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Ichigo sat on his bed holding a photo in his hands. Therein it stood a young girl hugging Ichigo with a bright smile on her face. His eyes held sadness as he looked at the photo.

Ruki came out of the closet and looked at the photo a smiled.

"you looked really happy with her. Who is she your girlfriend?" Ruki asked.

"no, she's my twin sister," Ichigo said.

"really. How come I've never seen her around?" Ruki asked sifting in the bed.

"she died two months ago from a heart disease."Ichigo said as he played the photo down.

"what was she like?" Rukia asked.

"she was filled with such kindness and love, she never hated a thing, always smiling for others, she was the light left in this family." Ichigo mumbled.

Ichigo called down to get breakfast while Ruki stayed up in his room. She grabbed the photo and looked at the girl. It made sense they were twins but she had purple eyes.

Ruki.also wondered why Ichigo never mentioned her. She seemed to mean a lot to him. And it was so recent.

meanwhile in the soul society...

I was making tea and looking around my small kitchen for something that the captain may like in the end I just went with simple biscuits. I walked into the office bowing before putting the tea down. I went to walk out but the captain's voice stopped me.

"you have the day off Akiko tomorrow will be difficult." Captain Kuchiki said.

"thank you, captain Kuchiki." I said bowing.

I walked out of the Seireitei to one of the poorer districts. as I walked around it saddened me to see the rags that they all wore. As I walked through the streets I heard the yelling of a man and the crying of a child.

I walked towards it to see people looking at it in disgust. A grown man was holding a child by the collar screaming in his face about stealing an apple. the man threw the child on the floor and went to punch him. I appeared in front of the man holding his fist. He was about to yell at me until he saw my uniform and he went rigid.

"what do you want this kid has every right to be punished for stealing." He growled.

I sighed as I pulled out my money pouch and put a coin in his hand.

"is that enough for one apple?" I asked with a smile.

"yes." He said unsurely.

"well, it seems you can no longer punish the child for he has not stolen. You have your money now." I said.

He froze in fear before nodding obviously angry. I only smiled before turning away. I looked at the child who smiled at me before running away. I sighed before also leaving to get away from all the stares.

I walked into an alleyway but stopped when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see the shopkeeper holding a knife. How did I know this would happen.

"You soul reaper should have a lot of money, so pass it over." He said.

I simply gave him a sad smile. The absolute and utter desperation in his eyes saddened me. To think he thinks he has to go to such extremes is rather unfortunate.

"why are you smiling would reaper!?" the man snapped.

"how pitiful a grown man threatening a young lady." a male voice spoke.

I wet slightly tense as I looked up.on a roof. I don't even notice that person. My eyes them slightly widened seeing the captains clock covered by a pink one.

"and who do you think you are?" the male spoke.

"Shunsui Kyoraku one of the Captains of the Seireitei," he said slightly tipping his straw hat.

The man went pale and ran away. I looked up to the captain and have a bow. I heard a laugh as he jumped down by me.

"there is no need to bow to me. What kind of man would I be if I made a pretty young lady such as yourself bow to me?" he asked with a smile.

I was taken aback by how laid back he was. Nothing like Captain Kuchiki.

"Thank You for assisting me." I said smiling and again giving a bow.

"not a problem, in fact, it was my pleasure. Now I have an excuse for coming here so my lieutenant can't get to mad." he said.

"still thank you very much Captain Kyoraku." I said another bow.

He again laughed and he came right in front of me smiling as he took my hand.

"I can tell you're learning under Byakuya," he said.

He brought my hand up planting a kiss on it making me blush and look away in embarrassment.

"k should probably warm you," he said.

"about what, Captain Kyoraku?" I asked.

"one don't call me Captain just Shunsui two you are just too adorable when you are embarrassed that I won't be able to stop myself from teasing you." He said.

Another blush came to my face. How was I suppose to deal with this?

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