When She's In Trouble. (Leonardo)

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*Rain won't be in trouble cause she doesn't have an ex*

Leana's pov.

I walked into the alley where the sewer cap was to get to the lair, but once I entered, a voice that sent chills up my spine spoke.

"Hello, my little dove." He spoke, a sneer in his voice.

"No..."I whispered, turning to see my ex. He smirked cruelly, grabbing my wrist.

"L...Let go!"I exclaimed, but when I was about to scream for help, a cloth was placed over my mouth. I held my breath, the chemicals I, of course, knew about. But I was losing oxygen quickly, and the chemicals seeped into my lungs, knocking me unconscious.

I woke up bound to a chair in a dark room, but Riley, my ex, stood in front of me, tilting my chin up to face him.

"Did you have a nice nap darling?"He smirked. I scowled and tilted my head away from him.

"I know you miss me."He whispered into my ear. I froze and head-butted him away.

"I haven't thought of you once since I had left you."I snarled.

"You may have broken up with me, but you are still mine."He smirked.  

"I don't belong to you! And I already love someone else!"I growled, struggling against my restraints. My phone was still in my pocket. What an idiot! I smirked inwardly and pressed the distressed signal on my phone Donnie had added in, and the waiting game began.

"You love someone else? Who may that be my dove?"He glared.

"He's none of your concern! He's way better than you! And he'll find me!"I snapped. He glared at me before he snapped his fingers.

"Do whatever you want boys, but don't touch her pretty face."He snarled before stepping back to watch as 2 large men appeared behind me, small daggers in their hands. I screamed in pain as they sunk into my body. They beat me, sliced me, stabbed me, and did it all over again.

"Enough boys, "Riley announced casually, they stepped back and Riley lifted my chin to meet his eyes.

"You are mine and only mine! I'll kill your lover if it's the last thing I do."He snarled.

"You'll never kill him, he's better than you, more powerful. He will stop you."I weakly spoke.

"Oh my little dove, all this could end if you just submit and be my girlfriend again."He whispered. I head-butted him away with a glare to match his. Then the windows shattered, and in came the brothers. I smiled weakly as Leo ran over and kneeled down in front of me.

"L...Lea?"He stuttered worriedly, fearing I was dead when I did not move or lift my head up from bending over.

"Lea please answer me!"He begged. I coughed a little bit of blood and my lip quivered slightly.

"Leo..."I groaned in pain. He sighed in relief and unbound me, and gently picked my body up.

"I knew you'd come."I rasped.

"Shh...save your energy love."He cooed softly, kissing my forehead as we went home.

3 days after recovery:

I had healed up, I had no broken or damaged bones caused those guys didn't punch me too hard, but did leave severe bruising which should disappear soon. Leo hadn't left my side, only leaving to get the both of us something to eat and water to drink. He eventually went back to training, and I just had to take it easy.

I was glad to be home, and home I will stay.

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