the party ☆ dorbyn

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Corbyn besson was never one to party. He'd rather be sitting at home and doing nothing. Parties to him were just a bunch of drunk, horny, teens, looking to get in eachothers pants. But for some reason, his friends convinced him to go.

As Corbyn walked into the house where the party was held, the strong scent of alcohol hit his nose. He told himself he wasn't going to drink but that promises was broken as he set foot in the kitchen. The blonde was soon chugging down cups of god knows what, the liquid burning in his throat as it went down each time.

As the night progressed, Corbyn became more and more drunk and no one was stopping him by any means, as they were all drunk too, except for one. Daniel seavey. Daniel never liked parties either. He was invited and thought it'd be rude not to come. The brunette had also promised himself that he wouldn't drink that night, and he didn't.

As of now, Corbyn was looking for another drink, even though he wasn't even done with the one he had in his hand. He stumbled around the house in search of the kitchen, hitting someone and sending then straight to the floor as he did so.

"Ow" Daniel said rubbing the back of his head. "Oh sorry" corbyn slurred. "I-its ok" the brunette responded stuttering. "C'mon, I'll take you upstairs to get away from everything down here." Corbyn gestured to the stairs, reaching for Daniel's hand.

The alcohol Corbyn had taken in, had somehow worn off. Not completely, but enough for him to actually know where he is. "Thanks" Daniel said as Corbyn handed him an ice pack for his head. "Yep" he responded.

The night was flying by for the two. They had talked for hours on end until they realised what time it was. Corbyn had no idea what had gotten into him when he started leaning in. Apparently neither did Daniel when he did the same thing.

Their lips melted together in perfect sync. Neither wanting to pull away, each one a drug to the other. Daniel's fingers soon found their way in Corbyn's messy hair. The kissed continued for a few moments, both of them not wanting to pull away but reluctantly doing so as someone knocked on the door.

"It's Jonah! Corbs are you in there?"

"Yeah, come in" Corbyn said with sigh

"Hey, I'm gonna take Jack home, he's like blackout drunk right now, you comin?" Jonah asked

Daniel reached over for Corbyn's hand, almost as a no. The blonde looked over at Daniel and said,

"I-i think I'll stay here for a bit longer. I'm sure I'll find a ride home."

"K. See ya" Jonah said leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, the muffled sound of music coming from downstairs.


"So-" they said, simultaneously

"Fuck it" Corbyn said to himself, leaning over and smashing his lips onto Daniel's for a second time.

Better to leave it unsaid

Why can't I leave it unsaid?

You know I talk too much

Honey, come put your lips on mine

And shut me up

We could blame it all on human nature

Stay cool, it's just a kiss

Oh, why you gotta be so talkative?

I talk too much, we talk too much

song: talk too much by COIN

a/n: 1. Thx for 200 freaking reads!! 2. I didn't know how to end this. 3. Being a "woman" SUCKS.

Words: 592

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