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"(Y/n).." Someone called me. "Noo, let me sleep." I tiredly said. "(Y/n), it already 1:25 in the afternoon."

I didn't pay attention to was they said. "You got ten minutes to get ready."

I hear my door close then open again. "I mean it. The crew is already coming." I didn't listen to what they said.

A few seconds later I hear the door. "You're still in bed?! What did you do last night?" They asked again.


I hear my door open. "Pst, (Y/n) you awake?" I hear Zack whisper. "Yeah, " I whisper back to him. I sit up. It was hard to see because of the dark. "What are you doing up?" I asked Zack. "You mean, Guys?" I hear a sound voice and it was Issac. "How many of you are here?" I asked. "Just me and Issac. Anyways, do you want to come with us and get some strawberry dip in with chocolate and sprinkles and whatever?" Zack said.

"Heck, yeah." I whisper yell. I got down slowly not making any noise.

We made it to the fridge. We open it and took some strawberries with sprinkles, vanilla, and others. There was a lot. So we took some...... A few..... Kinda lot...

"Ok, we got to save them for tomorrow we can't eat the whole thing." Isaac whisper. "But it good. One last one, please." I whisper to Issac. "Yeah, listen to the little girl." Zack whispers at Issac. "You can eat a bunch of them tomorrow. It won't hurt." Isaac said. "And one strawberry won't hurt for today." I said.

There was a moment of silence, them a sigh came out of Isaac fine one last strawberry and that's it."

"Yay, " Zack and I whisper yay at the same time. Zack grabs one and I grab two. "He said one." Zack said. "Yeah, I know, this is for Issac." I turn around. "Isaac, here." I raise my arm just for Issac to take the strawberry. He gladly accepts it. We all enjoyed the strawberry that's dip in chocolate.

We hear a door open from upstairs. We all started to freak out. Zack closes the fridge door since he is the closest to the fridge door. We were freaking out. Wondering where to hide. I feel someone picking me up on my arms and rushed under the table. The table cloth was on my face. I feel it being moved from my face.

I was pushing a little bit forward. We stayed quiet until we see the light turn on. We hear shuffling, then the fridge door open. "What the?"

We hear Daniel talk. "What happened to the strawberries." Silence filled the room. "Hm, whatever." The fridge door close. Then the lights went off. We waited for Daniel to close his room door. We go out of the table. Issac opens the fridge door. "They're almost done." He whispers shouts. "We can make them again." Zack said. Isaac sighs. We took out the leftover chocolate and strawberries.

That night, we try to make the strawberries and put them back. It took us until 1 in the morning to let the whole chocolate to dry and decorate them. We did a good job remaking them.

Flashback end~

Was it really worth eating them and remaking them. No. It wasn't. Come one the guys are here. Heck, even Asher is here." Again I didn't listen to what they were saying. "Ok, I'm going to bring them."

A minute later I hear the door open. I also heard footsteps. Tones of them. "(Y/n), wake up." It was Mal talking. I ignore her. I felt someone pick me up, bridal style. I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep. I felt the person kinda throwing me to the next person. The person who was now holding me started to spin. I still didn't care.

Thirds person pov

While (Y/n) still kept her eyes closed, she snuggles onto Evans's chest. Felling quite comfy. Evan past her to Jonathan. Jonathan grabbed her armpits and spin her around as well, but this time being loud. "(Y/n), PLEASE WAKE UP, IT THANKSGIVING!" Jonathan yells and spins every step. That made (Y/n) open her and feel dizzy. "OKAY, OKAY. I'm up." (Y/n) said.

She was put down. (Y/n) went back to bed without covering herself with her blanket. Zack then screams. (Yyyyy/nnnnn), wake uuuuup!!!" Zack yells. "Uhhhhh, shut up, you're so loud, Zack." I kinda yell at Zack. I get up, grumpy. Grab my clothes for the day, and walk to the bathroom.

 Grab my clothes for the day, and walk to the bathroom

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Time skip~ (when you eating.)

We were all standing up, holding hands, and saying what we are thankful for. It was my turn to speak. "Umm... Well, I'm very thankful for my family, my weird, awesome friends, the food... And I'm not sure what else I'm thankful. I'm very happy being here, eating with the people that I love and care, and this probably sounds selfish, I hope that they won't leave me." I said. I hear a 'Woah'. I felt weird not liking the attention.

We later then eat. Enjoying the food.
Thank you guys for reading. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, if not I hope this chapter made your day. Vote and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye, and Happy Thanksgiving gobble, gobble.🦃🥧

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