Merry Christmas!

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The girls and April, along with Casey, Splinter, and the boys huddled around the Christmas tree in April's apartment. Food all in the kitchen and the presents all ready to go.

"Here you go, babe!"The girls gave their gifts to their boyfriends. Then everyone gave a single gift to Sensei Splinter.

"Open it, dad!" Maila smiled, Donnie and Splinter proud that she called Splinter dad and that Donnie liking that she saw him as a faller.

Splinter burst into joyous tears when he tore open the present to reveal a memory book, which showed happy, funny, and embarrassing photos of both the girls and the boys. The last picture in the book showed all 11 of them in a group photo from a few days ago when everyone was goofing around and decided to have a group photo.

"Thank you, my sons and daughters."Splinter smiled and hugged everyone.

Now it's the girls' turn.

Casey had gotten a makeup kit that April wanted, and in return, April had got him a new, and fancy metal mask for him.

Leonardo had given Leana blue flower necklace, and she gave him brand new katanas that Splinter helped Lea find and buy. There were Japanese symbols written on the handles from Splinter, and Lea's name beside Leo's on the sides. Leo absolutely adored his gift as did Lea.

Raphael gave Rain a red rose bracelet with real rubies in the middle of each rose, and Rain had gotten Raphael golden sai with red ribbons tied around them. He was mesmerized by the shine it gave off and he gave Rain his biggest smile that nobody had ever seen before. 

Donatello gave Maila a metal hairband which had loads of technology, she can call, text, and even work with the headband because of a hologram that would shine in front of her, and gave her a little hologram keyboard. And Maila gave Donnie brand new science products which were very expensive and hard to get. Let's just say that Donnie kissed Maila full of passion and they both blushed from the audience they had, but everyone laughed with them.

Mikey gave Mela a little kitten, she was a pretty tabby cat with adorable blue eyes. Mela was squealing with awe until cuddling with both Mikey and her new kitten, which she named the female kitten Tamarine, Tammy for short. Then Mela gave Mikey a large necklace with a pizza charm and a new pair of sunglasses which she glued on a silver metal piece that spelled his name with a small little pizza slice for the dot above the letter 'i'.

Splinter had gotten April a necklace with a 'Hogosha'  charm and got the 4 sisters kimonos that matched the bandana colors their boyfriends wore around their heads. But then Splinter grabbed his 4 son's and pulled them into a different room to give them 'the talk' of....marriage for the future. Giving the boys each a ring for when they plan to propose to their special other in the future, and told them not to get the girls pregnant before the wedding.

Let's just say the boys came back with heavy blushes while they hid the rings in their pants pockets.

The girls wondered what Splinter had told them but ignored it and went to have dinner with everyone, and boy that night was spectacular. With Mikey pranking Raph with hiding white chocolate cockroaches in Raph's piece of cake, then seeing it in his next bite and went to the bathroom to force the chocolate bug's out of his system. Rain had scolded Mikey that he shouldn't have done that but went to the bathroom to console Raph and help him deal with his fear of cockroaches and the horror that he ate one because of his youngest brother.

And that night everyone crashed, cuddling together with their special other, and Splinter taking the guest bedroom.

Oh, what a night it was as they each said Merry Christmas to each other and fell asleep.

~Merry Christmas guys! And a Happy New Year!


Now that is cleared up, have a great spectacular Christmas!!!

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