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I looked at the man's eyes as I struggled to hold him back. If I didn't fight him I would die.

"Why are you hesitating, do you it think I'm serious?" He asked.

He forced me to let up on his attacked and I gained a large gash on my side. I jumped back and gripped my side in pain. He again ran at me but I dodged. He disappeared and I suddenly felt a blade pierce my shoulder.

I turned to see him behind me and he jumped in front of me as my blood dripped from his blade.

"Do not take this lightly." He said.

I gulped and held my blade more firmly. I ran at him but he blocked my attack and forced me back. He then slashed at me again a large gash across my upper body.o again stacked but he deflected them all. After slashing me across my stomach I gave a small smile which seemed To piss him off. He forced me to the ground holding the blade to my neck.

"Stop smiling when you're in obvious pain." He said.

My eyes went wide before I again smiled.

"I'm sorry but it's what I'd do." I said.

"Why. You've never once shed a tear not even when you found out you were dying. And the worst part is you didn't do it for yourself you do it for others. Dammit, let yourself mourn." He bellowed.

"Why would I do that. Many others have it worse plus it will only cause others to worry." I replied.

"Saying you can't feel sad because others have it worse is like saying you can't feel happy because others have it better. For once think of yourself and let yourself feel pain instead of bolting it up."

"Why should I cry?"

"When you were a kid and where being bullied. When you twisted your ankle. When you broke your arm. When your mums died and when you found out you were dying."

My eyes widened as I looked away remembering the last two. I bit my lip before I made myself smile. This earned a slap.

"Stop just stop. Remember those times and feel them. Let yourself feel." He said.

"I can't!" I said.

I felt pain well up in my chest. I looked down to see the blade through my chest just missing my heart. But I felt weaker by the moment.

"These are your last moments. Now for once feel those things." He said.

I froze and thought back to those moments. I felt tears sting my eyes. I felt anger bubble up in me before sorrow did. The physical pain was only a distant thought. I was currently feeling emotional pain.

Tears ran down my face. I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up to see the man holding me. I gripped his shoulder as I balled my eyes out. This lasted for a good thirty minutes which surprised me because I was currently bleeding to death but he was slowing it down.

Now, however, all my energy was drained. I looked up at the man as I felt my body go limp. I smiled but this was a real one.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

He leaned down by my ear as he held me.

"It's time for you to return to your world. Don't worry I'll heal you. Before you leave you can refer to me a Sora." He said.

"Sora, I like it." I mumbled passing out.


byakuya watched and was slightly shocked to see the girl make contacted her zanpakuto so quickly. Maybe the academy was right maybe she truly was a natural at being a soul reaper.

He wasn't surprised when wounds began to appear on her body. It was what usually happened when you tried to figure out your zanpakuto's name, he expected to happen when she did make contact.

However what he wasn't expecting was tears to begin running down her face. This shocked Byakuya for He has never even seen the girl frown let alone cry. She always smiled. She was so full of light and positivity that it made him mad sometimes and here that girl was crying. Maybe he misjudged her.

Her wounds soon began to heal before she came out of her inner world. She was exhausted and passed out. Byakuya sighed as he picked the girl up in his arms and walked her home. He jumped into the bedroom window and placed her in her against a wall as he laid out her futon. When he was finished he put her to bed.

He was about to jumped out her window but looked at the sleeping girl one more time. He watched as her bright orange sprawled pot in a mess and her she still looked petty.

Byakuya quickly got those thoughts out of his head before he left the sleeping girl alone to return to his own home.

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