Thanksgiving special

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6:35 am
Date: Thanksgiving

We where celibate Thanksgiving. I tried to look for something good and I did.

I just realized that I have a lot of skirts and dresses

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I just realized that I have a lot of skirts and dresses. Not a lot of pants even shirts. I put my clothes on. I went downstairs. Nobody's there in the living room. They're probably getting food for Thanksgiving.

I see Daniel at the kitchen. "Hi Dan." Daniel turned to me he gave me a little smile, he hasn't smiled for quite a while. "Morning sis. You're up early."

"Where is everybody?" He answered my question. "Hmmm... Isaac, Ty, and Mal went with Mom, and Jean, Zack, and Sam are with dad."

"What about Eren?"

"He's upstairs. Can you bring Eren here? Tell him that I need help with breakfast." I gave him a nod and a smile.

I was at knocking Eren's door. "Who is it?"

"It's me."

"Come in." I open the door. I didn't expect Eren wasn't wearing a shirt he was only wearing his pants. He has muscular arms and abs, I felt uncomfortable. "Eren, where's your shirt."

"I'm trying to look for my shirt that I want to wear." I stop feeling uncomfortable. "Do you remember where you left it?"

" Yeah I did, I left it at my bed now it's gone. Can you help me look for my shirt?" I nod at him.

We try to find his shirt for about 7 minutes and I found his shirt. It was next to his bed. "Eren I think I found your shirt."

(Oh and if you guys think that Eren and Daniel have a dirty room they don't have to dirty rooms. Just letting you guys know.)

Eren put his shirt on "Eren, Daniel wants you to go to the kitchen, like right now." He 'hm' to me. we walk downstairs. " What took you guys so long?"

"Well-" Eren interrupted me, and he finished my sentence too. "Me and (Y/n) were looking for my shirt that I wanted to wear and it was next to my bed." Daniel nod. "Well come help me finish breakfast."

"Can I help make breakfast?" He did it again he smiled ay me and nod. "Sure"

Time skip~7:31 am

Dad came home then Mom. We all eat breakfast and we complemented to Daniel and Eren food. I barely did anything, they just tell me to grab an orange juice and silverware. I finish my breakfast first. "So (Y/n) are you excited for turkey or pie or cake." Jean made me giggle a little. I heard a doorbell ring.

"I got it." I went to the door and see grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles here. I greeted them and let them in.

Aunt Ray greeted first then the rest. Grandpa, Grandma, aunt, and uncle we're starting to eat. grandma asked me if I was hungry and I told her no. "I already ate and finish my food very fast."

Another doorbell ring. And I did it again, open the door and I see I think all the crew there with their parents. I did it again, greeted them and let them in. I realize that Smitty, Asher, and Eva weren't here.

Time skip again~2:16 pm

We barely helped our parents. Our parents tell us to go do something while the parents do the food. We all decide to go outside. We decide to play murder mystery. We grab a paper, a pencil to write, and a cup.

We started to play. I was innocent. I put back the paper in the cup and walk back. Same as the other.

I was looking at everyone. Same as them. "So who's going to move?" I questioned all of them. "Why are you the murder, (Y/n)?" Vanoss question me first.

I giggled a little "maybe" one thing that I realized. "Wait are we supposed to move around instead just standing here?"

"Oh shit- I mean, uh yeah?" I gasped "Wildcat, Language." We all laughed at me say language in a little funny way.

We all split apart. I few of the crew went on two or three as a team. I was by myself hiding. I hear few screams.

Then there was Bryce who was talking to Del. "Delirious we can talk this through." Delirious start to laugh kinda creepy. "NOPE." He said popping the 'p'. Bryce started calling for help. Hopefully my parents didn't hear it.

I wanted to help Bryce. I try to look for something to throw. Then there was Moo. He had his hand up doing a gun style. I found a stick. I tried to be quite. Creeping up to Bryce.

I throw it at the wooden fence, hopefully, that will attract delirious attention. And it did. I grab Bryce wrist. And started to run.

"HEY! Get back here." I was running up to Moo. I let go of Bryce's wrist.

We stop running. Bryce started to thank me. "Oh my God, (Y/n). Thank you, thank you, thank you." I try to tell him to be quite.

We heard footsteps behind me. Moo told me to go behind him. When the person came out it was Ohm and Sam.

"Oh god. You guys gave me a hard attack." I whisper yell at them. "Hehe. Sorry (Y/n)." Sam and Ohm said it at the same time. I sighed. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turn my head slowly. "Ah-."

Bryce POV

Right, when we were walking together we heard someone scream. I turned my head to see Delirious is behind (Y/n). I yelled (Y/n)'s name. "No, (Y/n)" I said dramatically. (Y/n) started to be dramatic too. "No, save yourself."

"No, I won't leave you." It was too funny to be dramatic. "Just go." Then Jonathan started to be dramatic too. "You can never have her ever again!" I wasn't so sure that Delirious poke her or not, but he did run. Which leave  (Y/n) fall down Dramatic.

I ran to her. "(Y/n), you're going to be okay."

"Bryce...just go *cough* *cough*. Live on. Bleh."

"Nooo hehe."

We finished playing murder mystery now it's time to get inside.

7:38 pm
(Y/n) POV

It's time for us to eat. Everybody was just talking I was talking to Bryce about how dramatic we were in murder mystery.

Smitty and Asher came.

I'm almost finished with food. I was spaced-out of how happy I am, how I'm with everybody that I love. Then I saw someone's hand waving. It was Bryce. I smiled at him.

I finish eating and we end up saying something else.

We started playing twister. Asher and I were the only who are standing. I wanted to fall down so badly but I couldn't. Smitty was in charge of the spinner. I fell down first and Asher won. "Good game, (Y/n)."

Hey guys thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter and Happy Thanksgiving. And if you guys are wondering why I haven't posted last week go to update or something. Thank you guys for reading and I made a new book I'm not sure if you guys know it's called My sad life turns to a different thing. And I hope I didn't mess up and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. bye.

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