When she's In Trouble (Michelangelo)

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I walked to a nearby pizza place and grabbed a few pizzas for the boys. It was night time so I was a bit frightened as I began to walk towards the sewer lid.

But then I was grabbed from behind, the pizza boxes landing on the ground perfectly in a stack...

I yelped in shock as I was then pinned to a wall. My eyes meeting that of someone I never wanted to meet with ever again.

"Cody..."I murmured in fear. He pulled off his food and smirked.

"Hey baby girl, miss me?"He taunted. I trembled in fear.

"W...What d...do you w...want!"I stammered, fear taking over my thoughts to hit and run.

"You."He whispered into my ear and kissed my earlobe. I began to struggle but he let go of my arms and instead grabbed my neck, at the time I was crying with fear.

I quickly pulled out my phone from behind my back and sent Donnie a distress signal before Cody caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

"You shouldn't have escaped my grasp...but now I have you back, and you'll NEVER escape me now."He laughed maniacally before he was hit in the head with a nunchuck.

"Stay away from mah girl brah! Want some of this bruh? I'm a snappin turtle fool!"Mikey yelled and continuously hit Cody in the side, out of his range of sight. Soon Cody was unconscious, but he'll only suffer from a bit of bruising and a pounding headache.

Mikey quickly ran over to me and started checking me for injuries.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"He panicked, I nodded a little bit, showing him my bruising neck that he had grabbed tightly. Mikey glared down at Cody, not asking a single word, Mikey swooped me into his arms and followed his brothers into the sewers, luckily Raph grabbed all the pizzas and we all ate in silence. The girls didn't want to push me, all but Rain understood what was wrong. Mikey was soon done with his slices of pizza and noticed I was done with my slices as well, he gently picked me up and took me into his room, cuddling in his hammock he had found in the sewers, had Donnie clean up, and place in the room. 

I began to cry onto his plastron, I was absolutely terrified, and Mikey whispered loving words to me as he kissed my cheeks and forehead repeatedly.

"Thank you, Mikey, "I murmured, slowly falling asleep.

"No problem my cuddle bear."He whispered as I fell asleep in his arms.

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