Night Terrors (Raphael)

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Rain's Dream.

Running... A little girl running from someone...she could hear their footsteps coming closer. She was tired, she couldn't escape the monsters. She could never escape her terrors.

She hid in an alley, trying to slow her breathing as she hid in the shadows. Shutting her eyes tightly. She wanted all her fears to disappear, she wanted her mommy, she wanted her sisters. 

Then she sees them, she runs for them, shouting their names, they turned, but only to scream as arrows shot through each of their hearts. Her mommy the first to fall to the ground with baby Maila and Mela in her arms. Momma's lifeless body held her dead sisters who hit their heads too heart on the cement. Her own fraternal twin sister soon fell down too. Dead.

"MOMMA! MAILA! MELA! LEA! "The younger version of  Rain screamed in horror before a new image was shown, Rain looked like what she looks like now.

"You failed to protect them! It's all YOUR fault!"Leo, Mikey, and Donnie yelled out in pure anger and tears that showed their heartbreak.

"It isn't her fault! She couldn't have done anything! It isn't her fault!"Raph defended her.

"Maybe we should help you understand that it IS her fault!"The others grinned cruelly before they turned to black smoke and circled him, and he turned to Rain with a nasty scowl. Rage in his eyes.

"R...Raph?"Rain asked him as she watched him take a step forward in a menacing way.

"It's your fault MY brothers are hurting! It's YOUR own fault your sisters died! You have powers! WHY didn't you use them to save them! My brothers will show you their pain!"He bellowed. She screamed as black dust surrounded her. The voices laughing, screaming, torturing her mind. She felt their pain, their fear their hatred.

"I WISH YOU DIED INSTEAD!"Raph screamed at her. Rain's tears flowed down her cheeks. 

'It's all a dream! It has to be!' She screamed.




"RAIN WAKE UP!"A voice slowly began to repeat her name until he began to yell.

I woke up screaming and crying in a separate room from my sisters. I asked Splinter to allow me to stay here cause I rarely get night terrors and I didn't want them to worry about me or have me wake them up.

I felt hands shaking me as I tried to look for who it was through my blurry vision.

I cried harder because I was scared. 'Are my sisters ok?!'

"Shh."A voice cooed. Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug.

I soon relaxed in the embrace and recognized who was holding me.

"R...Raph?"I sniffled. His hands wiped the hot tears on my face away.

"Shh...It was only a dream, go back to sleep."He whispered softly. I nodded slowly, my eyes droopy with needed sleep. Soon I fell into a dreamless slumber. With Raphael holding me tight.

With him being near me. I felt safer than I have ever been before...

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