Chapter 12

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Megan Pov

I got to my room and close the door. I looked at her. She's tired. "You're tired?" She nod. So she fell asleep in my arms. I sat around my bed. "Goodnight (Y/n)." Soon she just disappears.


(Y/n) Pov

Monday~School day

"-ey.......(Y-.......Get up... it school time..." I felt someone shaking me. I was too tired who was shacking me. "*sigh* I'll tell one of your brothers or sisters to check up on you in five minutes." I heard my door close.

I didn't know what time that person left so I'm guessing it was three minutes. "Hey, (Y/n)." Nevermind. "Please get up or were going to be late."I ignore them. "(Y/n) it 7:48." I shot my eyes open. I got off of my bed and went to my closet to looking for my uniform.

I found my uniform and tell Ty to leave my room. I shut the door on him and lock the door. I got change quick and left my room, not even bothering to look at what time it was. Went to the bathroom. I am so glad that no one was in there. I brush my (h/l) (h/c) to a ponytail and brush my teeth.

I was about to brush my teeth when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Who in here?" I know that voice. "Jean, what time is it?" I heard his footsteps leave.

I went back rushing to brush my teeth. A few seconds later I hear someone's footsteps and I think it was Jean. I was correct."It 7:10." I stop what I was doing. Jean said 7:10. It was 7:10. I facepalm my self. "(Y/n) is there something wrong?".

I spit out the toothpaste wash my mouth and open the door. I gave Jean a smile "Yeah, I'm okay." He gave me a smile. "Alright." He ruffles my hair. I moved his hand away from my hair why because I just finished doing my hair.

I went down the stairs and see my mom putting food on the table. I went back upstairs a knock on Ty's door. "Who is it?" I answered his question. " It's, (Y/n)"

(You guys, I'm using my dad computer so you have no idea that I keep on missing up on this --->(Y/n)<----. Back to this story)

Ty opens half of the door and sticks out his head. "Let me guess, you found out what time it actually was it, and you're here to yell at me or something, am I correct?" I nod at him with an angry face. "*sigh* Sorry, (Y/n) but I had to find a way to get you out of your bed." Ty looked at me for a second. He closes his eyes for like probably five seconds and he mumbles something under his breath. "What was that, Ty?"

He looks up at me. "Well I got to go change and you go do something else. Okay, okay then. See you at breakfast." He closed the door. "*sigh*" Back downstairs where my mom is. Probably dad is done too.

Time skip~ At school

8:18 am

We were walking all the way to school. One thing that I didn't expect is that we were walking with Evan, Delirious, and Wildcat. Well, first time walking with them to school in the morning.

We were close to the gate entrance. We just got to walk the pedestrian. I look left and right and went back to walking. I heard a car going fast that I felt someones two arms on my stomach and lifted me up.

I close my eyes for a second and open them. There was a black car that was so close to me. I could see someone smiling at me, like literary smiling at me. Why was this guy smiling at me? Is this guy trying to kill me?

"AYE, B***, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!" I heard Wildcat cussed at that guy who was about to kill me. "Wildcat watch your language. There's a child here." Said Delirious with a mad voice.

'Why was this guy trying to kill me? Why just happen? Does he know where I live? What happens if someone didn't pick me deep on time? Jesus Christ, I'm scared.' I was in deep in my thought. "(Y/n)...(Y/n)...(Y/n)!" I snapped out. I didn't know Jean was calling me. I didn't know Jean was the one who saved me.

I didn't know I was crying. Jean put me down. He turned me around. "(Y/n) you're okay, your not dead. Please stop crying." I didn't stop crying. I put my head down. All of my brothers and sister were trying to cheer me up.

I kept crying. I felt someone hugging me. I look up it was Delirious. He came close to my ear and whisper."(Y/n), Your okay, I promise you that I will protect you." I stop crying. He let go of the hug.

"O-ok." I wipe my tears away. I turned around. I didn't want to walk the pedestrian first. I felt someone hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Evan. "Do you want to hold on to my hand?" I nod. I grab on to Evan's hand. I was holding his hand a little tight.

We finial got to the gate. I see the whole crew. We walk up to them. And I'm still holding on to Evan's hand. I was scared to let go of Evan's hand.

"Not to be rude but why is (Y/n) holding your hand, Evan?" Marcel question Evan. "Umm... You see, (Y/n) almost got hit by a Lamborghini-" Evan was cut off by everybody. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I was getting even more scared.

I ran to Delirious and started to cry on his stomach. I was holding on to his uniform."I-I'm s-scar-rd, I'm scared, I'm scared." Repeating it probably made everyone sad or worried. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

I know that voice it was Asher. I shook my head no. I turn my full body facing him. He came up to me and hug me. "Your okay, you're here with us." He was right. I am Okay, I am here with my brother and sister, and my friends.

I hugged Asher back. I stop crying. "T-thank you." I pull away from the hug and wipe away my tears again. "Come on, (Y/n). I got to introduce my to my friends." I nod my head. He grabs my hand and we went inside the school. We were at the cafeteria.

"Um, Asher, why are we at the ca-" I was cut off by a girl with short brown hair. "Asher there you are." She stops right in front of us. I was behind Asher. I see a few other kids coming toward us. I also notice Eva. "Hey, guys."

Asher waved at them. "Oh, this is (Y/n)." I waved at them and they waved at me back. "Can you guys introduce yourself?" They all nod there head, the brown haired girl was shaking her head like crazy. "Hello, my name is Nelly!" Nelly said a little loud.

"Hi, my name is Conner. Me and Nelly are twins. And I'm older than her."

"H-Hi, m-my n-name is N-Natalie. N-Nat o-or Lia f-for sh-short" She reminds me of me. "Hi, my name is Eliot. Eli for short."

"Hi, my name is Nicholas. Nick for short."


Finally, a chapter has come. And I want to give the credit to EpsilonPsi for making the characters. It was Natalie, Eliot, Nelly, Conner, and Nicholas. Thank you EpsilonPsi. You saved me. Please go check her out. She makes good stories.

I hope you guys enjoy. I hope I didn't make any mistakes. Please vote. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

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