When They Meet. (Leonardo)

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I groaned in annoyance, my sisters were out in the city, who knows where! Of course, Rain was going to be alone, and Maila and Mela would be sticking together think and thin.

I sighed heavily and headed out the door, my clothes I wore fit perfectly, and made it easier for me to go rooftop running. I felt free while doing it, feeling the wind against my face, the adrenaline of each jump. So lucky I brought my Katana with me. It was in its sheath on my back.

Only Rain knew this, but I sneak out every night to do patrols around the city, she worries about me but doesn't ask me to stop. She didn't do patrols, neither did the other twins. They liked to stay in the safety of their home unless they go out to eat or shopping. Maila just pulls Mela along.

Soon I found myself in the shadows above an alley, a fight was breaking out. I looked over the edge to find a giant shadow fighting some men in black clothing and greyish green masks with weird faces on it.

I smiled and joined in to help the figure, making sure my own mask covered my nose and mouth, only allowing my eyes to be seen, for my hood covered my long hair that was in a messy bun.

Soon the fight ended and the other vigilante hid in the shadows. I was going to sheath my weapon when another Katana appeared. I blocked the strike and the figure hid again.

"Ok, I helped you out pal, why are you attacking me?"I demanded calmly.

"I apologize, ma'am, nice block though."A male's voice replied. His voice not so high, not so low. Yet I bet he could make his voice easily deep.

"Thanks, and who are you?"I asked. I spotted a large form in the shadows.

"Leonardo, you can call me Leo."He hesitantly replied.

"I'm Leana, call me Lea. Plus Ma'am makes me feel old."I smiled behind my mask.

"I should be going, my brothers and Sensei will be after me if I don't hurry home."Leo sighed.

"Can I at least see my new Ally?"I asked, sheathing my Katana. He hesitated slightly, I heard his breathing hitch.

"Alright...But please don't scream."He pleaded.

"You have my word, "I replied.

I watched as a 6-foot mutant turtle slowly walks out of the shadows, he wore a blue bandana over his face, two twin Katanas in their sheaths on the back of his shell, and his eyes a beautiful electric blue. I felt my heart strangely flutter, and my face grows hot in a hidden blush.

"See, wasn't that hard."I cooed teasingly. He smiled in relief.

"May I now see the face of my Ally?"He smirked. I blushed harder.

"S...sure, "I muttered, pulling down my hood that shadowed my face and hid my hair. Then I pulled off my mask, flashing him my beautiful white smile. If it weren't for the lighting, I could have seen the blush on his face, but I didn't see it. But I could tell he wanted to know where I got my scar, yet he couldn't see my eye colors at all, it was just too dark.  

"I hope to see you again Lea, it's nice having a human not scream or faint at the sight of us, maybe we can be good friends too."He smiled.

'Maybe more......wait....what am I thinking!' He thought. Before ignoring his thoughts and looking back at Lea who was leaving.

"Goodbye, Leo!"I called, leaving the area, what she didn't know, is that he followed her home. But mysteriously, he saw his younger brother Raph exit through a window of her apartment. Strange.....He was going to ask about that later.

I got inside my apartment and saw Rain exiting her room, trying to be sneaky. I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, blocking her as she saw me.

"Why are you being so sneaky in our own home Rain?"I asked firmly. She huffed in annoyance but she knew I caught her red handed.

"I...um....met a mutant."She admitted.

"So did I, what kind?"I asked.

"Turtle.....around 6-ft?"She replied.

"Same! Do you think they are brothers?!"I exclaimed.

"I suppose. Raphael mentioned having brothers."She rolled her eyes.

"So did Leonardo, "I smirked at her. She grew a hot blush and I hugged her.

"No need to hide your feels so much big sis, I won't judge, surprised you already care about him when you just met."I smiled.

"I don't have feelings."She grunted, pulling away. Then we heard giggles from the window, then in climbed Maila and Mela, Maila was the one who was obviously giggling, while Mela teased her.

"Why were you up on the roof?"Rain demanded harshly. The girls froze and slowly turned to look at us.

"N...no reason."Mela murmured. Which caused me to lift an eyebrow. This was going to be fun...

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