Chapter 14

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(F/flv)- Favorite flavor


Asher went to the see where Eva was pointing at. "So what did you think about your new friends?"
(Y/n) POV

Asher asked me what I think about my new friends.


We were all eating outside at the same table. I see Nelly sleeping on the table, Natalie is reading a book, Conner, Nicholes, and Elliot is talking to each other. They're probably talking about sports or something. And Asher, Eva and I are talking to each other.

"Hey Natalie, what are you reading?"

"O-oh w-well I'm reading Percy Jackson."

"Oh, what's about?"

"Um, well it about a guy who's name is Percy. He doesn't know who is his father and soon he found out who he is."

"Well, that sounds interesting. I want to read it."

Natalie smiled at me. "You can find it at the public library." I smile at her. "Thanks."


Flashback end~

"I like Natalie. She reads books as I do.
And the guys" I stop myself. I know I haven't talked to them that much. "Well, I didn't talk to the guys. But I bet they will be awesome like Natalie."

Eva and Asher smile at me. I smile back at them.

Time skip~ School end

I was walking to the school gates. While I was going there I was talking to Asher and Eva. Eva was at Asher left and I'm at his right. They were telling me about my new friend. I think I am going to get along with them.

Out of nowhere, I trip on something or someone. "You should watch where you going, (Y/n)."

"Hey, Emma, quit being rude to people. What did (Y/n) do to you?" Emma smirks at me. " None of your business, Eva."

"I bet that you don't have any excuse." Asher said. Emma gave him a dirty look and walk away. "You ok, (Y/n)?" Eva asked. "Yeah, I am." Eva reached out her hand for me to grab. I accept it and got on my feet. "You should go tell your brothers and sisters." 


We went outside. I said bye to my friends. I was looking around for my brothers and sisters. I found Wildcat walking. I ran up to him. " Hi, Wildcat." He turned around. "Oh, hey (Y/n). Where's the crew?" 

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Let's go look for them." I nod to him.

2 minutes later we see the crew coming out of the school. "Where have you guys been. I called you and you didn't respond." Mal walks up to Wildcat and put her hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, Wildcat."

"You are lucky that I have, (Y/n) with me." Silence came. "OH SSSshhhh-nickerdoodles." I knew Mal was about to say a bad word. Seriously am I that young. I'm only ten. Am I not that old to hear bad words right in front of me. Like I did hear bad words from some movies.

"Hey, guys we should go to a bakery cafe. It not far from here." Eren said. Everyone agreed to go. 

We were about to leave the gate. When I saw the street I didn't want to go. After what happen. I felt my legs shaking. "Hey, (Y/n), are ok?" Daniel asked. He can be rude sometimes but he does care about us. "Oh right. Do you want to hold onto my hand?" I accept his offer. I grab his hand. I was squeezing his hand for dear life. 

"(Y/n), we should go hom-" 

"N-No, No, I'm fine. So what bakery cafe are we going?" I asked Eren. "Well, it called Meg's Bake Cafe." 

"Oh, I've heard about that place. They say it good." Marcel said.

"Yeah, and I really want to go try it."

"Well, let hurry the flip up." Wildcat said. Ty was about to yell at him but stop himself. I bet that he realizes that Wildcat didn't cus right in front of me this time.

At the bakery cafe~

We finally got to the bakery cafe. It took use seven or eight. We were running and everyone was out of breath, even me. "Is...this....the place.... you ...were talking about.... Eren?" Zack said between breaths. "Yeah." We all went inside. 

I hear everyone breathing heavy. We got into the line. I was looking at the menu to see what good. I found something that looks good. A Donut hole with other fillings inside. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" I recognize who voice is. I look at the person who was talking to us. It was Lucy. She had a smile on her face. "Hi, Lucy." 

"Oh, hi (Y/n-" 

"SO THIS IS WHERE YOU WORK?!?!" Lucy was rudely interrupted by Bryce. "Sheesh, little brother that was quite rude of you interrupting me."

Wait, did she said little brother to Bryce.  I look a Lucy then Bryce, then at Lucy again and Bryce again. Basically, I'm looking back and forth. "What?" Lucy looks at me. "Ah, right, I didn't tell you. (Y/n), I have two younger siblings. Byrce and Eva. which that remands me. Bryce, where is Eva?"

"O-oh yeah she got pick up by dad." 

"Alright then. What would you guys like?" I speak first. "Can I get donuts holes with (F/flv)." Lucy nods her head. She looks at the others. I'll get a caramel frap. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to Issac. "Hey, (Y/n), why don't you go look for us a seat?" I nod my head.

Looking for a seat I found a round table with six chairs. I put my bag so no one will take it. There are twelve of us. Leaving six people left. I look for another table with six chairs that are close to us.  

I see one but it taken by five people. I found a table but the chairs are connected. And it looks like two people can sit on one chair. Not sure right now but there is another table right next to it, so everyone can talk.

I was going to walk back to were the crew is, but I bump into someone. "Sorry, sir-"

"Where's your parent, kid?" I look up to see a man. He had a smile on his face, or more likely a smirk. "Um...I-I'll being g-going know." I look down. "I don't think so." He grabs my arm.

I was ready to scream and have tears coming out of my eyes. "N-no, please let go." The man was pulling me harshly. Is this man going to kidnap me? God, please help me. Is today bad luck for me. I close my eyes and about to scream but, "Sir, please let go of her."

I don't know who's voice was that. This man doesn't sound like my brothers or the crew. I open my eyes.




Hey, guys. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please vote if you like it. And sorry for keeping you guys waiting. But I'm not sure if the next chapter going to take a long time. And that why I open a request because I knew that this chapter is going to take a while to post. The request is still open and I'm still not sure if the next chapter is going to take awhile. Thank you guys for reading this chapter and being patient. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

P.s.-Sorry for cliff hanger or what where it called. And I hope I didn't mess up.

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