Chaper 6

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Then I looked at my mom, her eyes widen too. "Mom why am I bleeding!?"

Mom Pov

I was about to finish the food. I see my husband Eric setting the plates on the table. I checked the time.  It was 5:36. Dinner was almost ready.

I check the boys in the living room they were playing so loud. I was about to check outside, but I heard a scream. I turn to the boys they were looking at each other. I went upstairs.

The only person who's upstairs is  (Y/n). "(Y/n) are you alright?" She didn't respond to me. I was getting worried. I hear Eric called her name. Me and Eric were getting even more worried.

We both ran up to upstairs to (Y/n) room. "(Y/N)!" I heard Eric yelled her name. We got to the room. She was crying. She was still wearing her school uniform.

I was shaking (Y/n) to wake up. She opens her left eye. "M-mom." Tears came down to her cheeks. "(Y/n), are you al-'' she cut me off. "Mom my eye hurts!"

Dad Pov

(Y/n) started to scream. I came up to her. She had her other hand on her other eye. I started talking to her. "(Y/n) let me see your eyes.

"What going with (Y/n)!?" I didn't know what to say to Mia. " I don't know." I see (Y/n) put her hand down. We see blood on her hands.

She looks at me. My eyes widen she then turns to Mia, her eyes also widen too. I see the boys and the girls were in the hallway. I closed the door. I didn't want them to see what going on.

I heard (Y/n) ask Mia. "Mom why am I bleeding!?" (Y/n) is scared.

Zack POV

Everybody heard (Y/n) scream. I see my mom and dad going upstairs. I hear them calling her name. She didn't respond the first time nor the second time.

I was getting quite worried. I went upstairs to see what's going on. I see her hand on her face. I heard what she said.

I see my parents had their eyes widen. I couldn't see (Y/n) face. I see my dad. He got up and close the door.

"What's going on with your sister?" Mini ask me. I didn't notice that Mini is behind me. Well, I didn't know everyone is behind me.

I heard (Y/n) said something, say something that she was bleeding.

(Y/n) POV

I was starting to get tired. I close my eyes for a bit. I opened up a little bit. I see myself on Mom's shoulder. I fell asleep.

September 26: Saturday
7:36 am

I wake up seeing myself in PJ. I got up and changed my self into this

 I got up and changed my self into this

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I went downstairs. I see mom "Hi mom!" I greeted. Mom greeted back me without even turning to me. "Where's Dad and big brothers and sisters?" 

"Sam, Issac, and Ty went with your dad, their rest went hang out with there friends. But Eren and Daniel are still sleeping.

Mom looks at me. "You look adorable (Y/n)." Mom compliments me. "Thank you, mom" I smiled at her. "I'm going outside." Mom turns back "Ok hun"

I grabbed my drawing book and went outside. I started to draw.

10:14 am

I see Eren and Daniel got out of the house. "Hey Eren, Daniel, are you guys going somewhere?" I asked. "Hm, oh yeah, we're going somewhere, you want to come with us?" Eren asks I nod in my head.

Daniel told Mom that I was going with them. I left my drawing book on the couch. "You ready?" Daniel said the way how Daniel said sound mad. But that's how his voice is.

I asked Daniel where are we going. "Mom said that we're grabbing a few groceries, that's it." I nod my head. 

Mom Pov

It's a good thing that (Y/n) went with her brothers. I had to talk with Eric's father about (Y/n). Eric father is quite in his mid-60s. But he still looks young. I never knew why.

Eren father came "Hello, Mia" I smiled at him and, greed him back "Hello Mr. Emillio" I gave him a hug and hug me back. Mr. Emillio pulled away from the hug. "So what's up with (Y/n) right know?"

Mr. Emillio questions me. I gave him a sad look on my face. "Well," I told him everything that happens. His eyes were wide. " Did (Y/n) eyes change." His voice was raised up, he had a worried look. I answered his question "Yes" He was worried even more. "WHERE'S (Y/N)!?!?" He raises his voice again. " She went with her brothers, Eren and Daniel" I answer him. 

He said something that I couldn't hear. "What was that Mr. Emillio?" 

"Oh, nothing. I'll be back." I nod my head. He left the house. Eren father has been doing missions. So he probably did this be for. 

Time skip 
(Y/n) POV
10:43 am

We went walking all the way to Walmart 

(I'm sorry guys I couldn't think any random wired name store in my head so I asked one of my sisters what store should I put. and yeah that it) 

Walking to Walmart in about 13-15 blocks away. We grab some food, drinks, and snakes. We paid the groceries. I grab one bag and my brothers grab two bags.

We stop at the park to have a little break until Eren see someone. "Grape?" I turned my head. A girl looking directly at Eren. She had purple hair and purple eyes, she did look familiar. "E-Eren, Daniel is that you guys!?!?" Eren nod his head. Her eyes widen in happiness with her smile. She ran up to Eren and Daniel, giving them a bear hug.

"Omg, I haven't seen you guys since middle school!" I look at her even more

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"Omg, I haven't seen you guys since middle school!" I look at her even more. She turned to me. "Omg, (Y/N)" She gave me a hug and starts spinning me. I realized it, Lucy. "Lucy?!?!" I smiled. I gave her a hug, and she still spinning me. She put me down. "Omg you look so adorable with those clothes but the sheep ears making it so much adorable" I blushed a little. I put my hand behind my head "Thanks"

We were talking a little. "Do you want to come to our house?" Daniel asked Lucy. "No I can't, I got to go back home right now. Well, see you guys." We waved at her. Lucy left. We walked back home. I open the door first going to the living room. I see Jean, Mal, Zack, Cartoonz, Terroriser, Bryce, Eva, Vanoss, Lui, Smitty, and Asher. I didn't expect them to be here at our house. But I was happy to see Asher and Eva here. "Hey, (Y/n)" Eva and Asher said it at the same time to me. I smiled at them "Hi, Asher. Hi, Eva." 


Hey guy. Thank you guys for reading this chapter. And I want to thank (EpsilonPsi) for choosing a name for this BBS x reader. It officially named Heaven's child BBS x reader. I'm very sorry I had no patience but next time I probably will. I hope I didn't mess up the words and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please vote if you guys like it. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

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