Chapter 19-Why does things have to be good then turns bad: Part 3

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Before the chapter starts its still part of the Happy birthday part. I hope you guys understand.



I hug Delirious and he hugs me back. Delirious broke the hug. I then hug the blippo bear. Then hug the crew. I smiling really big. "AWWWW." Bryce, Cartoonz, and Ohm said Aww to me. I then hear someone's phone taking a picture. I looked around to see Sam who is the one who took a picture of me. "Awww, wait until I send this picture to mom and dad." I would tackle her and delete the picture but I didn't really care right now.


"Hey, Del where and when did you get this blippo bear?" I see Del's eyes through his mask looking up at the sky. "Well,"

"It was the day when we first meet you in person and we all went to the arcades.  You where hagging out with Terriozer, Vanoss, Moo, and Jean. I notice something that you like. It was that bear you like. It is really adorable not even kidding and I wanted to keep it for myself but I know that you wanted it the most then I do. So, a few days later I came back and I see it was still there. And I also see someone trying to get it. Aperiatnly he had ten thousand tickets. They change the pice to 20,000 tickets and I was ready to murder the owner but I had to keep track and try to get it before the guy gets it. And that my story."

"Wow. Thank you, Delirious." I thank him again. "(Y/N)!" I hear someone calling my name. It is from Eva. She is by herself. "Hey, Eva. What up?"

"No much, but come on where waiting for you." Eva grab my wrist and ran.

I couldn't catch up to her. She too fast.  "Eva, slow down." I noticed Eva slow down then started walking. "Sorry." Eva apologize. "It alright." I notice that we at the cherry blossom tree behind the school.

" I notice that we at the cherry blossom tree behind the school

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, (Y/N)!" And I notice my friends are here too. They were smiling. I smile back at them. "Thank you, guys." They all handed me a present.

Time skip~ (Because I don't know what to write next. And here are the stuff they gave you.)

Third-person Pov

One by one they gave (Y/n) a present. And one by one (Y/n) opens the present that she received from her friends. (Y/n) got a pack of books from Natalie. The book is called Maximum Ride from James Patterson. She flips through pages. It's a comic book. "Thank you, Natalie." (Y/n) smiled at Natalie.  The next one is a game. It was from Conner. It Disney Univers. Asher got me a necklace. It a donut. (Y/n) looks at Asher. "How did you get this?" (Y/n) asked him. Asher shrugged. "Well, I asked my mom if she could make another donut."

"Another?" (Y/n) asked again. "Oh yeah me, Eva, Conner, Natalie, Eliot, Nelly, and Nick, We all have one. Do you not like it?" Asher sounds sad. "Huh, no, no, no, I do like it. I just didn't know that everyone has one. And it's so adorable." (Y/n) put the necklaces in her bag. Next was Eliot. He got (Y/n) a book called Percy Jackson. She smiles at Eliot showing that she likes the book. Next is Eva. Eva got her a panda keychain.

 Eva got her a panda keychain

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"Aww, it so cute." (Y/n) grab the panda key chain and put it in her bag. And Nelly brought her a best friend's shirt. "Thank you, guys." 

(Y/n) Pov

I really like the stuff that my friends gave me. "Hey, guys we should head to class. The class should start at any minute.  

Time skip~ End of the school

I had my Blippo bear with me all the time. Not even bothering to put it in my bag. There is space for it but I like the bear. I have been hugging it a lot. I'm walking down the hall and to go meet the crew outside like always. While walking I tripped on something or someone. I look up to see Emme and her two friends. Lately, Emme and her friends have been bullying me almost every day. "Sorry, Emme." Why am I apologizing to her? She's the one who is supposed to apologize to me. "Did Delirious got you that stuffed animal?" Emme's friend named Eliz asked me. She looks mad. "W-why are you asking?" She kicked me on the left side of my stomach. I wanted to cry but I had to hold back the tears. "That stuffed animal supposed to be mine." Then she hit me on my right arm where I was holding the stuffed animal that Delirious gave me. I started to cry. "P-please, stop it," I said stuttering and whispering a little loud. "Then give me that stuffed animal."

I shook my head no. She starts getting mad. She grabbed my uniform collar and slammed me on the wall. I accidentally let go of the stuffed bear. "P-please stop." 

"You weren't being nice, so let play until I get tired." (Don't you dear think that) I knew what she is going to do. All I wanted to do is grab the blippo bear and run to my teachers or run to the crew. She slammed me to the wall again. "Agh." I cried even more. "Please, stop." I kinda yelled at her. "Oh yeah, then what are you going to do about it?" 

Eliz's hand is close to my face because she is holding on to my uniform. I grab her arm and bit her bent fingers. She let go of me. "Agh, you little bitch." She knee kicked me on my stomach. I cough. This was my chance to run away from her. I grab my Blippo bear and run. "Hey!" 

I hear footsteps chasing after me. I have been turning right, right, left, right, left. I wanted to avoid them.  I wanted to cry. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go to the crew. I want my brothers and sisters. I stop running. I was in a dead-end. I turned around Emma, Eliz, and the other girl is here with me.

(Guys I'm losing track right now. I'm watching a movie called 'I am mother.' It's so good.)

I walk back. I look at there side seeing if there is another way to get away from them. Lucky for me there is. I ran between Emma and Eliz. Eliz grabs my bag. I took off my bag but I still have my Blippo bear. "Free, you're really getting me pissed off, (Y/n)." Emme said with anger in her voice. I hear footsteps close to me. 'Please don't catch me.'

I felt a hand on my right shoulder and pulled me to the wall. I fell down to the floor. I then felt someone taking away my bear. "No!" I yelled at Eliz took my Blippo bear. Then one of them kicked me. I cry. 'Please someone. Help. This is the worse birthday.'


Oof that not what I planned, but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Feels like sad. Vote. And I'll see you guys later once I finish editing this book. I don't know how long it going to take but I am going to put their appearance of them on some character info. It the first post. Ok, bye.

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