Valentines Special

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Before we start this story I have to two things to say.
1: I'm almost to a thousand readers.
And 2: I hope that you all are having a great Valentine's day.
I hope you enjoy this special chapter.
(Y/n) POV
Valentine's day
7:03 am

I felt someone shaking my shoulder softly. "(Y/n), wake." I knew that voice, its Eren's voice. I groan. "Come on. Mom is making waffles and bacon. If you won't wake up then we won't save you some." Eren left my room.

I am so tried to listen to him. I was repeating the words of what he had said to me. I remember him saying something about bacon, I got off of my bed and got myself ready.

There was something in my mind that is telling me that I'm forgetting something. I didn't bother what it was.

Time skip~Breakfast

I went downstairs. Everyone is there except me. I was greeted by everyone. I greeted them back but with no emotion. I sat on my chair. And put my head down on the table. Something is literally bothering me. And it won't leave me alone.

"Is something bothering you, (Y/n)?" Daniel asked me. I lifted up my head a little. "Yeah."

"What bothering you, sis." Mal asked. I lifted my shoulder as a sign of 'I don't know' Mom gave us our waffles and bacon. The waffle was shaped like a heart.

The waffle is telling me something. I was repeating the heart in my mind. "(Y/n) your waffles are going to get cold."

I realized what today. "OH MY GOD. I FORGOT TODAYS VALENTINE'S DAY." I yelled at myself. Then I heard one of my brothers. "OMG." It was Jean who yelled. He was out of his chair. He sat back down.

"Why are you freaking out about?" Jean look at me. "Oh, to be honest, I don't know why I did that."

I facepalm at myself. "Why are you freaking out, (Y/n)?" Jean question me. "I forgot to get my friends a gift." I was pressing my two index finger together.

"We could buy your friends chocolates." Mom said. She had a smile on her face. "Okay. Um, when are you getting them?" I question my mother. "Hmmm, well I can't buy them today I'll have to get them tomorrow." I thank my mom.

Time skip~
Walking to school

We were on our way to school. Terrorizer was the only one who is walking with us. I ask Terrorizer if he could give me a piggyback ride. He wasn't so sure, because of his backpack. Issac said he'll hold on to his bag.

Terror gave his bag to Issac. He crouches down for me to get on his back. I got on his back. He gets up.

Wow, I never felt this tall. "So how does it feel like being tall?" Terrorizer asked. "Hmmm, I feel like I'm older than my brothers and sisters or I just feel like I'm a bird."

Everyone laughs, even me.

Time skip~
At school

We got to school. I'm still in Terrorizer back. I wish I could stay at home. I see the whole tire squad. We walk towards them. "Hey, guys, happy Valentine's day."

"Ugh." I ground so loud that the squad looks at me confused. I lay my head on Terrorizer back. "What up, baby angel?" Cartoonz asked.

"I didn't get anything for my friends." I lifted up my head from away Terrorizer back. "Didn't mom said that she's going to bring them tomorrow?" Ty question me while lifting up one of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, she did. But it going to be late." I said fake crying. Some of the squad chuckled of my childish voice. "Hey, (Y/n), you'll give their gifts tomorrow."

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