When He Rescues Her. (All)

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Girl's pov.

The alarms blared of the lair of Shredder 3 days after they were kidnapped and mutated.  The sisters huddled up in the corner of the cell they were in, cuts, bruises, stab wounds, and dirt all over their bodies.

They all heard the dungeon door slam open and 4 soft footsteps rush in, and the boys were not expecting what they were about to see.

The boys gasp, each seeing their girl different...mutated. But they knew they'd be talking about what happened when they were taken cared off.  But they all were confused as to why Leana had no animal features.

Each Turtle brother grabbed their girlfriend and left the area, and eventually got home. They were angry, no...ENRAGED to find that their girlfriends were experimented on and harmed.

Raphael's pov.

He took Rain to her room to rest. Her being tired along the way home, she had fallen asleep before they reached the lair. Even the other girls were asleep. He was upset that Leana seemed to not be mutated. Was she not experimented on together with the others? Or did they rescue them after they were mutated one by one, but took the girls before it was Leana's turn? They'd have to ask them all what had happened.

Raph watched over his girlfriend carefully, making sure nothing would happen to her. But as he studied her new animal features, it seemed to make her look like it was her spirit animal, clever and tricky. He subconsciously liked her new transformation, and he was curious to know what could have happened to her powers.

Leonardo's pov.

He had taken Leana to his room to sleep for a while, she had fallen asleep moments as they had gotten into the lair. His other brothers left to go to the rooms their girlfriends were to rest in, and his brothers would watch over them. He was relieved that she was ok but worried that his brothers would be upset that nothing happened to his girlfriend. He knew he'd have to watch over Leana constantly as to not let her be kidnapped again. 

Leo watched over Leana as she slept, scanning her body over to find any wounds he could have missed under his watchful eye, but found none. He was relieved, and he knew that Leana would be upset about him being overprotective for the next few weeks, but he'll go with the punches to keep her safe from harm. He thought for a moment. What had happened there?

Donatello's pov.

He takes Maila into his lab after she had fallen asleep from fatigue, and used his scanners to look for internal damage or any signs of injury. He was worried for her, seeing as she was mutated. He was absolutely upset, knowing it must have hurt during the transformation for all the girls except Leana, and he'd need a blood test from all of them, just to be safe. He knew that he would be watching over Maila constantly to make sure she wasn't in any pain.

He looks at her fluffy ears and tail, scanning their every feature in curiosity and awe. He gently touched her ear and she let out a soft purr from her vocal cords, matching the tone of an actual cat. He chuckles and smiles lightly. He knew she was absolutely more adorable now, and he'd protect her from any more harm.

Michelangelo's pov.

He takes Mela to his room and scanned her over for any wounds, keeping her close. He felt her temperature and felt that she was cold and wrapped her in a blanket like a burrito. He chuckles at his little pizza girl. He kept her close and cuddled with her in his hammock. She was absolutely adorable and sensitive. He knew he'll be watching over her closely, but promised to help her through this.

He slightly moved away the blanket and looks at her wings, gently brushing his hand over the smooth feathers of her large wings, and noticed her tail feathers. He breaks out in a goofy grin and silently awes as she gave a bird-like chirp from her vocal cords. Definetly adorable. He covers her back up and nuzzled her cheek before gently falling asleep.

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