gsa ☆ zorbyn

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detention. corbyn hated it. As he walked down the hallway to get to the classroom where it would be held, he was stopped by a small brunette boy. Corbyn took a moment to take in his features.

His soft brown hair and matching color eyes. His black hoodie that was two sizes too big with a small embroidered rainbow on the front, and his ripper black skinny jeans.

After a minute or so of just staring, the boy spoke.

"Instead of detention, Mr. Bradford wants you to help with the gsa this afternoon."

"O-ok." Corbyn stuttered as the boy lead him to another classroom. The blonde really had no idea what this boy was doing to him. Sure they've only seen each other for a few minutes. Corbyn didn't even know his name.

"By the way, what's your name?" The blonde asked.

"Zach. Zach Herron."

The two boys finally stopped at the door to an old classroom, clearly this gsa thing was the only occasion it's ever used for.

Corbyn walked in and saw multiple students working on a banner, their arms covered in paint. On the banner were colorful flags, rainbows, and so much more. It was clear that they spent alot of time on it.

Zach went to help the others finish, leaving Corbyn behind. The blonde took it upon himself to sit in the corner of the room and go on his phone.

Corbyn later took a "break" from his phone and decided to see what everyone else was doing. He wondered what the banner was for. So he asked Zach.

"See this weekend is pride. Basically anyone who wants to come and come. There's a whole parade it's pretty fun if you ask me. You wanna go with us?"

Corbyn was still fuzzy about the whole thing, he didn't even know what gsa stood for. Surely it stood for something.

"I-i don't know."

after a few months of getting to know each other, Corbyn and Zach few closer. Corbyn still very unaware of his feelings towards the brunette. After Zach came out to him as gay Corbyn felt weird. Maybe he was too and didn't know it yet. But he pushed those thoughts deep down inside him and focused on protecting Zach.

If anything happened to the younger, Corbyn was there. He was very protective over his best friend and let it show quite often.

"Can you help out again during our next meeting today?" Zach asked, obviously talking about the gsa, which Corbyn later learned stood for gay straight alliance.

"Yeah I will." He simply responded.

"Good. I'll you then." Zach said, running of as the bell rang, leaving a small kis on Corbyn's cheek. The elder stood shocked, softly touching the spot Zach had pecked. It was in that moment Corbyn finally realised his feelings for Zach.

Later at the meeting, the actual committee was discussing something important but Corbyn drifted into thought. He wondered why Zach kissed him. Does he like him too?

"Zach I need to talk to you" Corbyn said into the air, not even knowing if Zach was anywhere near him.

They both got up and excused themselves into the hallway.

"Corbs what do you need we're in a really important meeting and--"

Corbyn cut the small boy off by placing his lips onto his. Corbyn's hands made their way to zachs waist and Zach's made their way to Corbyn's shoulder, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. Their lips moved slowly in sync until they pulled away.

"Why did you--" Zach tried speaking again but only got cut off once more when Corbyn kissed him again. This time more passion filled instead of a softer, light kiss.

They pulled away again and Zach spoke once more. "Ok then. Why did you do that? Twice?"

"I'm sorry I just. I guess I really like you but I didnt know until earlier today. I didn't know how to tell you so I just-you know. That"

"I get it but we have to get back in there before they think something's wrong." Zach chuckled and walked back into the class room, Corbyn close behind.

"My boy's bein sus. He was shady enough"

"But now he's just a shadow."

My boy loves his friends"

"like I love my split ends"

"And by that i mean. He cuts em off"


My boy by Billie eilish

a/n: yeehaw I don't know how you all deal with my inactive ass but thx

words: 757

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