Chapter 24

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The screeching noise made (Y/n) covers her ears. She closed her eyes saying to stop screaming that this is all a dream. A few seconds later the screeching stop. She feels something on top of her. She opens her eyes. She sees the lady standing, blood coming down her body, black stuff in her eyes are still coming down. Then (Y/n) sees a familiar creature. It that one creature that ate her. The wolf started to growl at the lady and some creature.

(Y/n)'s Pov

The huge smokey wolf keeps on growling at the lady and some creature that ate me a long time ago. The creature took a step. The smokey wolf growled louder. Then the lady started to take a step. "Don't you dear take another step, or I'll bite your neck and snap it." The wolf talked. The wolf freaking talk. And it sounds demonic. Does that mean other animals can talk without the demonic voice?

The lady started to laugh normal then a crazy laugh. I don't want to hear that laugh of hers. "Why would you save an innocent, tasty, child? I thought you were on the dark side, the bad side, I thought you were like us? Killing the good human,  and eating them." I felt fear inside of me. Is this wolf going to eat me? Is he going to going to kill them just to eat me by himself?

I move away from the wolf and I'm very close to crying. I don't want to die. I am in the middle of the wolf and the lady with the skinny creature. "That not true!"

The wolf yelled. His voice is getting me scared. Both the lady and the wolf were talking to each other. This is my chance to run. I move slowly to the left and not make any noise then got up. I heard something break. And it close to me. I look down to see a twig under my feet. It just like those moves where someone steps on something and makes a loud noise and ends up being chased by someone. Well, that's going to happen to me. 'Run.'

I heard the lady said, "Get her."

"No!" The wolf yelled demonically.  I look behind me to see I'm a being chase by that skinny creature. I look at the other side to see the smokey wolf also chasing me. I felt my foot hit something. And I trip. I felt something hard on my chest. I move my head, and there I see a body rotten body, with no eyes, its teeth are showing. "Gah," I got up quickly This is the first time seeing a rotten body and the first time seeing it very close.

I went back to running. Tears start to form in my eyes. I wanted to cry. I rubbed my eyes with my arm.

Time skip~

I am hiding under a tree. I'm still crying. I try to calm down but my breathing is going fast. I heard a footstep. I cover my mouth so that thing that I have no idea who it is or what it is, can't hear my breath.

(Did that made sense?)

I lost the wolf and the skinny guy a few minutes because the wolf was attacking that skinny guy. I heard another footstep. I realize something. The wolf was attacking the skinny guy, and the lady was left behind. She's probably with me. I was about to move the right side but I heard footsteps.

I move back slowly. 'Please, don't be that lady, please, don't be that lady, please, don't be that lady.' I plead. I heard a sniff. 'Shoot, move!' I yelled to myself in my head. "No, wait, (Y/n)." I didn't listen. I felt something on my back and I fell down to the ground. "Plea-, " I was cut off by the wolf. "Shh, don't say anything."

"No, please-"

" I said don't say anything or else I will eat you!" The wolf threatened. I keep my mouth shut. Tears come down to the dirt. One or two minutes have passed, the wolf moved back. "You can get up,(Y/n). But you have to stay with me." The wolf said. Why does he know my name? I got up and nod at him. My breathing is heavy. "Are you tried?" He questions me. I nod my head.  "Get on me." The wolf said. I turned to see him kneeling down I for me to get on. I shrugged and got on his back. I don't know know how long I've have been running, crying, and hoping. I'm tired of running and being scared.

I lay my head on the back of his neck. His fur is so soft and kinda fluffy. For some reason. I trust him. I have few questions to ask. "Hey, um wolf, w-what's your name?" I asked, then the wolf started to laugh. "I thought you knew my name, (Y/n)." He said without the demonic voice. He sounds familiar. "Eh?"

"Hehe, I'll tell you my name once I find somewhere safe for us. You can just relax." He said. For some reason, he sounds familiar. I didn't let it bother me. Instead, I just went to sleep on his worm fluffy fur.

Time skip~
Daniel Pov

Dad and I have been worrying about (Y/n) for who knows how long. I have been pacing back and forth and dad is just sitting there mumbling something. I'm hoping that (Y/n) lives. This is (Y/n)'s worst birthday. First, it was (Y/n) getting hurt by Emma, and now she just got on a car crash. Her face was all bloody up. Her blood stains her uniform, shards are on her body. Her rib is probably broken, she had a hard time breathing, and while we were going to the hospital, (Y/n) couldn't breathe. When the ambulance man tries to give her air, It like she wouldn't take the air for her lungs.

It probably because of her rib. I look at dad. He still mumbling something. I realize that he is less scratch. I see a little bit of blood. What happened. Did he do something wrong?

Hey, guys. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Vote, and I have nothing else to say it I'll see you guys on the next day.

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