His Confession (Michelangelo)

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Mela's pov.

I played video games with Mikey and I was winning! But at the last second, he passed the finish line before he and whooped victoriously. I pouted sadly before he noticed. He stopped moving and a frown appeared, which wasn't normal. Did I make him angry?!

He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry dudette, I didn't mean to make you upset."He said sadly, hugging me. I sighed and let him hug me.

"It's ok Mikey, I'm fine."I lied.

"You can't lie to me, Mela."He spoke sternly. My eyes widened, where did his playful side go? He gently took my wrist and pulled me to talk privately in his room.

I was gently pushed in before he used both hands to close his door and locked it. He turned to me and by this time I was trembling. His gaze softened, but I still didn't calm down. I flinched as he reached out to touch me, his eyes showed sadness and regret.

I then felt his hand cup the side of my face, my eyes flicked up to look into his.

"Were you once abused? Hence that reaction?"He spoke softly. My eyes widened and I looked away, looking down. But he only made me look at him again.

"I assume that's a yes, Mela, please don't be scared me, please dudette."He pleaded sadly. I nodded sadly, tears slowly traveling down my face. He cupped my face with both of his friends and kissed each tear away before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry that happened to you dudette. But I promise I am not like them. I'm your pizza dude."He laughed half-heartedly, holding in tears of his own. I hugged him tightly.

"I dated some abusive guy, and I soon left him, but now I'm scared of meeting another like him. The same thing happened to Maila, she had a girlfriend, but they soon abused her, used her for money, and tried giving my twin to a gang."I choked back sobs. Mikey held me tighter, whispering soothing words into my ear. I pulled away and smiled.

"Thanks, Mikey, you're the best pizza dude a pizza gal could ever have."I laughed softly. He grinned and pulled a funny face, making me burst out into laughter.

"Mela, I love you."He spoke softly, turning away from my shocked expression.

"Y...You love me?"I stuttered.

"Yeah, I wondered what this feeling was...at first I thought I was dying....but really I just felt love."He spoke softly. This wasn't the goofy, carefree Mikey I knew. He was serious, the side nobody had ever seen of him. Not even me, until now. He acted like Leo...

"But...my ex said nobody would ever love me....told me only he would love me and should be glad that I had him..."I cried. He quickly pulled me into another hug.

"He lied, if he truly loved you he wouldn't have abused you. I would never do that dudette."He spoke softly.

"Thanks, Mikey, "I replied kissing his cheek. He smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend Mela?"He asked. I smiled and nodded.

The rest of the night was spent cuddling then falling asleep in each other's embrace.

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