Late special Christmas and Christmas Eve

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(F/c)-Favorite color
(SF/c)-second favorite color

It was snowing outside. I check what time it is. It was 6:48 am. I got up and wanting to wake up someone first. "Hmm who should I wake up first." Thinking of who I should wake up first, Daniel came up to my head.

I tiptoe to Daniel and Eren's room. I open the door. They're still sleeping. I tried to stay quiet. I tiptoe at Daniel. I wanted to scare Daniel but I wanted to scare Eren.

Do I just poke Daniel on the nose? I poke Daniel's nose. Nothing, he hasn't woken up yet. I poke his cheek. Again nothing. I poke him between his eyebrows. His flinch and open his eyes. "Gaah... (Y/n), what are you up so early." He whispers yell at me.

"Can we scare Eren?" He gave me a straight face. "*Sigh* I'll do this once that all." I smile at him and nod. He got up and walk over to Eren's bed.

"So do you have a plan?" I shook my head 'no' "*sigh*" He gave me a pillow. "We'll hit him with my pillow." He whispered to me. I nod.

Eren's position was a Foetus. Daniel raised his pillow and started to hit him. I did the same. We both stop hitting Eren. "Marry Christmas Eve," I whisper shout. Eren smiled at me. "

"Merry Christmas Eve to you to (n/n)." He raffles my hair. "(Y/n) just woke me up and ask me if I could help her scare you, so I did." Daniel's voice sounds tired. "Can we go wake up the others?" I asked them both. Eren looks over to Daniel. Since when did you become so fun." Daniel looks at Eren with no emotion.

"You guys can go ahead, I'm going back to sleep." Daniel went back to his bed. Eren got up and walk over to Daniel's bed. "Oh come on Daniel, don't become a pooper. You were just being fun a few seconds ago."

Daniel just ignored him. Sooner Daniel got up "Fine."

We walk to Isaac's room. He wasn't on his bed. I check under his bed he was under the bed. He started to tickle me. "N-no p-please I-I-I can-n't breath." He stops. Daniel asks Issac. " When did you wake up?" Issac turns to him. Like probably 6:50 or something. I woke up from you guys." Issac turns to me "Marry Christmas Eve and why didn't you want to do this on Christmas?"

Issac question me "I don't know."

Time skip~

We woke up everybody except our parents. We were trying our best to be quiet. It was hard to get them quite. "Psst Mal, hurry up" I hear Ty whispering to Mal. "Just hang on I don't want to make any noses!" Mal whisper back to Ty.

We got to my parent's room. I open the door and peek. They were still sleeping. I close the door a little. I whisper to everyone. "You guys have your pillows?" They all nod.

I open the door slowly. We walk to my parent's bed. Issac, Mal, and I went to my mom's side of the bed. Ty, Zack, and Sam went to dad's side of the bed. And Jean, Daniel, and Eren are just standing at the door.

Issac started to hit mom then we all started to hit our parents with our pillow. We all stop and said "MARRY CHRISTMAS EVE MOM AND DAD!" We all yell.

"Marry Christmas Eve kids," Dad said. "So who's hungry for pancakes?" My mom asked. We all scream "ME!"

Time Skip~
7:20 am
December 24- Christmas Eve

We all went and change in our clothes. I wasn't in a mood to wear a dress so I wore (f/c) shirt, (f/c) pants, and (f/c) and (SF/c) shoes.

I went downstairs. I see Ty helping Mom. "Hey, mom. Do you need help making breakfast?" Mom nods at me. "Yes sweetie, I want you to put the plates on the table, and we're having guests coming over to her house.

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