aphrodite way. "Perestia FOREVER!" Hestia was blushing madly and put her face in her hands to muffle her laughter. "Perestia! Perestia!" Jillian chanted.
"Mommy and Daddy sittin in a tree!" Alex joined chanting. Percy laughed. He glanced at Atalanta when they stopped laughing. The baby still was sleeping soundly.
"Man, that kid is heavy sleeper." He stated.
"Go find the jacket." Jillian ordered. He sighed and disappeared. Five minutes later he reappeared with the green and white jacket. Jillian ripped it out of his hands and shoved it to Hestia.
"Percy, do you even want me to wear it?" Hestia asked, hoping he'd say yes.
"Yeah." Percy said sheepishly. The goddess smiled an slipped it on. It was obviously too big but she didn't care. She covertly put her nose to the collar. It smelled of the sea, just like Percy.
"It's 7:00 you both should get going." Jillian said. Both gods nodded in agreement.
"Jillian I'm leaving you in charge." The priestess nodded.
"Alex, be good." Percy teased. The little girl smiled and nodded. He interlocked his and Hestia's hands and disappeared.
Every eye was on Percy and Hestia. Some gazes were envious, others, were curious. Hestia heard some mumble about Percy, others about her. Percy held her close, which helped reassure her. They made their way to the gym.
When they found the gym was filled with Demigods and teenage gods they both relaxed. That was, until Annabeth walked over to them.
"Um, Percy." She said slowly. "Can I talk to you?" Percy nodded slightly. Annabeth grabbed his hand quickly and began to pull him towards a corner. He stoped her.
"Hold on. What ever you say to me, you can say in front of Hestia. Annabeth looked down.
"Look. I-I'm sorry about everything. I was an idiot to believe there was someone better than you. You gave me everything and until I didn't have it, I didn't realize how much I cherished it. I told Camp the truth. They hate me about as much as you probably do. I just want you to know that I'm sorry and was hoping we could start over. Not as a couple, but as friends. Like when we were kids." Percy heard the regret in her voice. He let go of Hestia's hand and embraced the blond in a tight hug.
"It's ok, Wise Girl." Percy was shocked at first by the forgiveness. He had initially planned to be cold toward Annabeth. But then he saw her, and heard her regret. All the anger and hate toward her melted away. She hugged him back.
"I'm so sorry Seaweed Brain. Please don't leave me again." She sobbed into her shoulder.
"Shhh, I will always be there for you. Just like when we where young." He replied. Annabeth pulled away and looked at Hestia.
"Lady Hestia, I am so sorry about everything. Can you forgive me?" Hestia nodded. "Would you mind if I was Percy's friend? I know you too are really happy." Hestia visually relaxed and nodded again.
"Of course I don't mind." The daughter of Athena crashed into Percy and Hestia hugging both of them tightly.
"Thank you!" She said loudly.
"Percy, baby!" A high pitched voice yelled. All three turned and found themselves being approached by a girl with black hair and blue eyes. She wore a short white dress with black heels. Her face was covered in a thick layer of make up.
"Sarah Rollst." Percy groaned. The girl stood in front of Percy. She grabbed his face and forced their mouths together. Percy pried her hands off him and began to gag.
"What the hell is that smell?" He demanded.
"Baby, it's perfume. I chose it just for you!" Sarah whined.
"Why?" Hestia growled.
"Because he's my boyfriend, duh-" she cut herself off when she noticed the letterman jacket Hestia was wearing. "-Give that to me."
"Sarah, we never dated, nor would I ever date someone as fake as you."
"But, Percy-poo, what about sophomore year when we shared that romantic meal?" The dark haired girl said dreamily.
"It was lunch. You were new and I invited you to sit with me and my friends!" Percy shouted. He continued to rub the lipstick of his lips.
"She's wearing my jacket Percy-poo, give it to me." The girl demanded.
"Don't call me that!" Percy noticed that Hestia had subtly transformed into Vesta.
"Come on." She said as she walked closer to Percy. Anger flashed Vesta's eyes. Percy shoved past Sarah and took Vesta's face into his hands.
"Don't. I am here, with you. I love you, ignore that whore." He coaxed. Vesta took a deep breath.
"Kiss me." She stated. He nodded and let their lips meet. Sarah growled and stormed off. Annabeth sneered as she walked away.
"Is She that girl you told me about? The one who was delusional?" Percy nodded.
"I honestly forgot about her, or I would have warned you." He said to Hestia, who had transformed back.
"Something about her makes my chest feel weird." Hestia growled. Pulling herself closer to Percy.
"Jealousy?" Percy asked. Hestia shook her head.
"No...." She paused looking for the right word.
"Territorial." Annabeth provided. The goddess nodded.
"My Percy." She Agreed almost child like. "Besides why should I be jealous of her? I have you." Regret flashed the goddess's face. She looked at Annabeth. "I am so sorry. I wasn't trying to rub it in." She stated. Annabeth shrugged.
"It's ok. Just don't let that drama queen break up what you two have." Annabeth stated. "I'd rather he be with you than her."

If your enjoying Hestia's Prince, consider reading Percy Jackson, The Last battle. It is a Percabeth Short story I wrote when I got bored and is officially up and completed.
Also, a big thanks to all of my loyally readers. It is good to know people are enjoying this book.

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