Got tagged

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                             I got tagged by EpslionPsi.... And this happened a long time ago. I'm sorry EpslionPsi. Anyways let get to it.

1- Mention who tagged you
As I said, EpslionPsi tagged me. Thank you for tagging me. And it's my first time.

2- Do it in less than 3 days
Finish 1 day.

3-Say 10 things about you.
1: I'm stupid
2: I like scary things
3: I like anime
4: I'm emo
5: I like video games.
6: I'm Mexican
7: I'm a middle schooler, about to be highschool.
8: I have 2 sisters. One older and one younger. My older sister is older than me by five years. And my younger sister is younger one year younger than me.
9: I'm ugly. And I am proud of being ugly.
10: I'm mostly quite

4- Tag 28 people
Hehe, I don't know much people

1: EpsilonPsi
2: Stephania101
3: PaulaShattuck
4: Monkey12230
5: Creepy_Bunny1999
6: Catlin_Creeper
7: BecauseImaCat
8: _ChocoReader_123

5- Put a title for a tag
Got tagged

6-Tell a joke
Why did Cinderella run away from the ball
Because she does not know how to kick the ball. (I'm sorry guys. And for people who love Disney and Cinderella, I'm sorry)

7-Write a spoiler for one of your stories.
Fuuuck. Sorry for my language.
It had to happen, huh.
So the guy who is wrapped up in a black toilet paper (hah, you thought I was going to talk about Adam. Nope) he is going to be friends with (Y/n).

Thank you guys for reading hope you enjoy a little bit about me (I think). I hope didn't miss spelled anything, and I'll see you guys in the chapter. Bye.

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