Chapter 5: I see something

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"Oh yeah right well his name, well real name is Jaren, and his nickname is Smitty." I nod. "(Y/n) we got a few more friends that we will like you to meet." Eva looks at me with a smile on her face.

(Y/n) Pov

I smiled back at her. I go to the front door. I see my big brothers and sisters there, same as their friends.

I said bye to Eva and Asher. We went walking. "Um" I wasn't sure if I should say something or not. "What is it, (Y/n)?" Issac asked. "N-nothing it's not important." I smiled. "Ok then," Issac said.

We left the school and I went up to Vanoss or Evan. "Um, V-Vanoss." Vanoss looked at me. " Yeah, (Y/n)?" Vanoss gave me a smile. "Well, your name."

"What about my name?" He question.

"Vanoss is not actually your real name your nickname, your real names is Evan." He was shocked that I found out that Vanoss was his nickname. "How how did you know that was my nickname?" He yells a little, wondering how I know his real name, and it made me giggle.

"Well let's just say that Jeran also known as Smitty Lil brother, Asher told me about it." He smiled a little. "Yeah, it is." I giggled.

I asked my brother Ty "Where are we going?" I questioned him. "Not sure. Marcel said that he's going to take us somewhere and we're all not sure where we going." I walked up to Marcel. "M-Marcel where we going?" I questioned him. He looked at me. "Come here I'll whisper it to your ear." I got my head and closer to Marcel.

"Oh, okay" I was smiling. Lui and Wildcat came up to me and whisper at me. "Hey (Y/n), what did Marcel tell you," Lui whispers to me with his childish voice. Marcel look at me. "C-come her" I whisper back to them. "It a secret." They both look at me. "Oh for f-" Wildcat almost cuss in front of me."Come on (Y/n)"I giggled.

My brothers and sisters were looking at me with a smile. We got to the place where Marcel told us it was a secret. It was an ice cream roll shop. I didn't know what was an ice cream roll. But when we got in, there were fewer people in the shop

Everyone orders their ice cream but except me. I have been trying to ask everyone what an ice cream roll. Marcel was so close to answer my question. He asked what was my favorite ice cream "M-My favorite ice cream is (f/i) (Favorites ice cream)." He told the cashier my favorites ice cream.

I was about to sit down until someone grab my arm. I turned to see Marcel. "Come on (Y/n), I got to show you what they're doing, or what it looks like." He chuckled, I nod my head. And he leads the way.

I got my ice cream roll. It looks so good. I heard the shop doorbell ring. I didn't bother to see who it was. I heard footsteps coming up to me. "Hey (Y/n)." The voice sound familiar.

I turn my head, it was Asher. "Hi, Asher" I greeted him with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I came here with my brother, Jeran AKA, Smitty." I nod my head. I look around to see who is Smitty. I see a white hair guy that has the same hair as Asher. "Is it that guy who has the same white hair as you do?" Asher looks at the guy that I was talking about. "Yeah." I see Mal and Cartoonz went up to him.

We finish our ice cream rolls. Asher is still at the ice cream shop. We got out of the ice cream shop. We all went outside. Everybody was just talking. I hear an unfamiliar voice calling my name.

"(Y/n)." It was whispering a little. I look around to see who was whispering to me. Everyone was talking to each other. It said my name again, but the voice was a little louder.

"(Y/n)." I looking around again. I turn to the window there was a shadow next to me. My eyes widen, I made a sharp gasp and turn my head. It wasn't there.

I sighed in relief. "(Y/n), are you okay?" I turn my head to see it was Ohm who asked. "Y-yeah, c-can w-we go home n-now?"

Ohm POV (After they left the shop)

I was talking to Evan, Jon, and Luke. We were talking about what we should plan what to do for tomorrow. They've been saying that we should play games at Evans place.

When I heard of sharp gasp from someone, it was (Y/n). "(Y/n), are you okay?" I asked in a worried. She turned to me.

"Y-yeah, c-can w-we go home now?" I can tell in her shaky voice that she saw something that scared her. I walk up to Jean.

"Hey, Jean." Jean looked at me. "Yeah, Ryan."

"Your sister wants to go home." He looked at me in a curious face. "Okay. But why?" Jean asked me  "It's your sister, (Y/n)." He gave me a curious look again.

He went up to the guys. "Hey, guys we're going home. Do you guys want to come with us?" Only Tyler, Even, Jonathan, Luke, Lui, Nogla, and I went to their house. The rest couldn't go because they had to do something.

We got to Jean house and we see their parents. I see (Y/n) went upstairs.

(Y/n) POV

I got to my room not sure what to say or do. I heard mom calling my name. "(Y/n), can you come down here." I went back downstairs to the living room, I see the guys were playing on the PS. I walked up to my Mom.

"Yes, mom?" She looked at me. I gave her a confused look as to why I'm here in the kitchen. "Nevermind, sorry hun." I went back upstairs wondering why my mom called me down and look at me.

I was getting tired. I went to my bed and laying there while I still have my school uniform. My eyes got heavy and heavy until I fall asleep.

(Y/n) dream

I woke up. There was a lot of stuff that I'm not sure what it was. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I looked at my hands, they were tide by something. I looked around a little bit more. My legs were also tide. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked at the person, he was wearing a science suite. I realized that I was an experiment. I could see some stuff. There were syringes, cups for something, scissors, and a knife and other stuff. I started to freak out a lot. He grabbed one of the syringes, he held it to my left eye. I can hear myself begging him to not put the syringe in my eye. "PLEASE STOP, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T DO IT." Hearing myself begging a lot. The man who had the syringe on his hand put it in my left eye. I hear myself screaming. "AAAAAAHHH". He took out the syringe out of my left eye. I feel tears rolling down to my cheeks.

(Y/n) dream end

I felt someone shaking me. My left eye was hurting me a lot. I open my right eye. I see my mom. "M-mom." My right eye is getting so blurry due to my tears. "(Y/n) ar-'' I Cut her off. "Mom my eye hurt." I hold my left eye. Telling my mom that my eye hurt.

I screaming so hard. Now my right eye is hurting me too. I put my hands on to my eyes. "(Y/n) let me see your eyes." Dad came in. My dad looks worried. " What going on with (Y/n)!?"

"I don't know." Soon my eyes stop hurting me. I put on my hands down, I see blood on my hands.

I look up to see my mom and dad. My dad's eyes widen. He closes the door, I see my big brothers and sisters and their friends there but I don't think they didn't see me.

Then I looked at my mom, her eyes widen too. "Mom why is there blood on my hands!?"
Hey, guys hope you like this chapter. And I need your guy's help. I was thinking if I should change the title. I don't want to keep it as BBS X reader. So yeah please help me. Thank you guys for reading. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

Heavens Child (Bbs x reader)Where stories live. Discover now