Chapter 34

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"Where are we going?" He picks me up and starts walking again. "Somewhere safe from here." He announced as he still looks forward.

(Y/n)'s Pov

Zane has been walking for hours. He hasn't given himself a break. His walking is very slow and he isn't walking properly, making it look like he is about to fall any second. His eyes show the lack of sleep, there dark. He huffs every step he took. He's tired.

"You should take a break." I told. "I'm... I'm fine." Zane declares but is very obvious how tired he is from how he speaks and many more. "You have been walking for so long, not even giving a break, your face looks dead, your walking like a zombie that looks like your about to fall or trip something so small, and your huffing a lot, to the point that you sound like a weird creepy guy who is huffing so loud right in front of me." I explained his appearance to him with a poker face. He glares at me. "Ok first off rude, second I'll be fine." He tries to reassure me. "Zane, why are you protecting me and am stressing you?" I questioned him. "Someone told me that you'll be here."

"How come?" He gave me a nervous smile. "Maybe it's best to not tell you." The crunching steps of dry leaves became snapping sticks. It startled him yet he keeps on going, realizing that he is the one doing it. I tried to get down from his arms, however, his grasp is too hard.


A loud crunching sound was heard. It was the sticks that Zane is stepping. He halts to another crunching sound. I buried myself on his shoulder, scared to see that there will be another monster somewhere.


I wanted to know where it's coming from.


I saw a tree moving, or so I thought. It is mostly covered by a tree, then is moved. I looked closer, it looked familiar and I couldn't point out where I had seen it. It moved again. It's very skinny. Something else moved and it made scream. It is a man. Half of his face is gone, his face all red with blood, his eyes were rolled back. The monster turns it's head towards us. It was the creature, the big eyes, and a skinny body.

It raised the body and chops the man's head, making the familiar crunching nose. "Shit!" Zane starts to run away from it. The monster screeches through the dead forest. He is running towards us so fast and weirdly. I screamed more and tightened myself around Zane. The thought of the creature eating a human and the way it runs, it paralyzed me.

My eyes burn, I couldn't stop looking at it. It was gaining on us until Zane fell with me. Great now it's one of those movies where someone trips on something, then again, Zane couldn't walk properly.

I felt myself slid on the ground. I checked if Zane is anywhere. He is far from me, trying to get up. "Zane-, " I felt like I was suffering but not at the same time. But why?


Sorry for the short chapter, I was trying to hurry and finished it. It late, I'm tired.

So does anyone want to read different stories like demon slayer or Ninjago? It only three stories.

Breath of yang (demon slayer x reader)

Love and protect a demon (demon slayer nezuko x ¡M! Reader)


Silent wind (Ninjago x ¡mute! Reader)

So vote or tell me you want to read one of them.

Thank you guys for reading and I see you guys the next chapter.

Heavens Child (Bbs x reader)Where stories live. Discover now