When They Meet. (Raphael)

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Rain's pov.

I walked down the streets of New York, the city loud and annoying. I slowly blocked the noise out with my headphones, I should have been more aware of my surroundings, for I was pulled into an alley by a strong male. I began to have my panic attack.

'Not again! Not again!' my mind screamed. I struggled against my holder, he was very strong. I can't even use my powers without him finding out! She grunted in frustration as she was pinned against a wall, luckily her assailant can't see her eye colors.

"Hand over your money!"The man snarled, placing a knife to my throat.

"Well, I can't with a knife at my neck!"I snapped, he glared at me before removing the knife slowly, but never put it away if I tried anything. I fake checked my pockets because I knew I had none.

"Whoops, sorry buddy! Got no money pal."I whistled innocently until his fist made contact with my stomach. I fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"You little piece of...."I was cut off when the male screamed out of nowhere, I looked up to see him gone. Then a few moments later, after the sounds of muffled fighting, the body of the unconscious male was thrown to the ground. I squeaked with surprise before hearing a grunt of pain.

"Who's there? Are you alright?"I asked, concern washing over and drowning my fear.

"I'm fine, no need for ya to stay. Ya better be getting home."A heavy accented voice replied. Couldn't tell if it was a British or Brooklyn accent.

"You sound as if you are in pain, come out to where I can see you,"I replied, crossing my arms over, my chest.

"No, you'll just scream, just like everyone else I have saved and they saw me."He replied.

"I'm not everybody, and I have seen stranger things, don't have much of a good life either."I frowned slightly.

The figure in the shadows didn't speak, as if he was hesitant.

"Fine."He sighed in defeat before slowly stepping out of the shadows. My eyes widened, seeing a giant 6-foot mutant turtle with a red bandana covering his face and head, there were holes and small cuts on his bandana, he even had sais and LOT'S of scars! Wicked cool!

I then noticed the blood dripping off his arm.

"Shoot, you're bleeding! Let me help you out, my sisters shouldn't be home yet."I quickly yet gently took his hand and led him to the rooftops.

"How many sisters do ya have?"He asked cautiously.

"3 of em, I'm the oldest. Maybe you can meet them someday."I inwardly scoffed. My sisters would be demanding answers from me, except Leana of course, she'll understand. 

I shook away my thoughts and leaped over the gap of an alley, landing skillfully on another rooftop. Looking back, the turtle was looking at me in shock.

"What?"I snapped, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothin."He replied quickly, leaping over to land next to me.

We kept jumping roofs till we got to my apartment window. Heck, it was so big the turtle could easily fit in through my window!

"So, what's your name?"I asked awkwardly. He stared at the ground for a moment, thinking of telling me his name.

"Raphael, ya can call me Raph. What's yours?"He replied with a small smirk.

"Rain, "I replied simply.

"Rain?"He asked.

"Rain."I stared into his green eyes to find any sort of mockery, seeing none, I grunted and went to go grab my medical kit, as well as my sewing kit. He's gonna need stitches.

"Hope you ain't afraid of needles, "I muttered. I was wondering why I was so freaking chatty since I met Raph.

I carefully and perfectly, cleaned, stitched, and wrapped his arm in a large bandage.

"There you go, "I said simply, inwardly admiring my handy work.

"Thanks."He hesitated for a moment. 

"Something wrong, Raph?"I asked, mentally slapping myself. I need to quit talking. I'm never this talkative with anyone! Other than Leana...when we were alone.

"Why didn't ya scream when ya saw me?"He asked.

"I have seen many horrible things in my life so far. My sisters and I are different than any other normal human on earth."I said softly. Making sure my door was locked, I flicked on the light, his eyes widened when he stared into mine, even glancing at my scar.

"I should get going."Raph shot up and began to walk towards the window.

"Be careful next time, "I muttered, he glanced my way and smirked. Sending a wink my way and leaving. I was a blushing mess, but I quickly stopped blushing and I went to bed, thinking of a red-clad turtle.

Raph's pov.

'Damn she's hot.'

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