Chapter 31

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"Kids there is something that we need to tell you..." Mom stops for a few seconds.

Daniel's Pov

"You know Daniel, we have met before and this is how you treat me after trying to help, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I know. But I rather no-, " I was cut off by mom yelling at me. "Daniel, let me finish." I can hear the annoyance in mom's voice. "That man, his name is Adam. He works with your father...," she stops again. Her eyes are changing direction. I looked at dad. He looks unsure. 'They're hiding something, from us.'

(Y/n)'s Pov

I felt warm for some reason. I didn't want to open my eyes until the monster that was attacking me and Zane flash into my mind. I open my eyes. Looking around to know where I'm at. I'm in a different spot. There are still trees, rocks, dirt, and bushes around. "You all right, kid?" I know that voice. I turn to see Zane.

"Oh... Hi, " I waved at him. He gets up. "Do you feel all energies?" He questions me. "Yeah, I think so." I answered his question. Zane pulls out his hand for me to grab. I gladly took his hand as he pulls me up, I felt something fell on my shoulder. I looked at the direction where something had fallen. It was a jacket. I picked it up. Zane chuckles for some reason. "That's my jacket. I let you use it as a blanket." He smiles at me.

"Why?" I questioned. "Last night was cold. So I let you use it as a blanket and I started a fire to keep you a little bit-, " Zane stops talking because my stomach was growling. " Sorry, I did-, " Then I stop talking because of Zane's stomach growled too.

We both look at each other's stomach and then look at each other. We both laugh together because we both are hungry and we both stop talking because our stomach was growling for food.

Our laugh was slowly fading away. "Let go find some animals to eat." Zane said. "Ok." Zane starts to lead us somewhere.

Time skip~

It has been silence for who knows how long. To be honest, I realized that this place is very dark and I don't think that there is any good food around here. "Zane?" I called. "Hm, " He hummed, letting me know that he is listening.

"How are we going to find food around here when this place is really dark? I haven't seen one nice little beautiful color around here. It's all sad, dark, and lonely around here." I said in a low sad voice. Zane just shrugged. "I'm no-, look."  I look around at what he was talking about. I see pigs. One big pig and three little baby pigs. "Alright, you stay right here, while I go get, big pig." Zane pulls out his Knife or switchable while speaking to me.

I knew what he was trying to do. Zane was about to leave until I grabbed his leg. "W-what the." He stutters. He nearly trips because of me. "(Y/n), what are you doing?!?!" Zane whisper shouts at me. I look at him. "Don't kill it." I whisper back. "(Y/n), we have to eat." Zane said getting really annoyed of me.

I shook my head no. "It has a family." I told. "Then I'll kill them." Zane whispered. "Noooooooo!" I whisper shout at him. "They're eventually going to die."

"Noooooo! Let them live." I was nearly about to cry. "(Y/n), any day and time they will die which is now."

"So you rather let the baby pigs be lonely without there parent and make them starving to death a-and live in fear?" I question Zane. My voice cracked while I was whispered. "Yes, " Zane said with no emotions. "Noooooooo, " I tried to hold him back and Zane was just dragging me with him. "They have a family. Let them live happily."

"They're going to die, (Y/n)." Zane struggling said. "Well, let them die happy. Not fear and pain." I tried to hold back tears. Zane trip so we both fell with a not too loud thud.

We look at each other. Zane is leaning of his stomach and I was laying on his legs.

"Oink, " a baby pig is walking toward us. Zane pulls up his knife, ready to stab the baby pig. "NOOO!" I yelled. I jumped on his back, grabbed his arm, and try to take the knife that it is in his hands.

He wouldn't let go of it.


I hear a click. Zane pulls out another knife but it's a switchblade. The baby pig is right in front of us. He lifts up to the knife. I had the time and pick up the baby pig. Zane brings down the knife and I picked up the baby pig to me.

I get off of Zane. "(Y/n), give me the pig." I shook my head no. "It just a baby." I cried out. Zane seems mad. Then his mad face turns into fear. "(Y/n)... Put the pig down, nice and slowly." Zane said. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking behind me.

I turn around and see a big pig with longhorns or teeth.

(She's talking about a Boar.)

It huffs angrily. Slowly putting the baby pig down but the big pig starts attacking without letting me put down the baby big down. I held the baby pig, running to Zane for help. "ZANE, HELP ME!" I yelled at him.

I felt my butt being touch. I screamed "AHHH!" It lifts me up and now I'm riding on top of the big pig. It was a very bumpy ride. Zane was running forward and the big pig chasing after Zane. "Why is that boar chasing after me?!?!" Zane yells. "Probably because you tried to killing one of it baby piggy." I exclaim.

"Oink, "

"Oink, "

"Oink, "

I hear adorable baby pigs and a big pig chasing after Zane too. To be honest, this is fun. Having the cold air breezing through my face, two adorable pig and big pig are behind me, one little pig in my arms, and they're chasing Zane for trying to kill a baby pig. I see Zane jumping up the tree. I hear the baby pig screeching and squirming in my arms. I look in front of me to see a broken-down tree.

It was about to hit me and the baby pig. I didn't want the baby pig to get squish or die because of me. I lift up the piggy. Ready to take the hit. I felt my stomach hit the tree trunk. It was very painful. At least the piggy didn't get hurt. I see the big pig that I was riding on running away.

I'm slowly falling down to the ground and hit my back. Lucky for me it wasn't painful.

"Oink, oink, "

Baby pigs were sounding around me sniffing. I giggled. I sat up and put the pig down. I stand up but felt the pain in my stomach making me crouched down in pain.

Zane's Pov
Before (Y/n) hits the tree trunk

'Got to run, got to run, got run, ' I keep
On repeating it in my head. I see a tree trunk down. I jumped on it, then jump the next tree. I turn around to look for the boar. I see (Y/n) riding on the boar, two baby pig and a mother pig following behind and another baby pig that (Y/n) is holding.

She lifts up the baby pig and gets hit by the tree trunk. " *sharp inhales while teeth are close*, oof." That must be painful. As the boar keeps on running straight thinking that I'm still ahead of him, (Y/n) falls down to the ground still having the baby pig up.

The mama and the baby pigs went up to the lay down (Y/n) who is still lifting up the baby pig. They were sniffing her. (Y/n) giggles as she sat up, put down the baby pig. She stands up but then crouches. She sat back down.

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Please vote.

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