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"activating Gentei Kaijo, " I mumbled.

A large air blast sent Grimmjow back against a wall. I flash stepped in front of his stabbing him in the gut before jumping back avoiding an attack.

My eyes shone as I held my blade horizontally before pouting it towards Grimmjow. The air began to shift. I also recently learnt its name making it stronger.

"Tatsumaki no sen katto, " I mumbled.

It translated to one thousand cuts of the tornado.

I watched as blood mixed with the air that spun around him. When the attack finally finished he was a bloodied mess. He glared at me as he ran forward striking at me. But I easily dodged. What I wasn't expecting was to go after Ichigo.

I appeared in front of Ichigo gaining the blade through my chest. It would have pierced the heart of a normal person. But I had Dextrocardia which contributed to the heart disease that killed me when I was alive. It meant my heat was on the right side of my chest, not my left.

But it still hurt like hell. He just didn't pierce my heart as he planned. He looked at me shocked and I cut down him vertically and there was a blast of air upon contact worsening the injury.

He jumped back gripping his injury in pain. I was panting. If it kept up like this he could win. I was a lot more injured than him and I doubt he's shown his full strength yet.

He went to attack again but a rip formed in the sky and Kaname appeared beside Grimmjow. The two spoke and began leaving. But I called out.

"running away are you?" I question.

"be glad. I haven't even released my zanpakuto yet. But don't forget my name. Because we'll fight again, " he said leaving.

I soon fell to the ground panting. Ichigo called out to me as he ran up to my side. He sat in front of me taking my shoulders on his hands.

"Aki are you okay?" he asked.

"check on Rukia, you idiot. I'll be fine, " I mumbled.

He looked unsure but after I punched him he went to her side. I stood up leaving the scene. I walked back as I bled out. I didn't know where to go. I didn't want to bother Uruhara any more.

As I walked I fell to the ground panting. It stung and burned. But I was also so very cold. I looked at the sky and smiled. It hurts. It really hurts but I hoped the others were alright. I'm sure they all sustained their own injuries.

Finally, reality began slipping away from me. I began to become numb. My eyes closed as I fell down completely now lying on the ground bleeding out.

I looked up at the sky as it blurred. I reached up to it as if grasping onto my consciousness. I promised him I would return. I couldn't break my promise.

I heard sandals hit the ground and I looked up to see familiar red hair. Renji. He kneeled by my side and picked me up.

"hang in the Akiko. Byakuya would be mad if I let you die, " he said.

I laughed causing blood to spill from my mouth. I watched the worry on his blurry face become more prominent. I drifted from reality as my eyes closed.

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