Under The Mistletoe (Michelangelo)

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Mela's pov.

I was smiling at both Donatello and Maila, my older sisters were very happy with their boyfriends, just like I was with mine. None of us care about what they look like, but they definitely were attractive.

I went to chat with Splinter, noticing a mistletoe above the two of us. I chuckled and showed master Splinter, he looked at Mikey as he pouted as I kissed my 'fathers' cheek.

The entire time Mikey tried getting me under the Mistletoe, but I somehow managed to avoid it without even knowing it.

"Hey, Mela babe?" Mikey asked from across the room, I turned to look at him and tilted my head in confusion as I half smiled.

"Yea Mikestar? Did you need something?"I asked curiously. He smiled and nodded repeatedly as he motioned me to come over. I did and he held my left hand with his. With his right, he held a Mistletoe over our heads as I stared at it curiously.

"What's that?"I asked.

"It's a Mistletoe."He replied in shock.

"What do you do when under the Mistletoe?"I asked innocently, I don't know what it was for.

He smirked and leaned down and kissed me, I was tense with shock but quickly kissed back.

"So you kiss under a mistletoe?"I asked. He laughed and nodded happily. I smiled and hugged him, soon going to cuddle on the couch next to Donnie and Maila, and the other 2 couples joined too.

Splinter watched happily at his sons and daughters. He loved how his daughters brought out hidden sides of his sons. And he was sure to give them his blessing in the far future.

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