Not a chapter, Im sorry!

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Ok so first I have story block (if that's what the writer called it), so it might take me a while. Sorry for making you guys wait for much more longer. I've m still waiting for votes. So far I only got one vote but I think that's ok. I'll still write down if anyone still wants to read it.

Silent wind (Ninjago x ¡mute! Reader)

Love and protect a demon (Nezuko x Male reader) (this is from demon slayer)


The Breath of Yang (Demon Slayer x reader)

Yeah, so I'm not sure when this story will up-loud this chapter, so if you have any ideas please tell me.

Second, my fear came. My mom and older sibling went to check if they have COVID-19. And now we gave to wait for the results to come in 7-10 days. This is giving me anxiety. For my mom, I feel like there is 70%/100%. I'm not sure about my older sibling because they don't live with us. So I'm scared that they will have it, I'm scared of losing them. So the reason why I'm telling you this is to be safe. Lots of things are happening. We got to try and end this COVID-19 for people. I know a lot of us don't want to lose there loved ones.

But please I'm begging everyone to stop this virus. I'm scared of losing my loved ones. People are scared of losing there love ones. So please be safe.

Heavens Child (Bbs x reader)Where stories live. Discover now