Chapter 15

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Warning: cussing words right up ahead. (I'm sorry for not telling you guys on the other chapters)


I was ready to scream and have tears coming out of me. "N-no please let go." The man was pulling me harshly. Is this man going to kidnap me? God, please help me. Is today bad luck for me. I close my eyes and about to scream but, "Sir, please let go of her."

I don't know who's voice was that. This man doesn't sound like my brothers or the crew. I open my eyes.



(Y/n) Pov

The man. He kind look like my dad. He has (e/c) eyes, just like mom, his hair (H/c) like my dad.


"And what are you going to do, Adam?" The man says while he is pulling me away from the man named Adam. I felt an arm on my back and waits, and a hand holding my arm. "DEXTER, LET. HER. GO!" Adam yelled at the guys named  Dexter, who was going to kidnapped. "Fine." He let go of my arm and left. 

Adam crouch down and put his hands on my shoulder "Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah I am- wait how did you know my name?" I was curious about how he knows my name

"O-oh, well." He clears his throat. "I'm, well I," that I was long. "I um, heard your name from one of your friends."

"Oh, okay." He closed his eyes and sigh. "You should be more careful (Y/n), bring someone with you that you know that you trust and who is older." I nod my head.

What will happen if he didn't come and save me in time? Then I'll be kidnapped. "(Y/n)...(Y/n)?" 

"You should go to your friends or they'll freak out." I nod my head. He let go of me, and I went and running. Before I go to my brothers and sisters I waved at the man. "Bye, sir!" He waves back at me.

I ran back at the crew. Daniel saw me coming. "Oh, thank god you're ok." I was about to say something and felt someone's arms around my waist. "Don't do that again, (Y/n) you scared me-um, us." I turned around and it was Delirious. "Sorry."

"Where did you went?" Eren asked. "Well I was um, l-looking for a bathroom, and I found the bathroom, hehe." I gave them a nervous laugh. They believed it. "Evan!" A man called Evan's name. "Well, I need someone to help me."

"I'll help." Delirious said. "Same." Cartoonz said. The guys went to get our food. "Have they even realize they need more of us to help?" Wildcat said. We all start bursting in laughter. "Well Sam, me, Nogla, and Lui. We'll go help them." Mal said.

Mal, Sam, Nogla, and Lui went to go help Evan and the other guys to help with the food. We all sat down where I picked out.

I sat next to Ty on my right side and on my left side is Zack. 

Time skip~

The crew and I left Meg's Bake cafe. Man, I could take one home it way too good. "Hey, guys I got to go home right now, my mom is expecting me to come home right now. See you guys later." Marcel said. "Same here."

The only person is with us is Ryun. 

For some reason, I feel like someone is watching me. I looked around. No is there. 'It just your imagination, (Y/n)'

We left Meg's cafe and head home. I notice that Sam is blushin- *gasp* does she have a crush on Ryun? No, its none of my business. 

Doodles I want to know. OK, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok...ok....ok. I'll ask her later at home.

???Pov- Before they left

I remembered (Y/n) was about getting kidnap

Finishing my late work that was supposed to be turned in a few weeks ago. I picked up my trash and throw them away. "N-No please let go." I hear a child yelling. I followed where the kid was yelling

I widen my eyes and run to the (Y/n) and Dexter. "Sir, please let go of her." Dexter gave me a smirk. "And what are you going to do, Adam?" Dexter pulled (Y/n) harshly. I didn't want him to take (Y/n) and use her for something. I don't want her to get killed by him and his friends. I don't want her to get us. Like other kids.

I put my arm around her back and waits and grab her arm to not let Dexter pull her arm any further. "DEXTER, LET. HER. GO!" I yelled at him. His smirks and left. His face. "Fine." He let go of (Y/n)'s arm. I'm glad he let go of her left arm. 

I let go of her arm and waste and put my hands on her shoulders. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah I am- wait how did you know my name?" Well the fucking shit head of me, I'm fucking stupid head, she hadn't met me yet. 

"O-oh well." I clear my throat.' what should I say'

 "I'm, well I" 

'That was a fucking long 'well', she is going to think I'm suspicious.'

 "I um, heard your name from one of your friends." 

'Yes grate job, me. I have never been so proud of me even though I'm talking through my head.'

"Oh, okay." I closed my eyes and sigh. "You should be more careful, (Y/n), bring someone with you that you know you can trust and older." (Y/n) nod her head. I look behind me. I see the crew that she went with, are still there. If you wonder how I know them, I saw them came in with (Y/n). Later then, one buying one leaving the cashier and going to the table where (Y/n) left. 

I turn back around. (Y/n) is looking down. "(Y/n)." She didn't respond "(Y/n)?" I said again. She looked up at me. "You should go to your friends or they'll freak out" She nods her head. I let go of her shoulders. She ran. 

Before she could go run to her brothers and sisters and her friends she turns around and face me. She waved at me. "Bye, sir!" I waved back at her. She turns back around and went to her brothers and sisters. 

I went back to the table that I was in. I pack my computer and papers into my black and red bag carrier. 

I'm outside looking at the sky. I smiled to my self.

Flashback end~

I'm at the roof looking at (Y/n) and o- her family and some guy. I know what you are going to say, I'm a creep, but I want them to be safe.

Remembering I saw (Y/n) in person. I smiled to myself again. 

"I'm glad that I get to meet you, ma petite soeur"


Don't you dear look up that word. You will spoil it. And if you don't and do know that don't is please don't spoil it to the other readers or I will not post another chapter in the next two months. Like for real don't look it up, and don't say it. And if you guys have seen Shinzu Music I thought that was my friend but that wasn't him. I must have heard my friend wrong. Then again I was tired and there was a lot of student around me. But he still got good music. Welp, thank you guys for reading this chapter, and like always, Please vote, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

P.s. I'm sorry for letting you guys wait.

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