The End...? (All)

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The turtles and their wives were living a happy life on an abandoned and secret island off the coast of New York City, Splinter may be old but doesn't show it, he's healthy and shows no signs of passing anytime soon.

Raphael and Rain had adopted a beautiful, human, baby boy, naming him Jayson. Rain and Raphael were proud and happy parents, Jayson giving them great joy. 

Jayson was an adorable albino boy. With white hair and beautiful pink eyes, and he held a lightning bolt birthmark on his collarbone, and he was definitely a fathers boy, wanting to be just like his father, minus the temper, which Raph had better control over than ever before. Now his dangerously calm voice was scary. He would be given the weapon of the Kusarigama chain when he was ready, like what his mother wields, and a light red bandana.

Leonardo and Leana had 2 children, twins to be exact, and they absolutely loved them both. Nara, their beautiful daughter, and the oldest twin by an hour. She is a shapeshifter but was born a mutant turtle with sapphire blue eyes. Her shapeshifting ability gives her the chance to become human. Switching between both forms and metal skin when needed, nothing else. She has black hair in her human form, with a black heart-shaped birthmark on her right cheek. She is a daddy's girl but has her mother's personality. She will gain the tessen when she is older, like what her mom wields, plus a baby blue bandana.

Nino is their daring son, with one silver eye like his mother, and the other a mix of sapphire blue and a lighter blue. He has light brown hair like his dad when Leo is in human form. Born human but can shift into a mutant turtle, and several other reptiles. He has a crescent moon birthmark on his left cheek. He's their little rebel, sometimes disobeying his mother, but never his father. He will gain the Katana when he is older, and a green bandana.

Donatello and Maila had 1 little girl named Tamarin. Born human. She was their little angel, having a little dove birthmark on her neck. She has cute little cat ears and tail, always at her parent's side as she was shy until you get to know her and she loosens up. She has pretty green eyes and ombre ocean blue hair. She somehow has the ability to control the element of air, maybe somehow got it when her mother had that ability but lost it, somehow gaining it. She will hold the Naginata when she's older, and a light purple bandana with white whispy designs.

Michelangelo and Mela had a beautiful baby boy. He was born human. They named him Sunny, having greenish blue eyes and curly blonde hair like his father. He has small, adorable wings and tail feathers, but instead of white at the edges, they were a light shade of green. He was their little ray of sunshine, always happy, never sad. He wasn't uninterested in pranks, to his uncles, they were absolutely happy about that. To which Mela glared at them. Sunny took his father's culinary and skateboarding skills. He did get anxiety at times but he always had his parents to help him through that. He also has a little sun birthmark on his side. He controlled the element of water from his mom which she no longer had. He will gain the Nunchucks as his weapon, and a sunset-colored bandana.

A/N: And this is the end! But if you wish, comment if you want me to create a future story with the children! Thank you for staying with my longest story on Wattpad! I enjoyed writing it!! Goodbye! Until next time!

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