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I was reading through some files when the door opened travelling a familiar red head.

"Aki, captain Kuchiki and I would like some tea." Renji said.

"Of course lieutenant Abarai, I'll be there as soon as possible." I said with a small bow.

He left and I went to a small kitchen. I put the tea. One it finished I put it on a tray with a few snacks. I soon and headed towards their office. As I walked I sighed. When I was told I would be studying under a captain and lieutenant I didn't expect I would be their tea girl.

I walked into the office bowing before placing the tea on their desk. I again bowed before I went to leave only to hear a firm voice.

"Akiko." He said.

I filled wondering what I did wrong. I turned and looked at my captain the scariest man I knew. byakuya.

"Yes, captain Kuchiki?" I asked slight worry in my voice.

I saw my worry amused Renji as he struggled to hold a laugh back.

"Read through these files sit next to lieutenant Abarai." He said passing me a pile of paper to me.

I smiled at took the before sitting next to Renji and reading through the files. I could help but smile causing Renji to smile and laughed as he continued to work. I gave him a quick glare before going back to reading the files.

I looked over them carefully finding a few errors. I didn't dare correct them so I What I walked like to think discreetly showed the to Renji who foxes them up. These where Renji's considering he freaked out each time I showed him a mistake. But from what I knew he wasn't focused because his childhood friend Rukia was on a mission in the world of the living. I soon go fished my pile of work while Renji was struggling to get through three pages.

Renji left having to deliver files. When Renji was gone his attention was drawn to me. I quickly bowed to him. He stood up and quickly flicked through the files I was working on. He then put it down and looked at me with a serious expression.

"Meet me it the garden of the 6th division, you are dismissed." He said.

I nodded and as I was about to leave I noticed none of the sweets were gone. I cursed myself for serving something captain Kuchiki didn't like.

I gave another bow before running off. When I did leave I came across someone I've become rather fond of. Ikkaku. I smiled and waved at him and he waved back as Yumichika just looked at me.

Ikkaku walked up to me and smacked my back. I grunted as I glared at him. He laughed as he wrapped his arm around me. This made me slightly mad so I punched him in the stomach.

He soon fell to the ground and I realised how hard I punched him. I quickly kneeled by his side helping him up.

"I'm sorry." I apologise as I gave a small bow.

This made him laughed as he ruffled my hair.

"You gotta fight me one day kid." He said.

"I already told you a thousand times. I'm not fighting you. You would actually kill me." I said with a sigh.

"I wouldn't kill you. Seriously injure maybe but not kill." He said smiling.

"I hope this isn't you trying to convince me to fight you because of it is it isn't working." I said with a small laugh.

I soon looked at Yumichika and smiled.

"I love your hair." I mumbled to myself.

I assumed he heard though because he smiled and flipped his hair.

"Why thank you, Aki, at least someone here understands beauty." He said and I swear I saw sparkles around him.

I again laughed before giving them both a smile. They both froze before they walked past me.

"We would love to stay and chat however we have some stuff to do." They said.

"Have fun." I said waving them off.

"You too with captain Kuchiki." Ikkaku said.

They soon disappeared and I soon went back to the 6th division. As I walked by a building a bucket of water came down on me. I looked up to see a woman who didn't like me very much.

She jumped down in front of me glaring. She took a threatening step forward as I continued to smile.

"Look at you so full of yourself. Don't go getting cocky. The only reason you get attention for captain Kuchiki, is because he was told to meteor you. It's like a chore for him. He would have refused if it wasn't for the head captain asking." She growled.

I continued to smile not saying anything. Suddenly her hand came down. I could have dodged if I wanted to but I decided to let her get her anger out. I was slapped and my head was forced to the side.

She soon stormed off leaving me alone. I sighed as I placed my hand on my cheek yea that was going to leave a mark. I heard footsteps behind me and I quickly sound around to see Renji and captain Kuchiki.

"What happens here?" Renji asked.

"Nothing just an accident." I said with a bow.

"Got her dried. I don't want anyone looking this indecent in my division." Captain Kuchiki said.

"Of course captain Kuchiki." I mumbled.

The left and I felt my heart fall. I turned to where they were walking and I looked down ashamed before leaving the 6th division and going home to dry off. I had to make sure I look decent for when I meet captain Kuchiki later.

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