Chapter 21: The crash

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I saw amazing things. My dad told me we're going to walk around downtown. We stop at the red light. I saw a guy who is painting faces. I hear sirens that are close, but it didn't bother me. I felt the car move. I still kept my eyes on the facing painting. When I was about turn back around. I see a car coming towards us or me.



(Y/n) Pov

"(Y-.../n) ...(Y/n)..." Who's calling me? I can hear something else. The sounds I'm hearing. I think I can hear bells or that static noise from the Television or both. "(Y/n)... wake up!" I can hear someone's voice. "(Y/n)!" They sound worried. My hearing is getting better. I open my eyes a little. My eyes are fluttering for some reason. I feel liquid on my forehead, but it's going up. I didn't realize that my arm is up even my legs and my hair. But the thing is, I'm not forcing myself to put my arms and legs up.

I try opening my eyes. I see the road is up. I see my mom. Her hair is up. Then everything went black.

Mia's (Mom) Pov~ Before (Y/n) was getting called.

We were just driving and out of know where the car is going out of control. The car started to flip out of know where. When it stops, I open my eyes to see that we are upside down.

"Eric, what happens?" I asked my husband. "I don't know." Eric said. My head started to hurt but that didn't bother me much. "(Y/n), are you ok." I asked (Y/n) but she didn't respond to me. That got me worried. I turned my head to see my poor angel.

(Don't forget that the car is upside down.)

Her arms and legs are down. The glass window is broken to shards. I can see some shards on her legs, arms and I'm not sure if any of the shards are on her. Blood is coming down on her forehead. "(Y/n) wake up!" She's not waking up. Then Eric started to speak. "(Y/n)!" No respond from, (Y/n). "(Y/n), please wake up. (Y/n)!" Still no response.

"Shit." I crust under my breath. "(Y/n) is knock out, Eric."

"Shit." I hear Eric cured under his breath too. I look at my seatbelt. I was trying to unbuckle myself but the bulk won't. "Eric, I can't unbuckle my seat belt."

"Same here." I stop at what I was doing and look at Eric. Eric is also trying to unbuckle. I went back to unbuckling my seat belt. Then my buckle let go of my seat belt and I fell down. I got up and felt a pain in my hand.

I move my hand to see my palm. My palm is bleeding from a shard. I look down to see shards are almost everywhere. "Mia, grab (Y/n). And go ok-". Eric stops himself. " I smell gasoline." Our Eyes widen.

Eric tries to unbuckle his seat belt while I try to get (Y/n) out. I hear a thud from Eric. Telling me that he finally took is off. I hear sirens coming shoes, sandals and others are sounding us. "Move back." I hear someone says. I tried to unbuckle (Y/n). Then I see Eric's hands on (Y/n)'s armpits. "I-I can't unbuckle it."

"Here let me try." Eric and I switched. I put my hands on (Y/n)'s armpits. Eric unbuckles the seat belt and I hold on to (Y/n) I try to move the seat belt. Then I heard, "Hey, there are people in the car!" I put (Y/n)'s head on my shoulder. I try opening the door. It won't open as well. "Shit." I then started to shout at people to get their attention. 'H-hey, please help us. Our child with us!" I shout. I hear a few footsteps. I hear someone trying to open the car door. I want to go through the window but there still shards at the window. I see someone crouching down.

I notice that person. I wanted to cry.

Daniel's Pov

I'm with Delirious, Delirious's dad Jason, Mal, Tyler, and Issac. And we're in downtown. A lot of traffic but not this big of traffic. I have been hearing sirens from police. Passing by. Maybe a car crash? Who knows.

Time skip~

Okay, we have been in traffic for so long but it only been 10 minutes. If another Ten minutes have passed I'm going to walk to the place that we are supposed to meet. My phone rang. I check who it is. Is Sam's name. "Hello."

"Daniel, where are you guys?"

"We're still if traffic. And where behind you."

"Tell Jason to go park his car or whatever."

"Okay, but what happened?" I said worried in my voice. Same end the call. "Mr. Jason, can you park?"

"Ok, but why?" Jason questions. "I don't know but just do it." I said. I'm getting worried. When we park to the side. We got out of the car and I see Sam is out of the car. Her phone is on her ear. She talking to someone. I ran up to her. "Sam, what's going on? Why do we have to par-" Sam stop me.

"Where are you, Ty?" I don't want to disturb her. I walk back to Mal and the others. "So what up?" Tyler asked. "I not sure," I said back to him. "GUYS!" I hear Issac. But wasn't he with Evan and the others? Everyone went with Evan in the limo except Delirious, Tyler, Mal, and I.

Anyways, I look at Issac. "Issac, why aren't you with the others?" I ask Issac. He was out of breath. "Come with me." Isaac said without even stopping for air. "Ok."

Time skip~

I wasn't so sure what going on. We went to the other side of the street. "Issac, what going on. Where-." I stop myself. I see a car. It looks like dad's car. Or that what I think. I'm hoping that is not dad's car. 'Please don't be mom and dad and (Y/n)' I was hoping so hard. I look at the other way if i could find the others. But I found (Y/n)'s bag. I start running to the other side f the car. But I can't see. There are too many people around.

I past through them. When I got to the front I see mom and dad. Trying to come out of the car. I was wondering 'Where is (Y/n)?' I try to look for and I did see her. I see her on the floor. Her back was on some guys arm. This guy looks almost like dad. I didn't care right now. "Kid, move back." An officer said. I think she was talking to me. I didn't listen. I ran up to them. "Hey!" The officer yelled at me. I still didn't care. I ran to the guy who is holding (Y/n) in his arms. I couldn't see her face. Her face is facing the other direction." (Y/N)!" I yelled at (Y/n)'s name. She didn't respond.

I stop right in front of them. "What happened to her?" I ask the man. He looked up. He a lot looks like dad. "They got in a car crash." He an award my question. "Ca-" I grabbed by my two arms. "You're not supposed to be here." One of the two officers said. "Wait, let him go." The man who is holding (Y/n) said. They let go of me and left. "Dan-, what your name kid?" The man said. It sounds like he was about to say my name. "I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours." I said. The man nods his head. "My name is..."

To be continued
Hello my peps, how have you been during these two or three months? Did you miss this book? But whatever you don't have to answer it. Anyways, thank you guys for waiting patiently. I appreciate it. And if you guys can re-read this book so that you can understand it more. No rude comments while I was editing. So what did you think of this chapter? Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please vote, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye.

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