Bonus Chapter:

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The girls were all sitting on the couch waiting for Leo to be done with breakfast, Leana had shown him how to properly make pancakes and they all loved it. Especially Raph and Mikey.

"BREAKFAST!"Leo bellowed from the kitchen. The girls listened as there were 3 loud thumps from somewhere in the lair. The girls burst out into laughter as 4 large, hungry turtles barrelled into the living area and landed in a heap from tripping over each other. The boys quickly shot back up to their feet before pushing and shoving each other to be the first one into the kitchen and get the best plate of golden brown pancakes. But they kept tripping over each other.

The girls then saw Splinter calmly walking past the large pile of fighting boys and was the first to get into the kitchen. And he, of course, got the best plate of pancakes. The girls stood up and giggled as they walked past the pouting brothers before following close behind, but this time they behaved. And each turtle sat by their close 'friend,' and ate while they spoke about funny stories they had during childhood, told by your's truly...Master Splinter.

Let's just say that the boys were awfully embarrassed by the time Splinter left the kitchen to meditate before training...and the girls loved every second of it.

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