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Percy opened his eyes and found he was alone in the living room. He sat up slowly and stretched. He stood and walked up the flight of stairs and to the bedroom, knowing he would have heard laughter in the kitchen if everyone was up. Hestia sat up in bed reading a book. She glanced up and smiled.

"Your up." She remarked with a mischievous smile. Percy smiled before rubbing the back of his aching neck.

"I wish I wouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch." He muttered.

"You were so peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you." She explained briefly before setting the book on her nightstand. Percy crashed onto his side of bed and pulled Hestia close to him. She laughed while trying to shove him away jokingly.

"Marry me tonight." He stated. She looked at him with a smile before shifting so she was on top of him.

"Since I swore to Zeus I would remain an eternal virgin, and he is no longer king. I believe, since you are the king of Olympus, Artemis, Athena, and I need to make new vows of maidenhood." Percy looked confused.

"Ok?" He asked.

"Perseus, would you let me keep my Vestal Virgins? But, they now will not be required to remain virgins." Hestia asked happily. Percy's eyes lit up as he realized what she was doing.

"Ok." He said as she laid contently on top of him.

"I need to find someone to take over Zeus's other domains." Percy mumbled as he played with her hair.

"And Ares." She provided.

"The most logical choices would be people I know I can trust. Jason, and maybe Annabeth or Clarisse." Percy offered. Hestia chuckled.

"Are you asking my opinion?"

"Of course. Hestia, your going to be my wife and Queen of Olympus. I want you to help me rule." She smiled happily at his answer.

"Jason is definitely the perfect choice to take over his father's domain. Clarisse however loves that Chris boy. She will not likely agree to godhood.

"Annabeth than?" Hestia shifted uncomfortably at the mention of her.

"I-I think you should ask the Praetor."

"I think Reyna would make a great goddess. But what's wrong with Annabeth?"

"You use to date. Now her mother wants you. What if they try and take you form me." As Hestia spoke, her eyes flashed angrily. "I'm sorry. I'm being jealous." She shook her head.

"That's not the truth. At least, not the whole truth." He pressed.

"A thousand years. That's how long Zeus was faithful to Hera. A thousand years feels like a year to us. If you make Annabeth immortal, you may find, in a few thousand years, that you love her still." Percy held Hestia tightly.

"I won't. You are my everything." He said. Hestia closed her eyes.

"Ok." Hestia said in a struggling voice. "Pick Annabeth."

"I won't ask anyone, yet. Right now, there are enough minor war gods to handle the domain until I find someone."

"I said you should pick Annabeth."

"I know what you said. Although, what you said and what you meant are two different things." He felt her clench her fist.

"Your really annoying sometimes." She mumbled angrily while climbing out fo the bed.

"Hestia, what do you want me to say?"

"You don't get it." She grumbled. "I watch as ever woman and man on Olympus looks at you. All of them waiting to pounce. No immortal marriage has ever worked out! I'm terrified and I'm jealous, and I'm angry all the time! At first I thought it was Zeus and all the crap he had done. But I only started to feel like this the day you saved me from Atlas!"

"So it's my fault?" Percy stated angrily. Hestia turned on him.

"You're damn right. But gods, I love you. And even though I know loving turns me into an ugly monster, I can't bring myself to ever stop. I fought with myself for years knowing my vow kept and that blond haired grey eyed little smart ass kept me from ever having a chance." The Goddess was shaking and sobbing. "I hate that even after everything she put you through, you still want her covering your back. I see how she looks at you!"

"Your not an ugly monster. But it is hurtful that after everything I've done, you think I'm just another Zeus, or Apollo." Percy stated. "I thought you would know me better than that!" Hestia clenched her fists even tighter. Percy looked into her eyes and saw the same thing he did before. Something had changed in his Hestia. Maybe it was his fault? "Ever since we started dating, you've changed. Maybe it is my fault. I fell in love with the kind goddess that was always helpful to everyone. The goddess who never had a bad thing to say about anyone." Hestia looked down.

"You told me I wasn't hateful or malicious." She stated.

"And your not. Hestia, I'm always going to love you. I have faith that you and I will be happy. But I need you to remember who you are. Gods, please. Please Flame Queen, I need you back. Not this new Hestia. But my Hestia. The goddess of the Hearth that helped me through the death of my mother. The goddess that trusted me." Percy explained. Hestia closed her eyes.

"I need help." She muttered. "My heart really is turning black." She said crying. Percy walked forward and kissed her.

"Than we'll find a way to turn it back." Percy stepped back. "How about, you and the girls go pick out a wedding dress? We'll need one for tonight." Hestia gave him a hopeful and happy smile. As she walked out he found himself asking, can gods be bipolar?


Hera walked into the convenient store and immediately smiled at the sight of Hymenaios. He counted out change for the woman in front of him.

"Thanks." She said putting it into her wallet. He gave a smirk, the same one he gave to Hera countless times.

"No problem, Hun." He stated. The smile on Hera's lips faded.

"Baby, are you coming over tonight?" The woman asked.

"Yep." Hymenaios stated. The woman smiled before kissing his cheek and walking out. He looked to Hera and smiled.

"You need any help miss?" She walked forward and grabbed a pack of gum.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Henry, why?"

"Gods what has Zeus done to you?" She muttered heartbroken.

"Ma'am?" Hera shook her head as a plan formed. She paid for the gum and went to exit the store. Using her godly powers she summoned her faithful servant, Argus. He walked in, looking like a trouble maker. Hera gave him a subtle nod and went to walk past him. He grabbed her and held a knife to her neck. Hymenaios looked at her alarmed.

"Money, or I cut her throat." Argus grunted in his most threatening voice. She watched as Hymenaios empties the register.

"Sir, you don't have to hurt anyone." He coaxed. Hera used her years of practiced acting and gave a show of fear. Hymenaios slowly approached and dropped the money on the ground. Argus swiftly let Hera go, took the money, and ran. Hera fell forward and hugged Hymenaios.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed. He gave her a worried look.

"You ok?" She leaned up and connected their lips.

AN- Writers block has hit me hard for this book. I am extremely sorry this took so long, and I can't be sure when I will be able to update again. Hopefully soon. Thank you all for being so patient.

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