All I Do Is Run

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Third Person POV-
    Dawn and Kitty left the cabin, letting midnight pass. It stared into them with no mercy, and the stars hung in the sky, like a ball on a string. They both passed a sign, faded with times race with the Earth, stating Laco Forest. They had walked into the forest, where the group number divided into two disappeared forever. You never can find a odd number there, because of its curse. Leaves were in strange patterns, the bark on the trees were dead, and the pitch black night surrounded them like a blanket. There was no light except for the faded lantern in Dawn's hand. "Are you sure it's safe here?" Kitty said, shaking from her fear creeping up on her. She had almost screamed as a shadow ran by, but it was just a cat. Weird, it was purple. "It's fine. I do this all the time." Dawn said back, passing her the lantern. She quickly passed it back, being too nervous to hold it. They continued, just to see a shadow emerging from the void of dark. It was human, but not completely, as it glowed a strange vibrant purple. It's eyes were faded and dead, like there was nothing left of it. Dawn started to run with the lantern, Kitty right behind him. The creature appeared behind her, grabbing her hand, and pulling her into the void of the shadows. "Dawn, don't stop!" She said, dissapering. He left, with tears in his eyes, back to the cabin...

(Fun Fact: This is something I wrote about two years ago. This event is canon, and hides a little secret that's coming soon. Also, Happy Halloween!)

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