Turtle Tot (Raphael)

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Rain's pov.

I walked into the lair after I was done shopping with Leana and I heard yelling in the lab. Then the yelling became baby screams and my eyes widened. 

I raced into the lab to see Donnie stared in horror as a baby Raph stood with an oversized sai in his hand, waving it threateningly as Donnie's feet.

"Raphael!"I scolded, he looked at me with big green eyes with a golden hue. He quickly turned back to Donnie with a glare and went to pounce. But I quickly snatched him in midair and took away his sais.

"Bad Raphie."I scolded with a small smirk. He glared at me and pouted, crossing his arms as I held him up by his armpits.

"Imma gets ya, Donatello, "Raph growled. Donnie quickly ran out of the room and I burst into soft laughter.

"Damn, you are so cute."I cooed and placed him on my hip. He pouted angrily.

"I ain't cute."He replied, his baby voice was hilarious.

"Ok, then adorable," I smirked.

"I ain't that either."He growled.

"Don't care Raphie."I chuckled.

"Don't call me that."

"I will."









 He pouted before smiling.

"What are you up to mister?"I narrowed my eyes at him. He smirked before he began to pinch my arm.

"OW! Hey!"I yelled.


"PUT HIM DOWN HE'S GONNA CHANGE BACK."He replied. I quickly set Raph dow as he began to grow to his normal height and form. When he was done I punched his arm and he smirked, rubbing his arm.

"Jerk."I glared, showing my pinched marks.

"Sorry, but I am not adorable."He shrugged kissing each mark.

I slowly softened.

"Whatever. I liked ya as a turtle tot."I chuckled as I hugged him. He only scoffed.

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